
About Me

I started my Inner Journey several decades ago by 1st learning to meditate & then becoming a teacher & putting people in Contact withe Source, Their Source. I worked with & Sponsored various highly evolved people, Healers, Clairvoyants & Developed Souls who showed me how to utilize their knowledge that strangely most couldn't discern or even hear. Withe Various Techniques & Tools I've been given or fathomed thru close observation, I have had some interesting experiences & journeys within. And as fascinating as all that is, my Aim is to Be Freed from this Illusion bringing as many as will come along EveNow. I have shared thru my messages several of my inner connections like the ~Unknowable~ which is beyond the Relative & Absolute fields of Life, Also drawing down The_Grace_of_Ishvara,_Our Almighty Father Mother God/dess & The Transformational Rainbow Forest Odyssey + many other Activations, Techniques & Connections from various teachers & messengers. And It is time to Get Ready or Not~Change is Upon Each & All of Us Beyond Sci~Fi or Middle Earth or Any Tales or Fables you've heard of.... We Are in the Midst of It. Everything is Speeding Up SO BE READY!!!!!!



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Sunday, December 4, 2022



DEAR READERS In this message, we will explain the most important signs to watch out for regarding the Solar Flash event.
It is vital that you understand that these are unprecedented times when many special dispensations are in effect.
You have to understand the things that are about to begin and calm your mind to enter the 5th dimension.
We from the Federation have explained everything about our spheres, especially the one where they will take you with all the details that that sphere has! The sphere that we have described to you is the sphere, which will come out first. The sphere will approach the Earth, to act as a shield, and will protect the Earth and its inhabitants when the sun makes its maximum solar eruption; the sphere that is 5 times bigger than the Earth, will be placed in front of the planet Earth, so that the planet is not hit in its entirety with catastrophic consequences. All this will happen in collaboration, with Nibiru, who belongs to the Galactic Federation of Andromeda and due to this protection / shield the Earth will go dark (it will be a great forced eclipse) and that is why it will be the 3 days of Darkness. We repeat that there is no reason to fear, because the great sphere of the Andromeda Galactic Federation will act as a shield.
That is why we urge you in these days of darkness to stay home safely and not have to go out!
This is because many people who do not know what is going on will panic, trauma and insanity. This is one of the reasons, the SECOND and why in these 72 hours 3 days, the photon energies, which the Earth will receive with you, is the necessary energy that will change your consciousness and start the process also in your Body made of carbon . , with a silicon structure. This change is the obstacle, which you must face calmly and serenity. The photon energy will have an electric discharge effect on you that will travel throughout the body (always according to the sensitivity of each one), therefore it would be necessary to remove all the metal objects that you use often, since they act as conductors of this electric current and they amplify bringing greater discomfort.
We advise you these days and the next, not to eat too much, but to drink plain water and not red meat. The effect of this photon energy that you will receive is strong, in those hours you will enter the 5th Dimension, but you will not be alone in facing this moment.
During the period of transition from one great Age to another, Cosmic Law allows the Beings of the angelic realm and the Spiritual Hierarchy to pass through the veil and make contact with the awakened members of the Human Race. These benevolent Beings strive to get your attention by intensifying the Light in your Solar Energy Center and finally in your Sacred Heart.
The first notice will be given on December 14.
The beings of light and angels will be with you, close until you enter the 5th dimension, at that time you will be AWARE to enter the new age of the aquarium, the new dimension.
Only when you start to see that outside your houses there will be no more darkness and everything is silent, will you be able to leave the house, not before, and make sure that everything is calm and peaceful!
You are 8 billion people on planet Earth and not all are the same, and not all have followed the correct advice and not all have dedicated themselves to awakening and not all have listened to your heart and conscience.
Meanwhile, those of the Federation must take responsibility for the criminals that are on Earth and those who have not understood what is happening, these people will go through a deep trauma and we will have to collect them all, in different areas of the planet and take them to the hospital spheres. Dear, you must imagine and have compassion for these millions of people who have not listened and followed the right path and who will find themselves in a situation that they will not understand and will panic, but in the Hospital Spheres, we have personnel already prepared for this type. of patients, we are organized!
For those in the houses, when the great sphere of the Federation moves away from the sun they will see a very strong and intense light emanating from the sun, then they can go outside. When you leave everything will change, you will see the sky in another way, the sky will be full of spaceships and motherships.
There will be SYRIANS, ARTURIANS, PLEADIANS AND THOSE OF THE ANDROMEDA GALACTIC FEDERATION, THE LARGEST VESSELS IN THIS GALAXY. There will be millions of little space shuttles that will greet you when you leave their homes; You will be transported in the Motherships that will take you to the sphere that has been assigned to you, as we have described in our previous messages.
This is the Divine plan of the Andromeda Galactic Federation in collaboration with the Galactic Federation of Light and the Lightworkers and all other races.
Do not forget our explanations about this spiritual event, do not get bombarded with other messages. You would just be confused and you will not know how to choose the right path to follow and you will find yourself in difficulties with yourself. This is our last message from the Galactic Federation of Andromeda, try to be quiet and CONSCIOUS and vibrate high until the last moment you enter the 5th Dimension, this is very important both for you and for us who receive your vibration thoughts that emanates from their hearts, we all hear them, and they are all encoded by the Federation, especially those that vibrate in the heart rate.
A big hug from all the members of the Andromeda Galactic Federation.
Nova Maxx 🌟🌈🌟


  1. Thank you 💓 NAMASTE much gratitude love and light ❣️

  2. Thank you for this info! Peace & Love

  3. You will be transported in the Motherships that will take you to the sphere that has been assigned to you, as we have described in our previous messages

    Why would we be transferred to mother ships and taken away?

    1. The planet we are on now cannot continue to exist without being terraformed because of the damage that has been done to it, and nobody can stay on Earth during that process, so a 5th dimensional version of Earth is where we will continue our lives. Some may go back to their home planets.
