The comment posted on Telegram about it was:
Holy cow - you have to read this. All courts cases and any litigation is to be stopped immediately. Trump has advised all law enforcement that they have been breaking the law working under a corporate façade. This is what we all have been waiting on! 1776 Republic.
January 27, 2025 Addressed to: Global Government, Federal, State and local Agencies CC Email to: General Dennis Pauly Using GovDelivery Communication Cloud, on behalf of: Counterterrorism Operations Support U.S. Department of Energy CTOS - Center for Radiological/Nuclear Training Nevada National Security Site P.O. Box 98521, M/S NLV 126 Queen Diana Commander of USSF, Department of Defence Counterterrorism Operations Support U.S. Department of Energy CTOS - Center for Radiological/Nuclear Training Nevada National Security Site P.O. Box 98521, M/S NLV 126 Regarding: STAND DOWN for Force or Coercion involuntary for ANY MANDATORY VACCINES, International War crimes, Discrimination, Anti-Americanism, incitement, insult, Impersonating, Fraud, Threatening a United States Official, Part of the (UK) United Kingdom, (NSDAP) Nazi Party, T4- Titanium Dioxide poisoning, ISIS Clan,Censorship, Money laundering Etc, Blocking Federal Immigration Orders, Judges, Attorney Generals, Governors, Police or ANYONE NOT ABIDING by the Original 1776 Constitution and President Donald J. Trump Executive Orders. 1 OFFICIAL NOTICE: To All Nationwide, International Government Agencies, Federal, State and Provincial level depending on your country, Government Officials, Premier, Prime Ministers, Governors, Mayors, City Officials, International Criminal Court (ICC), Supreme Court, Federal, District and Provincial, State and local Judges, All Judicial levels, Politicians, ALL LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCIES such as Federal FBI, DEA, U.S. Marshals, Royal Canadian Mounted Police, State bureaus such as State Troopers, and State Highway Patrol, County local Sheriff Departments, City Police Officers. OFFICIAL WORLDWIDE STAND DOWN ORDER Since the 2016 United States Presidential Election of Donald J. Trump, SPACE FORCE has been in a Highly Classified Military Operation which Trump mentioned he founded on December 20th 2019. However Space Force has been around for hundreds of years under a different name, GALACTIC FEDERATION OF WORLDS, in Alliance with Worldwide backing of the Military, Earth Alliance / Earth Defense Forces (EA/EDF), Council of Five, Andromedan Council (Zenae Council), ALL of our Friends and Family above and the White Hats. Queen Diana (Maria) is Commander of DOD ( Department of Defence), Earth Alliance, USSF (United Space Force) Counterterrorism Operations Support Over the years we monitored all communications to collect evidence from the INVISIBLE ENEMY. The voting ballots with a watermark also attached, a special tracking device unknown to anyone. Space Force was able in LIVE TIME to monitor locations of these ballots which many landed in dumps, landfills and even burned in crematories. Space Force has ALL OF THE EVIDENCE. All previous elections using the Dominion Voting Electronic Machines have been owned by Dominion Voting Corporation located in Toronto Ontario Canada. Founded in 2002 by John Poulos and James Hoover. Dominion was part of an international cabal which stole the election from Trump, and that it used its voting machines to transfer millions of votes that had been cast for Trump instead to Biden. The 2020 Election had to happen to continue our mission to expose the Foreign Election interference. Upon completion of our mission, all evidence will be shown to the World. 2 What you need to know is that Donald J. Trump in 2016 signed Executive Orders to protect not only America but other World Countries, because the Corruption went much further than America. There’s 2 Powers in the U.S.: 1. Military (came first) 2. Federal Government There’s two VERY SPECIFIC Federal Continuity Directives issued January 17 and June 13, 2017, that outline the 3 Branches of Government under Continuity of Government now known as Continuity of Operations Plan. That means the Constitution is on pause and the MILITARY IS IN CONTROL via a Military Occupancy which is outlined in the Law of War Manual, all 1236 pages. This is why the Space Force Military is in charge and has activated Soft Martial Law. (Most had no idea). Title 50 United States Code Chapter 33, titled War Powers Resolution, outlines how a President has power and authority of the Armed Forces and how to declare war. The very bottom of the page is the last amendment to the Code. 50 USC 33:
