
About Me

I started my Inner Journey several decades ago by 1st learning to meditate & then becoming a teacher & putting people in Contact withe Source, Their Source. I worked with & Sponsored various highly evolved people, Healers, Clairvoyants & Developed Souls who showed me how to utilize their knowledge that strangely most couldn't discern or even hear. Withe Various Techniques & Tools I've been given or fathomed thru close observation, I have had some interesting experiences & journeys within. And as fascinating as all that is, my Aim is to Be Freed from this Illusion bringing as many as will come along EveNow. I have shared thru my messages several of my inner connections like the ~Unknowable~ which is beyond the Relative & Absolute fields of Life, Also drawing down The_Grace_of_Ishvara,_Our Almighty Father Mother God/dess & The Transformational Rainbow Forest Odyssey + many other Activations, Techniques & Connections from various teachers & messengers. And It is time to Get Ready or Not~Change is Upon Each & All of Us Beyond Sci~Fi or Middle Earth or Any Tales or Fables you've heard of.... We Are in the Midst of It. Everything is Speeding Up SO BE READY!!!!!!



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Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Earth Beats Like a Guacamole..


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Welcome to PAO's Live Galactic Activation Webinar for May

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What an occasion – it’s PAO’s 50th Webinar!

For 50 Sundays, Colleen and Miles have brought you the information, the courage and the heart to enlighten – and enbrighten - you through some extremely difficult days. Well, we’ve made it this far, and we, as a Light community, are aiming to make it all the rest of the way to Ascension!

In the meantime, here we are, marking 50 Galactic Activation get-togethers – and who better to help us celebrate than one of PAO’s most engaging and popular guests, Jared Rand!

Jared will discuss how our world is moving ahead through the necessary stages that will lead us all to better times. He will tell us how his Celestial Chamber Project is progressing, and explain how the Deep State’s fortress is rapidly – and inevitably – about to collapse like a house of cards.

Please come to this very special celebratory Webinar. It can’t be a party without you!

Subjects to be discussed:

• Jared Updates Us On His Mission’s Current Focus
• Our World in Transition
Flowing with the Winds of Change
• Information Narratives
A Double-Edged Sword
• Celestial Chambers
Progress Report
• Awakening to Ascension
Exploring the Process of Accelerating our Timelines

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After the Webinar we will answer your questions live. Within 48 hours after the live Webinar we will send you a link to a video recording.

Please note new time:

Sunday, May 22, 1:30 to 3:00 p.m. PDT

Please note: If you are unable to attend on Sunday, May 22, you can still register. Within 48 hours, we will send you a link to the Webinar posted (privately) on YouTube. (After posting, the Webinar will be available for 1 week.)

Seats are Limited... Register Now!

To make payment and register: Click Here

Cost: $20.00 U.S.


Not Wrong, NEW

Source: Brenda Hoffman


Dear Ones,

Perhaps you believe the changes you noted within and without are merely a portion of the totality that is you. Such is both right and wrong.

In 3D, you are expected to age in specific ways with a few variations from person to person. In your new world, there are no expectations in terms of growth, aging, or the shifts within you. Everyone is evolving uniquely.

We, of the Universes, cannot tell you when you will outgrow puberty or any stage. Even though we indicated you would evolve beyond your terrible twos the next few days, such is a questionable statement. Not because you will never grow beyond the terrible twos, but because we do not know if aspects of your current terrible two actions are part of your new being.

Terrible two traits that seemed inappropriate in your 3D world are almost expected in your new being – for you no longer need or want to follow social dictates. And the only way you can remove yourself from doing so is to clearly declare your independence.

Of course, independent comments are frightening because you fear you will not be accepted by others. This is not an easy time for you or society.

In 3D, society was the most essential element. Even those negating social rules did so, knowing they were risking it all. You now have no idea what the ramifications of your actions are, for the world seems to be moving in all directions. Concepts popular yesterday are no longer. What is popular seems to change by the minute – both for you and everyone shifting beyond 3D.

There are no longer social givens, even though you might quickly respond with the seemingly appropriate political view or socially favorable stance. Even so, some pieces of that stance do not agree with your inner being.

You no longer have a secure belief pattern that completely matches anyone.

Is there no one who believes exactly like you? Are you brave enough to be without support? Thoughts that likely bother you, for you are not used to standing alone.

We, of the Universes, will relay a little secret. There has never been an earth time where one concept was wholly accepted by everyone. But because society was the basis for action, enough of the outer-directed leaders’ ideas were welcomed with few dissensions. Now that you are thinking and acting in the unique way that is new you, you can not find the 3D camaraderie you are used to.


Even though you feel alone, you have the need to say, “No.”

You are moving beyond social mores and into your unique path. Something that does not yet feel comfortable. Not because it is wrong, but because it is new. Similar to your feelings on the first day of a new job.

You have not yet discovered the correct cadence for this new world, so you feel ignored, alone, and possibly frightened.

