In truth, you don't need to know and it's okay if you don't know about your future and your destiny.
However, setting the intention and visiting the lake will allow you to align with your future and your destiny. Thus, opening you up to receive a conscious embodiment of higher vibrations of yourself, and higher pure vibrations of your existence on the Earth. You are opening yourself up to receive the ultimate possibilities for you as a soul on the Earth, and whether you simply receive the vibrations, or you gain clear visions about what this would look like, feel like or manifest as you are creating the space for you to manifest, enact and put into action these ultimate higher vibrational possibilities for your own reality.
Sometimes in a physical reality you can become focused into the third dimension. Where you are present with everything that you are. However, you become stuck, unable to see, sense, acknowledge what could be possible, to expand, to liberate yourself, and open up to receive the gifts and the guidance of the Creator, your soul group and soul.
Sometimes there is simply a need for an awakening, for inspiration to land within your being in order to excite you. To move forward at a greater speed, to take certain actions to overcome certain fears, and aspire to living as a higher vibration. This is the purpose of the Lake of Clear Vision, and so in this space and whenever you feel guided through following the steps that we have shared, we invite you to simply sit focusing upon your intention.
Connect with your destiny, your future for your existence upon the Earth.
Enjoy the energies, and observe, if anything comes into your awareness, whether it's a feeling, a sensation, a colour, vision, words, or the sound. Whatever it may be, and you can visit as often as you wish in order to build a growing and enlightening picture.
You may wonder how you know that this vision is the truth. In this space where the lake is present only truth can manifest.
Your mind may try to make up a story or try to put into your awareness something that you really dream of, but you simply won't be able to sustain it, it won't be able to stay that long in your space, if it is not the truth. Something that is the truth will stay with you. You will feel it vibrating within your being. We believe that this is the most beautiful and appropriate practice now. Many of you are seeking the next stage, the next phase of Ascension for yourselves and especially as to what actions you need and require to make on the Earth. Some of you have no idea what the next step is, others understand it completely, but have no idea how to get to that point of manifesting it. You can work with the lake, which holds our Celestial White Being energies, and allow inspiration, enlightenment to be revealed to you.
If you do find the process challenging, ask us and even the lake to activate trust from within your being and begin with this.
When you wish to return to your reality, you can simply imagine, sense, acknowledge the floor beneath you, the ground, Mother Earth beneath you, focus upon this until you feel yourself, fully grounded, back into your reality.
The Lake of Clear Vision is such an integral part of the Celestial White Being Ashram. It is a sacred and pure space, and we welcome you to visit whenever you feel guided. We are also present to support you in discovering and connecting with your destiny and your future, through the connection with the lake. Everything will be downloaded, activated and embodied within your being concerning your destiny and your future.
We thank you and we love you,
We are the Celestial White Beings
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