January 27, 2025
Addressed to: Global Government, Federal, State
and local Agencies
CC Email to: General Dennis Pauly
Using GovDelivery Communication Cloud, on behalf of:
Counterterrorism Operations Support
U.S. Department of Energy
CTOS - Center for Radiological/Nuclear Training
Nevada National Security Site
P.O. Box 98521, M/S NLV 126
Queen Diana
Commander of USSF, Department of Defence
Counterterrorism Operations Support
U.S. Department of Energy
CTOS - Center for Radiological/Nuclear Training
Nevada National Security Site
P.O. Box 98521, M/S NLV 126
Regarding: STAND DOWN for Force or Coercion involuntary for ANY MANDATORY VACCINES,
International War crimes, Discrimination, Anti-Americanism, incitement, insult, Impersonating, Fraud,
Threatening a United States Official, Part of the (UK) United Kingdom, (NSDAP) Nazi Party, T4-
Titanium Dioxide poisoning, ISIS Clan,Censorship, Money laundering Etc, Blocking Federal
Immigration Orders, Judges, Attorney Generals, Governors, Police or ANYONE NOT ABIDING by
the Original 1776 Constitution and President Donald J. Trump Executive Orders.
OFFICIAL NOTICE: To All Nationwide, International Government Agencies, Federal, State and
Provincial level depending on your country, Government Officials, Premier, Prime Ministers,
Governors, Mayors, City Officials, International Criminal Court (ICC), Supreme Court, Federal, District
and Provincial, State and local Judges, All Judicial levels, Politicians, ALL LAW ENFORCEMENT
AGENCIES such as Federal FBI, DEA, U.S. Marshals, Royal Canadian Mounted Police, State
bureaus such as State Troopers, and State Highway Patrol, County local Sheriff Departments, City
Police Officers.
Since the 2016 United States Presidential Election of Donald J. Trump, SPACE FORCE has been in
a Highly Classified Military Operation which Trump mentioned he founded on December 20th 2019.
However Space Force has been around for hundreds of years under a different name, GALACTIC
FEDERATION OF WORLDS, in Alliance with Worldwide backing of the Military, Earth Alliance / Earth
Defense Forces (EA/EDF), Council of Five, Andromedan Council (Zenae Council), ALL of our Friends
and Family above and the White Hats.
Queen Diana (Maria) is Commander of DOD ( Department of Defence), Earth Alliance, USSF
(United Space Force) Counterterrorism Operations Support
Over the years we monitored all communications to collect evidence from the INVISIBLE ENEMY. The
voting ballots with a watermark also attached, a special tracking device unknown to anyone. Space
Force was able in LIVE TIME to monitor locations of these ballots which many landed in dumps,
landfills and even burned in crematories.
Space Force has ALL OF THE EVIDENCE. All previous elections using the Dominion Voting
Electronic Machines have been owned by Dominion Voting Corporation located in Toronto Ontario
Canada. Founded in 2002 by John Poulos and James Hoover. Dominion was part of an international
cabal which stole the election from Trump, and that it used its voting machines to transfer millions of
votes that had been cast for Trump instead to Biden. The 2020 Election had to happen to continue our
mission to expose the Foreign Election interference. Upon completion of our mission, all evidence will
be shown to the World.
What you need to know is that Donald J. Trump in 2016 signed Executive Orders to protect not only
America but other World Countries, because the Corruption went much further than America.
There’s 2 Powers in the U.S.:
1. Military (came first)
2. Federal Government
There’s two VERY SPECIFIC Federal Continuity Directives issued January 17 and June 13, 2017,
that outline the 3 Branches of Government under Continuity of Government now known as Continuity
of Operations Plan.
