
About Me

I started my Inner Journey several decades ago by 1st learning to meditate & then becoming a teacher & putting people in Contact withe Source, Their Source. I worked with & Sponsored various highly evolved people, Healers, Clairvoyants & Developed Souls who showed me how to utilize their knowledge that strangely most couldn't discern or even hear. Withe Various Techniques & Tools I've been given or fathomed thru close observation, I have had some interesting experiences & journeys within. And as fascinating as all that is, my Aim is to Be Freed from this Illusion bringing as many as will come along EveNow. I have shared thru my messages several of my inner connections like the ~Unknowable~ which is beyond the Relative & Absolute fields of Life, Also drawing down The_Grace_of_Ishvara,_Our Almighty Father Mother God/dess & The Transformational Rainbow Forest Odyssey + many other Activations, Techniques & Connections from various teachers & messengers. And It is time to Get Ready or Not~Change is Upon Each & All of Us Beyond Sci~Fi or Middle Earth or Any Tales or Fables you've heard of.... We Are in the Midst of It. Everything is Speeding Up SO BE READY!!!!!!



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Tuesday, November 7, 2023

The Telosians: The Split will Become More and More Present around You


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Greetings from Galactic Heart ...

It is November and the leaves are turning beautiful colors...oranges, golds, reds, browns, yellows! Spectacular! My favorite season.

Yesterday I was talking to my good friend, Vidya Frazier. We discussed the mandela effect. What is the Mandela effect?

The Mandela effect represents a pop culture take on collective false memory, which occurs when large groups of people misremember the same thing or remember something that never actually happened. (or did it?)

One well known example is the Monopoly Man does NOT wear a monocle. However, many people remember the Monopoly Man having a monocle. I remember the monocle and yet they say Monopoly Man never had a monocle. How can so many people remember it differently.

Then there is the "false memory" phenomenon where someone recalls something that did not actually happen or recalls it differently from the way it actually happened.

And now many of us are experiencing a strange phenomena. Some people are calling this "what timeline am I on?" For example, for years I have a three drawer file cabinet. In the second drawer is where I keep a box of small paper clips and a box of large paper clips. A few month's ago, I went into the drawer for a small paperclip. Where is the box of small paperclips? It was no where to be found. The box of large paper clips was there but no small box. I searched all three drawers. No small paperclips or the blue box I keep them in. For days I checked to see if the clips were there. Hmmmm?

Fast forward 3 weeks. I open the second drawer and there are two boxes of paper clips ~~ one for small paperclips and one for large paperclips. Hmmmm? So I'm not going crazy! Excellent!

Curious. Is the answer alternate timelines? parallel realities? Vidya and I had a great time discussing these phenomenon. AND as luck would have it, Vidya Frazier will be our webinar guest for November. Join us as we create a loving tapestry of Light around Gaia during each and every webinar as the Galactic Federation enhances our Light!

Much Love,

I don't think you're spinning your wheels. It's because of PAO that I have come as far as I have in BEING the Light and in helping others to do the same. I admit that I get discouraged from time to time by the seemingly endless delays, and I have personally experienced some very difficult/frightening health and heavy monetary issues of late, but the variety of articles that you provide gives me hope. PAO guides me to the Light at the End of the Tunnel. Whatever the future holds for PAO and/or for me, I KNOW I'm a far brighter Light due to the wealth of information that you have and are providing. Thank you from the depth of my Being for these great gifts that you have given me. I would not be where I am today without both of you, and I am forever grateful. Love and Blessings, Karen

Colleen, I hope this reaches you at this email address because I want you to know what a delightful and completely surprising “gift” it was to receive your note of appreciation in the mail thanking me for my”gift” to you and Shel. Who does that these days??? Now I know. Only you (to my knowledge)! You are a delightful host on your monthly shows and express calm love. Your love is a healing balm to those who are ready to receive. MAHALO. Love to you and Miles and Sheldan. Looking forward to hearing more about Shel’s present journey. Z.D.

Blessings to our PAO Family!


Did you miss Sunday’s Galactic Activation Webinar?

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Regretfully, owing to a sudden medical emergency, Patricia Cori was unable to appear with us this month. She will return as our guest at a later date. In the meantime, we wish her a swift recovery.

It is PAO’s good fortune that our dear friend, Dr. Joseph (‘Dr. Joe’) McNamara, graciously agreed to take Patricia’s place as our guest.

A true healer, Dr. Joe is always generous in sharing his vast knowledge of Tachyon energy and Tachyon chambers, which contain extraordinary powers to heal and harmonize our physical and etheric bodies. Tachyon energy enlivens the energy matrix that shapes all matter – including our mental, emotional, etheric and physical bodies – in turn contributing immensely to our overall physical health and well-being.

Dr. Joe answers our questions and offers his personal perspective on the many levels of spiritual healing, as well as the importance of DNA activation to our health and wellness.