Your physical being is also shifting. Perhaps you notice new patterns within your physicality, perhaps not. But for now, you are most concerned about your social connections or lack thereof.

Many of you respond that you have ignored society for decades and are used to being on your own. You gloried in your independence from certain activities or people. But now you have no idea what your independence means, for there are no clear social mores. Perhaps you know what you are against but not what you are for. Or some segments of your society speak your partial truth, but no one is entirely you.

This discourse may seem disjointed, for you believe you are comfortably shedding your 3D skin and morphing into new you without issues or concerns. If such is indeed so, we applaud your adaptability. If not, do not be concerned – all will sift out into a new world for you and those beyond 3D. You will adapt to your new being both within your being and the population in ways that cannot be described, any more than you can voice romantic love to someone who has yet to experience it.

Suffice it for you to know that you are no longer fully part of any social group. Your new you directive is to become a unique individual. And such is not possible if you bend to fulfill the concepts of this person or negate all of that person without fully understanding their differences from you. This concept is likely too vague because you want us to tell you how to act or react – something we cannot do for this is not an age of conformity; it is an age of unique thoughts and actions.

You are in the midst of a short, uncomfortable adjustment period. Soon, you will find others who agree with enough of your beliefs for you to interact – until those interactions are no longer compatible with your new being.

You are becoming a butterfly flitting from flower to flower – discovering that your new world is so much brighter and larger than your former outer-directed world. Once you grasp the beauty of ongoing flight and learning, you will understand of what we speak. Until then, please allow yourself the freedom to be as you adjust to your new world and inner being.

Your physicality is also shifting, but that shift is not your key inner directive now. Your being cries to understand your new social network and seemingly anti-social being. That is enough learning for now. So be it. Amen.

Copyright 2009-2022, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author/channel: Brenda Hoffman & source website link:


Holy Guacamole! We Are In Potent Energies

Source: Lorie Ladd

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Earth's Magnetic Field Beats Like a Drum: The Aura of our planet?

Source: Portal to Ascension - Neil Guar


As technology on our planet exponentially progresses and we as a civilization begin to dissect and understand the nature of our reality; new discoveries are being made that explain our place in the cosmos on a deeper level. In 2019 NASA released the findings of THEMIS mission that has proved a 45 year old theory that the outer boundary of Earth’s magnetic field vibrates like a drum. This means that the Earth’s Electromagnetic field has some sort of resonance occurring in which it vibrates and oscillates.

The Earth’s magnetic field protects us from solar wind and harmful ultraviolet radiation; as well as protects the Ozone layer. It is basically our shield from the chaos of the Universe bombarding Earth and having a negative affect on our ability to live here. The five probes of the THEMIS mission observed plasma jets hitting the magnetopause which produced sounds throughout the magnetic bubble that Earth is encapsulated in. These resonant waves that are created affect the planet’s radiation belts, aurora, and ionosphere.

Rediscovering Ancient Wisdom

The term Universe symbolizes music in itself. One Verse… one song. The mathematics of the universe is truly the understanding of vibration and frequency which is why the field of Quantum Physics is becoming increasingly popular to begin to explain the underlying nature of how this physical reality is manifested. If we are to look in ancient scriptures worldwide we realize that this awareness and these new discoveries are truly ancient wisdom being resurrected. Many past cultures spoke about the Universe being made of vibrations and frequencies and used metaphors to explain how it all worked. The graph below is a comparison chart of Metaphysical Terms and Quantum Physics… can you see the similarities?

The Magnetic Field of Earth beating like a drum seems like common sense to many. All things vibrate and even the distances between planets are related to some sort of musical interval; as if we are in a grand cosmic dance of frequency interconnected with one another.


Earth’s Aura

Science is now confirming that the idea of an aura around a human body is a reality. Researchers have found that the aura is an electromagnetic field of energy that extends all around our body for about 4-5feet (in an average healthy body) and appears to be depleted in cases of an unhealthy person. This aura represents your physical, mental, emotional as well as spiritual energies. It also connects all subtle bodies and acts like a shield protecting the human vessel and absorbing specific energies.

So the question is could the Earth’s Electromagnetic field represent the physical, mental and emotional well being of our planet? Is the Earth’s Magnetic Field the aura of our planet? The subatomic frequencies within our body create an Electromagnetic field that encapsulates us protecting us and also absorbing and communicating with the outside world, other people and living beings. The Earth’s Electromagnetic field seems to be doing the same thing; protecting us from the hazards of space and also acting as an intermediary between the rest of the cosmos. All planetary bodies have their own magnetic field; therefore, have an aura. In a human, the aura is stronger based on their beliefs, diet and overall well being both mentality and physically. Therefore, it can be assumed that the Earth’s aura would also be healthy if the collective beliefs and overall health of all living beings on this planet were in a positive state and for the betterment of all.

There will be more discoveries about the world and how this physical reality is manifested; as well as how we can shift it using our own resonant frequencies, in the days and years to come. We are in exciting times of discovery and information and this is only the beginning.

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