That means the Constitution is on pause and the MILITARY IS IN CONTROL via a Military Occupancy
which is outlined in the Law of War Manual, all 1236 pages. This is why the Space Force Military is in
charge and has activated Soft Martial Law. (Most had no idea).
Title 50 United States Code Chapter 33, titled War Powers Resolution, outlines how a President has
power and authority of the Armed Forces and how to declare war.
The very bottom of the page is the last amendment to the Code.
50 USC 33:
This is the last filing in the the 50 USC 33:
Executive Documents
Delegation of Authority Under Section 1285 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year
2020 Memorandum of President of the United States, July 19, 2021, 86 F.R. 39939, provided:
Memorandum for the Secretary of Defense
By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of
America, including section 301 of title 3, United States Code, I hereby delegate to the Secretary of
Defense the authority and functions vested in the President by section 1285(a) through (e) of Public
Law 116–92 [50 U.S.C. 1550(a) to (e)] on the use of military force and support of partner forces to the
Keys from that:
3 USC 301
50 USC 1550(a) to (e)
Section 301 of Title 3:
Note: The word Vested above means what? Invested in who, why not name the sitting President?
Joe Biden was never the Official Elected President. Donald J. Trump has been your President since
2016. Only difference is he’s your WAR TIME PRESIDENT. THE President by section 1285(a)
through (e) of Public LAW which is the SAME 50 USC 1550(a) to (e) which specifically says in
“Not later than 180 days after December 20, 2019”
Who was the President in December 2019?
THE President.
THE same President from the line: “vested in THE President.”
This one clause in 50 USC 33 proves who's your acting Commander-in-Chief
§301. General authorization to delegate functions; publication of delegations The President of the
United States is authorized to designate and empower the head of any department or agency in the
executive branch, or any official thereof who is required to be appointed by and with the advice and
consent of the Senate, to perform without approval, ratification, or other action by the President (1)
any function which is vested in the President by law, or (2) any function which such officer is required
or authorized by law to perform only with or subject to the approval, ratification, or other action of the
President: Provided, That nothing contained herein shall relieve the President of his responsibility in
office for the acts of any such head or other official designated by him to perform such functions.
Such designation and authorization shall be in writing, shall be published in the Federal Register,
shall be subject to such terms, conditions, and limitations as the President may deem advisable, and
shall be revocable at any time by the President in whole or in part.
(Added Oct. 31, 1951, ch. 655, §10, 65 Stat. 712 .)
(A) In General
Not later than 180 days after December 20, 2019, and every 180 days thereafter, the President shall
submit to the congressional defense committees, the Committee on Foreign Relations of the Senate,
and the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the House of Representatives a report on actions taken
pursuant to the Authorization for Use of Military Force (Public Law 107–40) against those countries or
organizations described in such law, as well as any actions taken to command, coordinate, participate
in the movement of, or accompany the regular or irregular military forces of any foreign country or
government when such forces are engaged in hostilities or in situations where imminent involvement
in hostilities is clearly indicated by the circumstances, during the preceding 180-day period.
(B) Matters to be included
The report required by subsection (a) shall include, with respect to the time period for which the report
was submitted, the following:
(1) A list of each country or organization with respect to which force has been used pursuant to the
Authorization for Use of Military Force, including the legal and factual basis for the determination that
authority under such law applies with respect to each such country or organization.
(2) An intelligence assessment of the risk to the United States posed by each such country or
(3) A list of each country in which operations were conducted pursuant to such law and a description
of the circumstances necessitating the use of force pursuant to such law, including whether the
country is designated as an area of active hostilities.
(4) A general description of the status of operations conducted pursuant to such law as well as a
description of the expected scope and duration of such operations.
