| Greetings from Galactic Heart. . .Yippee! 2 more days before our webinar with Jared Rand. You don't want to miss this one ~~ it is going to be "out of this world". You can count on it with Jared Rand.Join us Sunday for another stellar webinar featuring Jared Rand - click here. Your participation helps to support Galactic Heart postings and PAO to stay afloat. Thanking you in advance...ZaZuMa! On another front, here is the link to our interview with Kornelia Stephanie. Be sure to click, share, subscribe and like to help us get discovered by the new awakening Souls. Your help is greatly appreciated. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TPzV6fjRFaQ See ya Sunday, With Love, I AM Colleen |
Welcome to PAO's Live Galactic Activation Webinar for May |
It’s been several months since Jared Rand joined our circle. Many of you have asked for him: now, he's back, bringing his wide-ranging worldview and incisive comments to shine Light on the dark and roiling global agenda that surrounds us. Just as our spirits begin to relax into some kind of ‘normal’ after the reign of pandemic terror, we are noticing the upsurge of dire and dogged voices warning about climate change. Can this be the newest ‘Covid’? Is global warming a clear and present danger, or is this yet another psychological terror attack against us? Jared will clear away the webs of uncertainty, and put our situation in context with his usual clarity. In the meantime, the rocketing cost of living haunts our days and shatters any plans for the future. We yearn for the long-promised abundance program to manifest. How much longer must we wait for debt forgiveness? Jared is keen to tell us. |
And, realizing our need to know, Jared will give us a detailed progress report on the Celestial Chambers project. It is a rare treat to have Jared back. We welcome him in anticipation of the information and wise counsel, common sense and kindly comfort he consistently provides. We invite you to join us, to bask in the glow and flow of our Galactic Activation Webinar this month.Subjects to be discussed:• Jared Brings Us Up to Date on His Mission’s Current Focus • A Revised Globalist Agenda Shifting from Pandemic to Climate Modification • Reassessing Abundance Releasing the Shackles of Debt Slavery • Celestial Chambers Progress Report • The Challenge of Accelerated Chaos in Our World Humanity’s Rapidly Awakening |
After the Webinar we will answer your questions live. Within 48 hours after the live Webinar we will send you a link to a video recording. Please note new time:Sunday, May 21, 2:00 to 3:30 p.m. PDTPlease note: If you are unable to attend on Sunday, May 21, you can still register. Within 48 hours, we will send you a link to the Webinar posted (privately) on Rumble. (After posting, the Webinar will be available for 1 week.) To make payment and register: Click HereCost: $20.00 U.S. |
A MESSAGE FROM SAULSource: John Smallman You are each absolutely boundless beings. |
As you wait expectantly, and somewhat impatiently, for humanity’s collective awakening to emerge, to become the present that you are experiencing now, continue to set and reset your intent to be only loving whatever arises. As your MSM keep making clear, there is much chaos and confusion occurring worldwide, and it seems that no one is even remotely capable of coming up with practical solutions to any of the issues that are causing so much anxiety, suffering, and pain. This is why I keep reminding you to set and reset your loving intent daily. Your individual and collective intent to be only loving is the way forward to your grand awakening. Do not lose faith or trust in God’s promise to you, because I assure you that you ARE very firmly established in the awakening process. It is totally irreversible, totally unstoppable, and the amazing power and effectiveness of each of your individual daily resetting of the intent to be only loving is way beyond your human capabilities to envision Remember, you were created like unto God, utterly and completely free to just BE, while retaining full access to the Power that is Mother/Father/God, Source – LOVE – which is, of course, each one of you! You are each absolutely boundless beings. When you awaken into the Reality of who you are, and know and understand with full conscious awareness that you are each, in every moment of your existence, incorporated within the GLORY that is GOD, as essential, eternal, and irreplaceable aspects of that One infinite divine Being, then your Joy will know no bounds! You are all fully aware, even though you may not wish to admit this to yourselves, that your essential task – not your only task, but your essential task – as a human in form is to just BE. To be is Powerful! You are powerful, and your empowered presence in human form at this moment in time – right Now – is not a chance occurrence. Your presence in human form right now is God’s Will, which you have all most lovingly and graciously accepted. You do know how powerful your presence on Earth is, and you chose to be here to exercise that power to mightily assist in humanity’s awakening. You have no idea of the honor and respect in which we in the spiritual realms are holding you, as we lovingly embrace and support you on this magnificent journey, your path to remembering and acknowledging who you truly are. Oneness means precisely that – that ALL is One. Love is the Source, the infinite field (for want of a better word or term) of Energy that IS Mother/Father/God, the conscious, aware, potency, vigor and vivacity that infinitely empowers ALL that She creates. It is utterly beyond comprehension and contains within Its infinite V A S T N E S S All that has, is, or will be created in the continually expanding infinitude of Love that Love IS. |
