You might feel it in the energy around you. Change is here!
Timelines have been moving for the last three days.
You are seeing and feeling things differently as we move into these energies today.
We have Flux Energies on the rise, Solar Winds, and of course Ascension Creation Energies.
This week, you'll experience some of the biggest energies yet.
More Time Dilation will be present and very noticeable.
Looking into you at this time is so important.
Your team is helping you to release what is needed to be seen and experienced.
It's like memories from long ago are returning with the feeling of those times connected to it.
So you can enjoy the memories or release them, it all depends your ascension needs.
You may also start noticing things changing around you in a big way.
Grids on walls, orbs, lights, halos around lights, and so much more.
It's all part of the Ascension process.
You are finally beginning to see things as they truly are. The veil is very thin and breaking in areas.
It's important as lightworkers that we hold our knowings and love/light within ourselves.
No matter what is happening in the 3d realm, you are always protected.
You are loved and divinely held.
Remember that next time you're concerned about anything.

See what you want or need in your mindseye and manifest it into your reality.
Remember everything can and will change in the blink of an eye. Are you ready for that change?
Much love and light,
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