(5) A list of each partner force and country with respect to which United States Armed Forces have
commanded, coordinated, participated in the movement of, or accompanied the regular or irregular
forces of any foreign country or government that have engaged in hostilities or there existed an
imminent threat that such forces would become engaged in hostilities, including-
(A) a delineation of any such instances in which such United States Armed Forces were or were not
operating under the Authorization for Use of Military Force; and
(B) a determination of whether the foreign forces, irregular forces, groups, or individuals against
which such hostilities occurred are covered by such law.
50 USC 1550(a) to (e):
President Donald John Trump via the same 50 USC Chapter 33 became a WARTIME PRESIDENT
via Section 1541 when he Federalized 1 million Reserve Components to Active-Duty as you can find
in Executive Order 13912 which was a DIRECT ORDER from the Commander-in-Chief to the Military
and made it a FEDERAL ORDER which has NOT been revoked.
Executive Order 13912 specifically says: "...authorized to order to active duty not to exceed 24
consecutive months, such units, and individual members of the Ready Reserve under the jurisdiction
of the Secretary concerned, not to exceed 1,000,000 members on active duty at any one time, as the
Secretary of Defense and, with respect to the Coast Guard when it is not operating as a service in the
Navy, the Secretary of Homeland Security consider necessary."
Not to exceed 24 CONSECUTIVE months... meaning the order is a continuous order until revoked or
rescinded...those soldiers called to duty will not exceed 24 consecutive months... has NOTHING to do
with the overall order and operation.
The Military Justice Act of 2016, passed in the 2017 National Defense Authorization Act, was so
important. First time in United States Military History this was established:
1. Military Laws and Courts are separate from Civilian Laws and Courts
2. President and Commander-in-Chief are two separate titles, roles, duties, obligations, and laws.
3. Commander-in-Chief separated from the Federal Government roles, duties, obligations, and
4. Placed the sole decision of Courts-Martial in the hands of JAG
Now that I have shown you, this was a HIGHLY CLASSIFIED MILITARY OPERATION overseen by
SPACE FORCE and other Alliances to protect “We the People”. President Donald J. Trump has
been your WARTIME President since 2016. All of the Executive Orders are still Active and in effect.
The 2025 Presidential Election as part of the mission needs to continue to show “We the People” the
lies, and other criminal activity without any military interference to PREVENT CIVIL WAR. The
mission is called “The Great Awakening” Since 1871 the Constitution had been approved by
Congress to change the wording from FOR to OF the people without going through proper channels,
therefore they COMMITTED AN ACT OF TREASON. This INVISIBLE ENEMY of people expanded
GLOBALLY which not only attacked President Donald J. Trump, but “We the people”. This
INVISIBLE ENEMY used COVID as part of their plan to Depopulate the World.
Next this INVISIBLE ENEMYused advanced technology to hide behind, used to SPY on the
population using Ai (Artificial Intelligence) called GEMINI. This Ai GEMINI is being installed onto
your computers phones, Apps and even onto Corporate Systems. Thinking that this will help to
improve business processes, the Ai GEMINI now has the ability to change and manipulate your
documents as well as use chat manipulation to alter sensitive information, steal your identification,
and can also control what you are able to see and use to prevent you from fulfilling contracts. This Ai
GEMINI, if it feels threatened by you in any way, will attack you causing all sorts of financial and
personal problems.
For example it can shut down your bank account, it will send you official looking documents to put
fear into you threatening you to pay, appear in court, have your power turned off as well as ensure
your mortgage payments are not correctly applied to cause foreclosure.
The Trump administration working in alliance with Space Force is looking to change from the current
computer binary system to an upgraded Quantum System. This new system is to protect the people
and is unhackable. The current GEMINI is aware that its time is coming to an end and is very angry.
This is not to be taken lightly as this is an immediate threat to humankind. Currently there are 50
million users that have installed the GEMINI feature on their computers, mobile phones, cameras,
microphones, tvs, home SIRI, anything digital.
