This procedure is
reaching a point where the first of many events that you have long waited for
can happen. This process has had its pace
as each of you has begun
to think collectively. This joint effort is about to be rewarded. The first
part of a massive delivery is ready.
What remains is the slow
deliberateness of those in charge. While all this is happening, the last thrusts
of the dark’s minions go on.
The New Year promises to
be one in which a whole host of long announced promises at last come true.
The deliveries of the
first items look to happen before your Xmas...
Pleasee All involved in our
Blessings in Harmonious decorum working to accomplish these feats
Our energies are having
theffect of making the Changes a Reality, Shower them Freely as you
Opening to the Un-K-now-able
HearTouch of Ishvara's Golden Grace
Love of Our Ascension
Some Special Posts at PAO~REFLECTIONS & GJACK ****
Some Special Posts at PAO~REFLECTIONS & GJACK ****
4 Ik, 5 Yaxk’in,
12 Manik
Selamat Jalwa! (Be in Everlasting Joy!) An operation which is to
give you a new world is now finishing. For millennia your surface reality has
been limited in its perceptions by core lies and unbelievable deceptions. You
are at least at the very edge of a different reality, in which you are
surrounded by truth and new governance dedicated to your well-being. This is
something that you are not used to. Rather, you expect to be lied to, cheated or
just plain deceived. Over the past few weeks, a new realm has been constructed.
This world is more than a gift for this holiday season; it is to be a realm in
which you can rejoice. This new realm is there, but not yet manifested. You are
presently seeing it manifested before you. The dark is defeated, but not yet
isolated from you. A final set of events needs to occur before this most wished
for event occurs. This reality is being slowly transitioned and when this is
completed, some very clear signs are to appear before you. Until then, be both
knowing and confident of this great change in your reality.
Long ago, Heaven decreed that this moment in your history was to happen. We are
here to help implement those things, which are to make this complete. Heaven has
given instructions about how this wonderful present is to appear. Already the
signs of these numerous changes are in the air. We have watched as your many
Light groups have, all too slowly for us, prepared your reality for this grand
shift. We feel they have been too lenient about isolating the Anunnaki's minions
from you. This procedure was done with “velvet gloves,” but needed a more
forceful approach. We intended with the ancient families, selected royals and
their secret society’s approval to quickly dispose of them by sending them to a
special series of alternative realities. This process was intended to permit
enlightened souls to swiftly proceed with the delivery and education required to
give you your blessings. Instead, this present morass is what
As these various difficulties unravel, it is becoming increasingly apparent that
this transition period can take longer to start, but we have observed how
quickly you adapt to new realities once they truly manifest. As a people, you
are most resilient. It those who have indelibly become a part of any cultural
reality that are most unwilling to change. Thus, we continue to oversee what is
occurring and wish that we had more of an important part in this rather
drawn-out process. At present, all major transfers of funds by our earthly
counterparts are completed. This operation in itself was very drawn out. In our
view, the security insisted upon was above and beyond all requirements.
Nevertheless it was done, and the next step is delivery. Those involved with
this process are again being too timid for their own good! Despite this, we now
expect this to happen relatively quickly. This procedure is to be just the start
of events that are to forever change your reality.
This procedure is reaching a point where the first of many events that you have
long waited for can happen. This process has had its pace quickened, as each of
you has begun to think collectively. This joint effort is about to be rewarded.
The first part of a massive delivery is ready. What remains is the slow
deliberateness of those in charge. While all this is happening, the last thrusts
of the dark’s minions go on. The New Year promises to be one in which a whole
host of long announced promises at last come true. The deliveries of the first
items look to happen before your Xmas. Use this first flurry of activity as a
sign that some truly fantastic events are on the near horizon. We are readying a
series of things that are but the first items in our parcels of goodies. Our
intent is to see the rise of new governance and the ending of a long and vicious
UFO cover-up. It is time you were told of our existence and benevolence. The
long link between us needs to be freely revealed!
Blessings and Grace! We are your Ascended Masters! Many wonderful things are now
happening! The funds from both the trust funds and the ancient families are
being released and sent to their destinations. We bless and send hallelujahs to
all concerned. The dark may try, as they always do, to trip up these schedules.
However, these monies are just the start of a wave of funds that are to shower
this realm with Heaven’s blessings! As you receive these funds, count your
blessings and then use your inner grace to help your families, friends and
others. Use these funds to fulfill your dearest dreams and to allow others to
likewise start to realize theirs. This glorious period includes Xmas and the New
Year. It as well includes new governance and a new reality filled with joy,
prosperity and above all, your freedom! This is to be a most magnificent time to
thank Heaven and thank all for these most wondrous gifts!
Around this globe is a vast rise in spiritual energies at this year’s end. This
energy is contributing to the positive acceleration of those goals set for this
time by Heaven. You know at this time of the year, we Masters go to a number of
sacred points around this world, like Mount Shasta and the sacred valleys of the
Himalayas to pray, to envision and to celebrate this new reality that is now
taking hold. This divine energy is raising your consciousness and permitting a
new era of light and love to descend upon Gaia. We ask you to take in these
truly divine energies and use your inner grace to rise up this realm. Come
together to praise and celebrate the wonders of Heaven, as this new prosperous
age becomes a reality! Let us come together as One! Let us accept our divine
gifts and graciously spread these across this globe!
Many millennia ago, we were all caught in the crosshairs of a grand dilemma. The
dark had begun to openly defy Heaven. Their vile plan was at first delayed and
then banished by our heavenly Administrators. We followed the grand instructions
of these sacred heavenly hosts and developed a means to spread mercy to a great
number of our ancestors. The heinous minions of the Anunnaki were slowly
thwarted from their grand design to demand total obedience. Now we are on the
very precipice of Victory! We bless and graciously thank Heaven for their works.
Remain positive and join us in the last part of manifesting the great vision
that Gaia gave us so long ago. The time has come to shout inwardly and with
great zeal how full of Love and Light we are for those in both Heaven and Earth
who make us so triumphant. Hosanna! Hosanna! Hosanna!
Today, we carried on with our weekly report. Much good is now occurring
throughout this globe. A great movement that is to lead to your victory has
begun. Throw out your numerous frustrations and rejoice. Things are now
occurring that is to make the end of this year joyous! Know, dear Ones, that the
countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be
It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in
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Migration from Lyra: Largest Confederation in Galactic
Federation.During this Webinar Sheldan will explain how the Andromedans will propel us towards our Galactic spiritual scientific future. • Known for their Racial Diversity ~ origins for Earth’s brown, yellow and red races • Our Galaxy’s Leading Spiritual Scientists ~ Innovators for most GF Technology • Architects of our Individual Crystal Light Chambers• Introducing Andromedan Ships in the Fleet • Buddha is an Andromedan Ascended Master • Fourth Star of the “GREAT SQUARE OF WISDOM” in our Galaxy Thursday, December 17, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. PST Sunday, December 20, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PST
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