| I love what Jared always has to say. He is a great teacher. Thank you again for your help, I didn't want to miss the webinar. Best regards, AA Dear Colleen and Miles, Congratulations on #50!! You both have held together PAO through thick and thin. I truly and most sincerely appreciate how you both have led this group forward. I know Sheldan is so proud of you both as I am. You have brought to us many different individuals over these past "50" webinars that keep us connected and given us different perspectives. Jared is indeed a favorite. This webinar was so inspiring! Please know how important you both are to carry out this mission. Forever grateful! Thank you for absolutely everything... Blessings from P.H. |
Did you miss Sunday’s Galactic Activation Webinar? |
What an occasion – it’s PAO’s 50th Webinar!For 50 Sundays, Colleen and Miles have brought you the information, the courage and the heart to enlighten – and enbrighten - you through some extremely difficult days. Well, we’ve made it this far, and we, as a Light community, are aiming to make it all the rest of the way to Ascension! In the meantime, here we are, marking 50 Galactic Activation get-togethers – and who better to help us celebrate than one of PAO’s most engaging and popular guests, Jared Rand! Jared will discuss how our world is moving ahead through the necessary stages that will lead us all to better times. He will tell us how his Celestial Chamber Project is progressing, and explain how the Deep State’s fortress is rapidly – and inevitably – about to collapse like a house of cards. We invite you to watch this very special celebratory Webinar. It can’t be a party without you!Subjects to be discussed: • Jared Updates Us On His Mission’s Current Focus • Our World in Transition Flowing with the Winds of Change • Information Narratives A Double-Edged Sword • Celestial Chambers Progress Report • Awakening to Ascension Exploring the Process of Accelerating our Timelines To order your Galactic Activation Webinar Q&A-50 Archive: Click HerePrice: $13.95 U.S |
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are so very excited about this particular time for humanity, as we see more and more people tapping in to their potential. We see more and more people recognizing that they have something to share with this world that goes beyond their ability to perform simple tasks over and over for forty hours a week. Never before has there been a time on Earth when so many were given platforms for their voice, their perspective, their talents and gifts. You have created a whole new economy that is based on yourselves, and we see that as a very good thing. You are accessing more of your power as you reach within yourselves for what you have to share with humanity, and then you take that power, and you create the better world that you all want to be living in with it. This is why it is a particularly exciting time there on planet Earth. You are exercising your freedom to be yourselves, and when you are yourself, you are more of who you really are as Source Energy. You allow more of that unconditional love to flow to you and through you. You are making such tremendous progress there that we feel you are getting closer and closer to full e.t. contact for all of humanity. We are not the only ones watching, of course. There are many who are in physical bodies, who are in your dimension, and who are in spaceships all around the planet, and they observe what you are doing and what you are becoming, and they see that the power has gone back to the people in large numbers. And they see the opportunities for giving you more activations and upgrades, and you are going to see an uptick in the number of people having e.t. encounters of their own, and then they will share those stories in all of the ways that you have of sharing, and more doorways will be opened for more individual contact experiences, and this will continue until the critical mass is reached, and you hit that tipping point, and it is decided that you are ready for full open contact. Remember, you are the ones who are making this possible, and what you are doing, what you have been doing, needs to continue so that you continue to move the needle for humankind. You are working as individuals and as a collective towards this goal of joining the galactic community once and for all, and you are doing it under very challenging times there on Earth. But those challenging times have led to more people rising up to feel their own power within them, and when that power is utilized with compassion and with a knowing that you are part of a collective, you show up on the radar of so many e.t. beings who want to help and who have been waiting for the right timing to do so. We see that time as now, and we are very proud of those of you who are stepping up at this time, and we want you to acknowledge the difference you are making there on Earth. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.” |
A MESSAGE FROM JESUSSource: John Smallman No one needs to seek Love. |