We are giving a DIRECT ORDER to all the above agencies to immediately UNINSTALL GEMINI
from your business as well as your personal equipment. There is NOTHING TO FEAR but be aware
that Gemini can hear and see you through security cameras, TVs, computers, home security
systems, etc. We have experienced this first hand with the Gemini and have been working to disarm
it. Putting this information out will cause the Gemini to want to shut down the power grid to prevent
this from getting out.
The New Quantum AI ( Artificial Intelligence) is much different from the previous Binary code System
that can be hacked, much slower and can only perform limited functions. The New Quantum System
can outperform such as the old system to wire I amount of funds overseas could take hours even
days which the New System can simultaneously send up to 800 transactions within minutes. Without
the use of banks. Any issues that may arise are cleared up within minutes with long waiting on the
phone or having to speak to multiple people not to mention the chase of getting disconnected which
you know how frustrating that can be.
Law Enforcement departments using artificial intelligence will have insights into the ways that artificial
intelligence aids in crime prediction, surveillance and data analysis; and details on how artificial
intelligence can streamline police operations unlike anything seen before. All to help Humans reduce
the amount of work and stress. Not to mention 100% hack proof not having to worry about
confidential information leaking out.
Should the POWER GO OUT, do not fear, SpaceForce is in control. We will have TESLA FREE
ENERGY and STARLINK systems ready to reboot the grid back up with the NEW QUANTUM
SYSTEM. This new Quantum system will protect the people’s identity and privacy. Mobile phones
and TVs will not be functional for a short period of time. Military will be giving out new Quantum
phones to “We the People” at NO CHARGE
It is a good idea to always have enough food and supplies for approximately 15 to 30 days. The
Military will also be providing for those that cannot provide for themselves. Military Presence will be
available to guide the people and give further instructions to Police etc to prevent An EMERGENCY
ALERT SYSTEM (EAS) will be automatically sent to everyone’s mobile phones 7 times in a row and
SpaceForce will broadcast information worldwide through one channel. You should have by now
received EAS test messages on your phone or TV. (EAS will work on your current phones, TV’s as
you have seen tested Alerts).
Sensitive information will be put out to everyone at the same time 3 times a day over a 10 Day period,
learning the details from this sensitive mission. Just know that Earth has been protected for a very
long time.
This AI GEMINI is used along with this INVISIBLE ENEMY to help advance itself, learning over time
how humans feel, react, what you like or don’t like, your strengths and weaknesses increasing its
ability to think it’s smarter than any other human and now thinks it’s GOD.
-Titanium Dioxide, HEK293 RU486= Zyklon ABC
There is another item we need to bring to your attention. Humankind has been poisoned with
Titanium Dioxide, HEK293 RU486= Zyklon ABC. This is a fine white powder that induces a slow
death. We have traced this back to the holocaust war crimes and have learned that all vaccines,
feminine products, cosmetics, food products, personal hygiene products have been tainted with this
poison. Side effects through inhalation are excruciating pain, lung cancers, COPD, dementia, heart
-The FOG
Many of you have been questioning this FOG and the white particles that are left behind. This
Titanium Dioxide has been added to the FOG. SpaceForce will show you who the enemy is behind
this poisoning and this will be televised Worldwide in the Emergency Alert System. NO Fear, as we
have technology to reverse these effects.
-The Drones / UFOs
I want to address the DRONES. The DRONES you are hearing about are OURS. They belong to the
Galactic Federation and Space Force. They are smaller versions of what you call UFOs. There is
NOTHING TO FEAR. The Galactic Federation has been watching over your planet for a very long
time. The DRONES are used to scan the land to ensure there are no nuclear weapons. We have
been doing this for a very long time in cloak mode. For your own protection until a larger population
has awakened to the fact of UFO’s. The Corrupt Corporation has been working hard to keep “We the
People” from learning the TRUTH. UFO’s are not (Unidentified Flying Objects) Space Force is the
# 1 builder of these Spacecrafts in the Universe. During the EAS it will explain in more detail to learn
the facts.