The Reality that you are is beyond measure, incalculable, immense. You, while in form as humans, have absolutely no concept or language to even remotely attempt to explain or elucidate what in Truth you are. The amnesia that you willingly agreed to experience in order to incarnate for this particular incarnation in which you now find yourselves is also totally beyond your ability to understand – dementia or any related illnesses with similar memory issues are as nothing in comparison – the human intellect cannot conceive of what the amnesia of your unreal or dream state means, because, of course, it is beyond comprehension and is utterly unreal! When you awaken all will be revealed in stunning clarity, and the celebrations to honor your return to full and infinite awareness of Being Alive, to Reality, to Oneness with Source, await your loving Presence so that they can be set in motion. Bring on the moment to start the Celebrations by daily setting and resetting your loving intentions as you go within to your holy inner sanctuaries and invite Love to fill your hearts. You are Love incarnate, and when you invite Love into your hearts you expand them enormously, thus extending your divine energy fields transcendentally to interact with and cooperate in complete harmony with the individuated fields of countless others setting the same daily intent. This is why you are all incarnate NOW. To awaken into Reality, leaving behind the dream or nightmare of life in human form, is your purpose, and you facilitate that purpose just by being. Yes, I am repeating myself, because it is impossible to overemphasize the importance of each of your individual presences incarnate as humans at this point in the collective awakening process. You signed up for this, you incarnated to fully participate, and you are doing just that. DO NOT ALLOW any self doubt, sense of unworthiness, incapability, or ineffectiveness lead you to believe that while others may well be doing great work to assist in the awakening, you yourself are not really helping with this great work. Nothing could be further from the Truth! You, each and everyone of you, were created by Mother/Father/God as infinitely prefect divine beings like unto Herself. That is the only way that She creates. Therefore cease allowing your fearful egoic natures – those unreal aspects of yourselves that appear to be your real identity, and which delight in filling you with guilt, anxiety and fear – to guide or persuade you in thought, word, or action. Become quiet, allow yourselves the time to listen. Your intuition will communicate with you offering you the guidance you need in every moment. If you sense or hear nothing from it, then in that moment there is nothing to which you need respond, just be. As you become more practiced at listening to the wisdom of your own inner guidance – your higher Self or the Holy Spirit, if you prefer those or similar terms – you will come to recognize and accept its holy wisdom. That holy wisdom is always with you, you just have to call and it will respond, and if it is just quiet, then its guidance for you in the moment is to be quiet as well. YOU ARE NEVER ALONE! Divine guidance is always available, trust your Holy Mother never to leave you in need. And remember you do have a totally free will, and that you always make the choice whether or not to listen and be guided. Therefore, make a point of choosing wisely and lovingly, and enjoy the sense of peace and contentment that arises. With so very much love, Saul. |
Here's to your health... CELTIC SEA SALT vs HIMALAYAN PINK SALT Minerals ComparisonSource: Clean Food Living |
SHOCK! The terrible secret of the universe ~ Great InterviewSource: Ismael Perez 2023 |
Greetings, beloved beings of light upon the Earth. We honour you now for your existence upon the Earth and we delight in our connection with you. We, the Solar Logos Helios and Vesta, have a constant connection with you. We are distributing energies from the Solar Level within the Universe of the Creator delivering and directing them especially to you. We deliver many ascension shifts that come through the higher vibrations of the Creator and ground them into the Earth. We wish to speak of an ascension shift that is entering into your atmosphere, into your auric field and into your being. Should you choose to accept it, you can imagine our ascension shift as warm golden beams of light from the sun, very much like the sun’s rays. Our purpose in extending our energy to you, is to support a health upgrade. The energies flowing from the Creator at this moment, are deeply nutritious and nourishing. This means that when you accept the Creator’s energies, you can nurture and nourish yourself, anything you wish to create or manifest or anything in your reality. Whatever, and wherever you choose to place your focus, you can distribute and magnify nourishment and nurturing. Take a moment to contemplate this for a moment.
