Mass production of thousands of Nikola Tesla patents as well as Galactic higher technologies has been going on for many years, waiting for the moment of transition to a complete upgrade of the human collective experience.
Technologies beyond imagination will be distributed worldwide.
Quantum satellites have already identified every person on Earth, using advanced scanning DNA signature.
Q-phones will be linked to your private DNA signature and you'll receive a quantum electronic currency wallet, in which you'll get more money than you could ever spend.
The materializer for food and clothing will use energy directly from the ether to create whatever your mind conceives.
Anti-gravity ships and magnetic cars will be freely given.
Free energy will become available wirelessly worldwide.
The Earth will eventually become a multi-galactic civilization.
Garden of Eden,
In the valley of the gods.
Here is some more information about the public announcement
New free technologies

No driving required as it is driven by GPS-Galileo on Q-phone.
You sit and he leads you where you decide.

UFO vehicles that can reach flight maneuvers at a speed of 8,000 km / h because they have inertial maneuvers.
In an hour you can go anywhere on Earth, and in a few hours to new continents that are yet to be discovered.
Between March 2020. and in December 2021. , many sectors have been upgraded using quantum technology.
New Maxx 

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