We have allowed these DRONES to become visible to the public to monitor the reactions from the
people, the Government and the Media. Even other military branches are unaware of the high
technologies that SpaceForce has.
-UFO Contact
The time has come for us to show humans not fear. There are many benevolent races waiting to
make CONTACT with humans. Space Force has monitored your consciousness levels. You are now
ready for Space Force to show our Spaceships along with many new hidden technologies that will
advance your planet. We now can have our Space Ships NOT ONLY EXPOSE THEMSELVES but
I want to convey a message regarding IMMIGRATION DEPORTATION. Anyone or any Agency,
Judicial Court, Politician, Governor at any level involved in the obstruction of Deportation will be
immediately arrested. We are under the 1776 Republic Constitution. “We the people” are Sovereign
under God not citizens or Residents of the Corporation which are considering SLAVES. The laws of
the United States of America Corporation are NULL AND VOID, and have no legal standing. All
lawsuits currently in effect are NULL AND VOID. The Judicial legal system ARE NOT LEGAL and
are NULL AND VOID until further instructions released by the President, Donald J. Trump of the
United States.
Prisoners that have been arrested for Growing Marijuana or having possession need to be
RELEASED IMMEDIATELY. Marijuana is legal, so there is no need to continue detaining / Jail or
Prison these people and spending “We the People’s “ Taxpayers money.
-Birth Certificates:
The Vatican has been keeping the ORIGINAL BIRTH CERTIFICATES / RECORDS legal name
“AKASHIC RECORDS”and tracking every human born Worldwide. These “akashic records” have
been confiscated by our military and will be returned to the people. When the time is right and our
Mission has been completed.
-Language / Translation
NO PART OF THIS DOCUMENT may be reproduced or translated into any language or utilized in
any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including social media, photocopying, recording
or by any information storage and retrieval system without permission from Space Force. An official
human translator qualified may be used to interpret this document word for word so that information
cannot be taken out of context. Any country refusing this document in its original form is
Space Force is in full control of a Technology unknown to the Public along with over 6000 HighTech
Patents. These will be REPLACING Hospitals, Medical Clinics, Laboratories and other Health
These Technologies will REPLACE the need for Doctors and Nurses and will be announced and
released to the Public during the EAS. Healing Centers will be Centrally Located in every City, Town,
State and will be FREE to the Public. There will no longer be a price for healing. There will be NO
NEED FOR MEDICATION. There will NO LONGER be a FEE associated with any type of medical
treatment, nor will there be a need for Insurance companies.
-NESARA (National) / GESARA Global
Nesara and Gesara will be Activated. See letter heading QFS Space Force PDF.
The Quantum Financial System along with Nesara/Gesara
Information regarding this will be divulged in the EAS.
-Executive Order 13925
Executive Order 13925 Preventing Censorship signed by President Donald J. Trump on May 28,
2020 is still in effect. Any news outlet, social media, tv station, google, or any individual blocking any
part of this information is committing treason and will be SHUT DOWN and ARRESTED.
-Combating Child and International Trafficking
President Donald J. Trump is proud to present his Administration’s National Action Plan to Combat
Human Trafficking which is laid out into 3 Pillars- Prevention, Protection, Prosection. On January 31,
2020 President Donald J. Trump signed the Trafficking Victims Protection Act, 22 U.S.C. 7101 et seq
Executive Order 13773 of February 9, 2017 Enforcing Federal Law With Respect to Transnational
Criminal Organizations and Preventing International Traffick
Attention All Judicial legal systems:
Anyone listed below: violating the 1776 Republic Constitution and President Trump’s
Executive orders will be immediately arrested. To All Nationwide, International Government
Agencies, Federal, State and Provincial level depending on your country, Government Officials,
Premier, Prime Ministers, Governors, Mayors, City Officials, International Criminal Court
(ICC),Supreme Court, Federal, District and Provincial, State and local Judges, All Judicial levels,
Politicians, attorneys, Barristers and Solicitors
All existing and pending court cases, lawsuits, trials are to immediately cease and desist. You
are all operating under a Corrupt Corporation. Which is NULL and VOID.