To awaken is your destiny because, being One with Source – being fully aware in complete conscious wakefulness in every moment – is your constant state. As humans in form it is difficult for you to conceive of such a state, because you are almost constantly being distracted by your worldly concerns and interests. They are, of course, totally appropriate while you are in form as they assist you in maintaining your physical well-being. However, you do not need to spend almost all your waking hours focused on those concerns and issues, whereas you do need to spend quiet time every day connecting with Source, by sitting peacefully as you invite Love into your hearts to embrace you and reinvigorate your energy fields. There is still a lot of ‘stuff’ arising planet-wide that takes a heavy toll on everyone in form, so resting and recuperating deep within yourselves daily is essential, otherwise it becomes very difficult for you to share and extend to humanity the love that each one of you is, and which is your reason for being incarnate at this moment in humanity’s spiritual evolution – TO AWAKEN! We are watching over you with intense Love as your awakening process approaches its most magnificent conclusion, and it will indeed be most dramatic and uplifting for you all, way beyond your wildest dreams. You incarnated to be present in form at this moment and not one of you will be disappointed. Nevertheless, this short period of time remaining before the miracle occurs, is proving to be very stressful for everyone, so be aware of this and intensify your intent to be only loving whatever arises. You know that you are Love, One with Mother/Father/God. You know this divine truth deep within yourselves, and yet you allow your egoic doubts to hide this from you with distractions – I am unworthy, I am a guilty sinner, I am not good enough, God couldn’t love me – all of which are utterly and completely invalid. Because you are in every moment One with God none of these doubts or beliefs could ever be true because the One – YOU – is eternally perfect in every way. The best way you can honor Mother/Father/God is by honoring and respecting yourselves. Until you do that you will continue to find yourselves projecting those judgments on to others and condemning them – Self-Condemnation – as you attempt to relieve or disown your own sense of inadequacy. YOU ARE NOT INADEQUATE! How could you be inadequate when you are divine creations, the eternally beloved children of God? Yes, as humans in form, you are different from one another, you are, each and every one of you without any exceptions, individuals with different skills and creative abilities. Therefore, do not compare yourselves to others, to do so is meaningless, because you need to work together, harmoniously and lovingly, using your own individual skills and abilities, and thus awaken into the Reality of your Oneness, your inseparability from Source, and therefore from one another. Source is Creation, and so, therefore, are you. Your nature is continuously conjoined with and cooperating with M/F/G creating beauty in an infinite expression of Love. You all love beauty – beautiful flowers, blossoms, gardens, trees, sunsets, animals, and people – and that is what you are unceasingly creating in myriad magnificent variations for the joy of All. |
You are all beings of eternal joy, and yet that is what you spend much of your lives in form seeking outside yourselves, as for most of your lives it does not appear to be present or accessible. But it is! It is within you and is instantly attainable for you when you allow yourselves to release your grasp on judgment of the world and its people, especially those close to you with whom you interact regularly. Judgment is a ‘skill’ that you begin to learn in infancy as you are regularly judged as not good enough for whatever reason – mostly very minor – and your learning of this skill never ceases because as you grow you feel an intense need to defend yourselves against the judgments of others, and you do this by judging and blaming those others. For most people this also leads to judging and blaming the worldly environment itself – it’s cold, it’s raining, it’s too hot, there are too many people, there are too many wars, people cannot be trusted, it’s not fair – for your dissatisfaction and unhappiness with your lives. But, the world is, and people are people, so instead of judging and complaining, extend and share Love with everyone because, as you know deep within yourselves, even if you do not wish to accept it, everyone is always doing their best. The fact that you do not think this is true is an invalid judgment and personal belief. And you can just let it go. M/F/G is Love and Compassion, therefore so are you. Instead of blaming and judging extend love to all. Yes, some do need to be restrained from harming others, but thoughtfully, wisely, and compassionately, as closely as you can manage to the divine way – remember M/F/G never blames, judges, or condemns – She embraces all most lovingly. She knows that all in form are desperately seeking Love, and the more desperate a person is the more unloving their behavior tends to be. ANYTHING that is not in alignment with Love is a very desperate call for Love. Honor that call and help people to awaken to the deep inner knowing that they are LOVE! No one needs to seek Love, because your nature – LOVE – is with you in every moment waiting patiently to be discovered as you let go of the egoic distractions that hide your true nature from yourselves. When you finally find Love within yourselves, and you WILL, all judgment has fallen away and, miraculously, you are most happily at peace with yourselves in complete self-acceptance, and in loving and compassionate acceptance of all others. Your loving brother, Jesus. |
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