
About Me

I started my Inner Journey several decades ago by 1st learning to meditate & then becoming a teacher & putting people in Contact withe Source, Their Source. I worked with & Sponsored various highly evolved people, Healers, Clairvoyants & Developed Souls who showed me how to utilize their knowledge that strangely most couldn't discern or even hear. Withe Various Techniques & Tools I've been given or fathomed thru close observation, I have had some interesting experiences & journeys within. And as fascinating as all that is, my Aim is to Be Freed from this Illusion bringing as many as will come along EveNow. I have shared thru my messages several of my inner connections like the ~Unknowable~ which is beyond the Relative & Absolute fields of Life, Also drawing down The_Grace_of_Ishvara,_Our Almighty Father Mother God/dess & The Transformational Rainbow Forest Odyssey + many other Activations, Techniques & Connections from various teachers & messengers. And It is time to Get Ready or Not~Change is Upon Each & All of Us Beyond Sci~Fi or Middle Earth or Any Tales or Fables you've heard of.... We Are in the Midst of It. Everything is Speeding Up SO BE READY!!!!!!



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Thursday, April 7, 2022



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Welcome to PAO's Live Galactic Activation Webinar for April


Right now, we who are awake are mired in an age of uncertainty. Truths we have built our lives upon are being questioned, discarded and replaced. Many of us feel groundless and long for a foothold in stability.

Pia Orleane and Cullen Smith return to lead us out of anxiety and despair toward possibility and hope. With them they bring the enduring love and constancy of Laarkmaa, the Pleiadian beings whose discernment and guidance our world so badly needs.


What a wonderful opportunity to shake off our fears and embrace the wisdom and serenity of the higher Beings whose energies are so close to our own.

Please join us for this inspirational Live Webinar!

Subjects to be discussed:

• Pia and Cullen Update Us On Their Mission’s Current Focus
• Being Awake: How to Maintain Positivity
Dealing with Constant Distractions and Narratives that Divide Humanity
• Major Increase In Solar Flare Activity
Its Effect on Us
• Pineal Gland: Connecting to Higher Consciousness
How to Keep It Healthy
• Laarkmaa Explains the Multiverse Attraction
Pitfalls of Falsely Creating Our Avatars
• An Update from Laarkmaa
Spiritual Lessons We are Meant to Learn in This Historical Moment

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After the Webinar we will answer your questions live. Within 48 hours after the live Webinar we will send you a link to a video recording

Sunday, April 24, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PDT

Please note: If you are unable to attend on Sunday April 24, you can still register. Within 48 hours, we will send you a link to the Webinar posted (privately) on YouTube. (After posting, the Webinar will be available for 1 week.)

Seats are Limited... Register Now!

To make payment and register: Click Here

Cost: $20.00 U.S.


Taurus Gate and the Phoenix Adventure

Source: Celia Fenn


Beloved Family of Light, you are at this time experiencing a major expansion of consciousness that culminates on the 12th of April 2022. Those of you who have followed the path of Ascension have worked for many years to raise your frequency and expand your consciousness. This has allowed you to empower yourselves and to become soul embodied Masters of Energy on Earth. You have activated the original template of the Human Angel within your DNA and stepped forward to become the empowered New Earth Human.

This present expansion of consciousness that began in January of 2022 and culminates on the 12th of April, is the moment when you become aware that you are - in your Higher Consciousness and in Multi-dimensional awareness - an inherent part of Nature and of the Planet.

You become aware, Beloveds, that the same Divine Soul and Intelligence that is in you is also in all things on the Planet. There is no “separation” between trees, animals, plants, rocks and humans! They are all expressions of Divine Creative Manifestation and Divine Will. The idea of “Oneness” that is part of 5th Dimensional consciousness, means that you see the Divine Creative Fire within all things!

What does this mean for you, you may ask?

Well, as you expand your consciousness and do your inner work of balancing and empowerment, you also expand your Energy Signature. The coherence and harmony that expands outwards into your Energy Field from your Sacred Heart creates a field of Coherence that connects with and enhances the field in Nature.

Your organic coherent field connects with the organic coherent field in Nature, merging and creating a field of miracles and beauty. That is why, when you are open and connected to the field of nature, you are able to create and generate miracles in your life. The Divine Flow is magnified and synchronicity is accelerated. That is why being in Nature can be such a healing experience for you. When you are out of balance and energy field is distorted, being within a coherent field allows you to balance and heal your field through a process of resonant assimilation.

But, Beloveds, it also works the other way. When you are a Master of Energy and a Multi-dimensional Being, you can be a healing force where nature has been damaged and distorted. Your powerful energy signature manifests a creative field that can assist nature to return to coherence and harmony.

In this expansion phase, as you step up and step into your Mastery, many of you will understand that this is a part of your purpose. You will “hold” energy for the Planet and for Nature to heal. You will be Stewards and Keepers of the Garden of the New Earth simply by achieving and holding this coherent and harmonious energy within your Sacred Heart and within your Energy Signature.