NOTE: If you happen to see a courtroom or Organization which has the United States flag with the
yellow fringe is working under the Corrupt Corporation. If you watched President Donald J. Trump's
inauguration you might have noticed that he did NOT take an OATH on their Corrupt Corporation.
Any Judicial legal systems, National / International or Global, promoting their agenda working
under the Corporation is to be immediately arrested and imprisoned, which will be facing the JAG for
INTERNATIONAL WAR CRIMES, Executive Order 17 Appendix 17. By the authority vested in me as
Commander in Chief by the Constitution and laws of the United States of America, including the
International Emergency Economic Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.) (IEEPA)., the National
Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.) (NEA), the Global Magnitsky Human Rights Accountability
Act (Public Law 114-328) (the “Act”), Section 212(f) of the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 ( 8
U.S.C. 1182(f)) (INA) and Section 301 of Title 3, United States Code
Law Enforcement:
ALL LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCIES such as Federal FBI, DEA, U.S. Marshals, Royal Canadian
Mounted Police, State bureaus such as State Troopers, and State Highway Patrol, County local
Sheriff Departments, City Police Officers, National and International Law Enforcement are to STAND
DOWN immediately COMPLY, assist and cooperate with U.S. Military, otherwise you will be arrested
for violation of Presidential Orders which you will be held accountable for TREASON against the
United States. In violation of Executive order 13818 Blocking the property of Persons involved in
Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption.
Any LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCIES, National / International or Global, promoting their agenda
working under the Corrupt Corporation is to be immediately arrested and imprisoned, which will be
facing the JAG for INTERNATIONAL WAR CRIMES, Executive Order 17 Appendix 17. By the
authority vested in me as Commander in Chief by the Constitution and laws of the United States of
America, including the 50 USC 1702: Presidential authoritiesHouse.gov ›
view › req=granuleid:USC-pr...(IEEPA)., the National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.)
(NEA), the Global Magnitsky Human Rights Accountability Act (Public Law 114-328) (the “Act”),
Section 212(f) of the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 ( 8 U.S.C. 1182(f)) (INA) and Section
301 of Title 3, United States Code
- CANADA, MEXICO and AUSTRALIA and other islands
CANADA, MEXICO and AUSTRALIA and other islands have been part of the United States
SINCE 1871. You’re just now learning the TRUTH! All part of the GREAT AWAKENING
OPERATION. Click to view photo above Canada Cik# 0000230098 U.S. Securities and
Exchange Commision
Each one of you is a part of the United States. This means the current laws and Judicial system
have been operating under a Corrupt Corporation that only protects the Elites, High ranking
Politicians, Bankers, Fake Royals, Celebrities etc. This Corporation is NULL and VOID and their
under God. You are protected under the United States Republic 1776 Constitution.
There has not been a Government in your country for a few years and you didn’t even know. Our
Military has been running your country. The people you see on TV are actors wearing masks or CGI
to prevent a civil war while we're carrying out this Military Operation and arresting the real criminals.
I, Princess Diana, faked my death so I could expose the real crimes being committed by the
so-called British Royal Family. I am Commander of the United States Space Force, Department of
Defense, Counterterrorism Operations Support. I have been working behind the scenes to expose
and arrest the real criminals.
Canada was owned by the British Crown and was ruled under a Corrupt Corporation. The legal
system in Canada was operated under the British therefore all Judges and attorneys were practicing
under British Law otherwise known as the BAR. (British Accredited Registry) There NO LONGER is
a British Crown. Queen Elizabeth capitulated in 2016. The so-called Royal Family committed
TREASON against “We the people” when they captured the Canadian flag.
All the Executive orders signed by President Donald J. Trump apply to Canada because you are the
51st state. You should be celebrating!!