What would you nurture and nourish within your being?
What would you nurture and nourish around you?
And what ideas would you nurture and nourish? To nurture and to nourish, is to give energy to it, to give focus, attention, but it is also about the vibrations of light. It is a wellbeing energy that supports a greater complete wellbeing and health. You can contemplate what this would look like, feel like, be like if the energy of wellness, nourishment, nurturing was grounded into your being into certain areas of your being, into others, into your reality, into ideas and even into Mother Earth. Can you imagine all the plants, the animals, the waters thriving? Being as green and as strong as ever, the waters being as pure as ever, the animals being as healthy as ever. How would this support you and your reality? What would you see, sense and acknowledge in your own reality? |
Maybe you already feel well, nurtured and nourished, there is always more to absorb. Imagine your soul being nurtured and nourished and filled with wellness. Imagine your mind being nurtured and nourished and filled with wellness. Your cells, your body and so forth, there are so many areas to imagine and to contemplate. You can call upon us, Helios and Vesta, to deliver our Solar Light of wellness,
nourishment, and nurturing into your being. Sit with our energy, meditate with it. Be aware of this presence, its influence, and its impact. Think of any areas that you wish for wellbeing, nurturing or nourishment. Direct the energy in these areas or simply let the energy flow to where it is needed. When you feel full and complete with the energy of wellness, nurturing and nourishment, then let it flow through you to Mother Earth, to areas of the world, to everything and everyone. What a blessing, this gift would be. Within the Solar Level energy of wellness, nourishment and nurturing there are also minerals and vitamins within the light vibrations, that not only support your physical body and auric field in being well, in experiencing greater health, but also these vitamins and minerals are essential for the next stage of your ascension. I know, you may not believe that it is possible, but sometimes the level of vitamins and minerals within your being, can hinder your ascension if they are lacking. When your body, especially has all the minerals and vitamins that it needs, it is easier for your physical body and in fact, your entire being to rise to a new vibration of light, and to receive more light. Sometimes there are specific vitamins and minerals that are needed for specific ascension shifts. You might find that you eat something, maybe it is different to what you are used to or you eat more of it and it could be your body stocking up on a certain mineral or vitamin. In order to support you in the next stage of your ascension, it is wonderful to see the body and the auric field working as one. Everything has a purpose and every aspect of your body and your auric field, your chakras and so forth each have such an important role in assisting each stage of your ascension. You can invite us Helios and Vesta to deliver to you the Solar Level energy of wellness, nurturing and nourishment containing the vitamins and minerals for ascension to boost your current health and well-being. Then allow yourself to receive. You can receive it during meditation or quiet time. You may also wish to receive each night maybe for a week or so while you sleep and this will not only support your physical body, but also your energetic bodies and your ascension. It will create a health upgrade, not only for you and for others as well. If your physical body is suffering with illness or pain, you may need to continue this process for longer than a week to receive the energetic upgrade. It may be that several months are needed. It is important to follow your intuition as to what is appropriate for you. We give this energy to you, to empower you and assist you in your existence upon the Earth and your spiritual ascension. We thank you for being present with us. We are Solar Logos Helios and Vesta |
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