Subjects to be discussed:

• Dr. Joe Shares His Mission’s Current Focus
• History - The Pleiadean Connection
• Tachyon Chambers vs Med Beds
• Tachyon Energy Chambers: Benefits
• Tachyon Success Stories
• Tachyon Chamber Locations

To order your Galactic Activation Webinar Q&A-67 Archive: Click Here

Price: $13.95 U.S.

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The Israel-Palestine Conflict: A Catalyst for Earth-Shifting Changes with Gregg Braden

Source: Gregg Braden

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The Telosians: The Split will Become More and More Present around You

Source: Marie Josée Andichou


We are happy to see you again, dear brothers and sisters of planet Earth.

As we often tell you, it is a pleasure for us to be able to help you, support you in these very disturbing times that you are all experiencing, wherever you are from, in whatever country or continent you are.

Indeed, it is not only in the Middle East, in Africa, in Central Europe that everything is disrupted, strongly disrupted. These disturbances are also within you because everything that happens around you on your planet strongly affects your feelings, your emotions, even if you do not realize it.

A certain uneasiness arises within you, more or less strong depending on your awakening or non-awakening. The more you are awakened to understanding what is happening on your planet and in your humanity, the faster you let go of the heavy and heavy emotions that can affect you. The less awake you are, the more you want to escape from these unconscious emotions by turning towards materialism, by turning towards technology which for many is an escape so as not to face what you feel and so that it takes you away from what is happening on your planet.

There are therefore two parts of humanity that coexist. The awake and the unawakened. This can and does create a certain duality between you because those who are awake feel restrained from speaking about what they feel, what they understand about True Life, to those who are not awake and would not understand this. path.

We often hear awakened humans say to other awakened humans: I can’t talk about what I’m experiencing, what I understand, to a friend because he or she would look at me askance. We have heard these words often.

Know, dear brothers and sisters of the Earth, that there will be these differences between you for a long time to come. We’ve talked about this in previous posts. Earthly humanity will find itself split in two: The humans who will live in the New Earth and the others who will continue to live in materialism, small human power.

Why are we talking to you about this? Because, quite simply, the moment is approaching when the split will become more and more present around you. You will realize that either within your families or among your dear friends, the incomprehension of what you are experiencing will be difficult for them to live with. This will sometimes lead to separations, even within certain couples, who will not be able to communicate peacefully on this subject.

But we tell you: do not be saddened by such a development of separations either of couples or between friends, because everyone has a life path to follow according to the choice of incarnation of each soul.

If you are awake it is because your divine Being in you had wished to experience the spiritual energy transition in this way, and if you are not awake at the moment, because everything can change quickly, it is because you had to live the experience again. of life in materialism, duality, earthly power.

Why put up with such duality in humanity? Why experience such difficulties when it would be possible to live in harmony among you humans from all countries on Earth? This is so because it is important to respect the choice of incarnation of your divine Beings within you. Each soul chose what was best for it in order to evolve following a conscientiously chosen path before coming to Earth.

Whether you are awake or not, this is a beautiful journey for your souls because it will lead you to grow in an understanding of life that is different from each other. This is why you are currently seeing fratricidal wars occurring on several continents. Humans do not understand each other, they are stuck in false ideas of their life in these countries, they are stuck in ideas of possessions, while the Earth does not belong to anyone except God, the Supreme Father. . As long as there are thoughts of this kind in the human minds of many of you, there will be strong duality within earthly humanity.

But the energies that reach you from the Universe, intended to help you evolve, will allow you to make the choice either to wake up or to stay asleep. The more these energies will envelop you, will touch you more and more in the times to come, your choice will need to be clear and precise in order to direct you towards the best path of Life of Light for you.

The current events taking place in certain countries are also there to make you understand that it is important to let go of all these quarrels which are only human quarrels, desires for possessions and others, intended to create trouble in the mind of the people. ‘humanity. This cannot last because the Earth needs a serene and peaceful humanity.

Places that will still be in duality will not be able to rise into the New Earth. They will remain stuck, as we said above, in a matrix from which it will be difficult for them to escape. So what will happen then? What will happen is that these countries will be isolated, strongly isolated, will no longer be able to have possible contact with the parts of the Earth which will be in almost serenity. Europe, despite the disturbing emotions of humans, will wake up ever stronger to Peace.

We take care of this but, of course, the sooner you let go of your disturbing emotions, the sooner you will find yourself in a state of well-being and Peace.

Have confidence in Life, dear brothers and sisters of the Earth. Trust in the Strength and Power of Divine Love within you. HE can do ANYTHING. It can help you make your being, your humanity and your planet an Edenic place in which you will be happy to live from now on.

We love you.


Benefits of Castor Oil by Barbara O'Neill

Source: Barbara O'Neill

These benefits are amazing!

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Take Advantage of BrighteonStore Black Friday Sale ~ up to 55% off

Your purchases help PAO stay afloat. From the PAO Team~~Thank you.

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