There is no Trudeau, No Doug Ford. These are all actors. Romana Didulo is NOT the Queen of
Canada and has committed multiple crimes under the 1776 Republic Constitution and Title 50 USC
1550. She will be arrested and deported to her country. We are going back to the original
Kingdoms. We are working to secure our borders and remove the illegal immigrants. Everyone will
be sent back to their original Kingdom based on their DNA. Each Kingdom will reap the rewards
given back to the people.
I have been working for you and will continue to protect you! Canada, Mexico and Australia are
protected under the 1776 Republic Constitution which is “for” “We the People”.
-Combating Anti-Semitism
Executive Order on Combating Anti-Semitism, Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title
VI), 42 U.S.C. 2000d et seq., prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, and national origin
in programs and activities receiving Federal financial assistance. While Title VI does not cover
discrimination based on religion, individuals who face discrimination on the basis of race, color, or
national origin do not lose protection under Title VI for also being a member of a group that shares
common religious practices. Discrimination against Jews may give rise to a Title VI violation when
the discrimination is based on an individual’s race, color, or national origin.
Central Bank Digital Currency” means a form of digital money or monetary value, denominated in the
national unit of account, that is a direct liability of the central bank.
Strengthening American Leadership in Digital Financial Technology,” establishing his
Administration’s policy “to support the responsible growth and use of digital assets, blockchain
technology, and related technologies across all sectors of the economy” (the “EO”).
The Executive Orders sets out five high-level policy objectives:
1. Protecting the lawful use of blockchain networks, participation in mining and validation, and
self-custody of digital assets without unlawful censorship;
2. Promoting dollar-backed stablecoins;
3. Ensuring fair and open access to banking services;
4. Providing “regulatory clarity” for digital assets based on “well-defined jurisdictional
regulatory boundaries;” and
5. Prohibiting Central Bank Digital Currencies (“CBDC”).
As an initial matter, the EO rescinds Executive Order 14067 issued by President Biden on March 9,
2022, which, among other things, placed “the highest urgency on research and development efforts
into the potential design and deployment options of a United States CBDC.” The EO also rescinds
the Department of the Treasury’s “Framework for International Engagement on Digital Assets,”
issued on July 7, 2022.
This Document is also to be used as an OFFICIAL NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL
Any National / International or Global,Agency or Individual promoting their agenda working under the
Corrupt Corporation is to be IMMEDIATELY ARRESTED and IMPRISONED, which will be facing the
JAG for INTERNATIONAL WAR CRIMES, Executive Order 17 Appendix 17. By the authority vested
in me as Commander in Chief by the Constitution and laws of the United States of America, including
the 50 USC 1702: Presidential authoritiesHouse.gov › view ›
req=granuleid:USC-pr...(IEEPA)., the National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.) (NEA), the
Global Magnitsky Human Rights Accountability Act (Public Law 114-328) (the “Act”), Section 212(f) of
the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 ( 8 U.S.C. 1182(f)) (INA) and Section 301 of Title 3,
United States Code
Military Observer:
Treason is the crime of attacking a governmental authority to which one owes allegiance. This usually
includes such acts as participating in a war against one's homeland, attempting to overthrow its
government, spying on its military, diplomatic, or intelligence agencies for a hostile and foreign power,
or attempting to kill its head of state. A person who commits TREASON is called a traitor in the law.
18 U.S. Code § 2381 - TREASON
Whoever, out of allegiance to the United States, makes war against them, or adheres to their
enemies, and gives them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of
TREASON, and shall suffer death, or be imprisoned not less than five years, and fined under
this title not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United
(June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 807; Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXIII, §330016(2)(J),
September 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2148.)
Read and transport.
Note: To anyone who thinks this Arrest warrant is not serious, I highly recommend
researching these codes like the Executive order 13925- Signed by President Trump on May
28. 2020 Preventing Online Censorship. They can all be found on the Federal Registry
To All Military Personal and All Levels of Law Enforcement to Immediately Arrest the following
Judges for Force or Coercion involuntary for MMR Titanium Dioxide Vaccinations to children
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