You may be aware of being called to certain places on the Earth simply to be there and to hold a field of Love and Coherence for the Planet

This is also the Sacred energy of the Divine Mother at work, for where you walk flowers will spring up and trees will blossom! Beloved Ones, when the consciousness of the Peaceful Garden is within you, then it will manifest around you as your environment.

Your Inner Joy and Harmony will be reflected back to you by Nature.

Beloved Ones, this is a true blessing as you recognise that your creative energy as a Human Angel can spark Creative Fire in Nature too!

The Phoenix Eclipses

The partial Solar Eclipse in Taurus on the 30th April and the Total Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio on the 16th May will be moments when new Light Codes for the New Earth will be installed into the Planetary grids and into your Light Bodies.

The Phoenix is one of the symbols for Scorpio, and it signifies the creative transformation of death and rebirth. At this time, old structures will fall away and you will birth the new structures that will contain the energies of the New Earth, as individuals and as families and communities.

As individuals, you will create coherent and powerful Energy Signatures that will draw to you those who are your Soul Family and Tribe. Together, you will begin to create Family and Community structures of Love, Compassion, Harmony, Peace and Coherence. As you come together you will create support for the fields of others and of nature.

No matter how chaotic and disharmonious events may be on the lower levels of consciousness, you will be able to hold your field of Love, Peace and Harmony as a Coherent Planetary expression of Divine Love. You will truly begin writing the Story of Divine Love within the pages of the Book of Love that is the record of your adventures on Earth.


Spirals of Time

The Partial Solar Eclipse/New Moon in Taurus 30th April

The first eclipse of 2022 falls in Taurus. This is the part of the Galactic space ruled by the Royal Star Aldebaran, and the season in which the Sun transits Orion, Sirius and the Pleiades. Earth has many historical and evolutionary links to these star systems, and a spiral transit always renews connections and allows for new Light Code upgrades to be integrated. This year’s eclipse will intensify this process.

Taurus is the sign that allows you to focus on home, both personal and planetary, as well as finances. So, you can expect major shifts and expansions in these areas. It is good to be open and prepared for such opportunities.

The Light Council of Aldebaran is the Galactic body that oversees the shift in the timeline spirals, together with those of Regulus, Antares and Formalhaut. As you expand consciousness and open to your Galactic ancestral lineage, you will be able to play your part in receiving and integrating new Light Codes for the New Earth.

As the partial Solar Eclipse falls on a New Moon, you can also expect this to be a time of new beginnings.

The Total Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio 16th May

This Lunar Eclipse will be a deep dive and an intense experience. It may feel as though everything is crashing down and all structures are failing - and yet at the same time a miraculous birth is taking place. You are rebirthing for your place and space in the New Earth.

You may feel called to move to a new place, begin a new project or change your work. Whatever call you receive, it will move you closer to your Heart and your Soul’s passion!

It is important to allow yourself to “implode” and rebirth if this is necessary at this time. You may have already been in this process, so this Eclipse will allow you to clarify and complete the process.

The Scorpio Full Moon is also associated with the enlightenment of the Buddha, so it is a good time to allow the Golden Light of awakening to radiate from your Soul!

May your Energy Signature be Light and Pure.

May you be the Holy Grail that carries the Golden Light of the Christ Consciousness.

May your Sacred Heart be alive with Passion and Compassion.

May you Be the Sword of Balance and Truth.


What is a Priestess in the New Age?

Source: Jennifer Ashira Ra

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Let's connect about--What the Priestess in the New Age is and more.....

Priestesses holders of the Sacred Ceremonies and wisdoms throughout the Ages. Gatherings in the Temple Water Blessings. Healings. Sacred Initiations + Activations. Invocations Sacred Rites on the Divine Vortex Days like Solstice and Equinox as in Avalon and Egypt.

What is a Priestess?

It is a question that is so important to talk about and to tune into within yourself. Your souls divine codes and memories. The Priestess has always been the holder of the wisdoms, the natural cycles and flows of a community or society throughput time. The Priestess had special gifts of Healing, Intuition, Clairvoyance, Seeing, Ritual and Leadership. As time has woven throughout the Ages--the Priestess wisdoms were scattered and lineages held only specific area of wisdoms. Some hold sexual rites , some hold body healing mysteries, some hold light conception and Oracle Visioning and many more.

Long ago, the Priestesses in communities carefully observed the patterns and rhythms of Nature. Attuning to earth’s cycles, they honored the Great Mother by performing sacred seasonal rituals. Seen as an embodiment of the Great Mother, were deeply revered, honored and celebrated for, like the earth, a woman too was able to grow life within her. Later in history, Roman, Greek, and Egyptian Priestesses lived in Holy Temples. They, too, worshiped the Great Mother, the Goddess in Her many forms. They served the spiritual needs of the community as well and were also held in high esteem.

The Priestesses, Wise Women and Healers through out time have cared for and held their communities balance within their gifts. Holding and Keeping the way of the Goddess and the Divine Feminine. and then it was lost. Religion rose and suppressed the Divine Feminine within all. Disconnecting from the grounded and sacred energy of the Goddess.

Now in this Age.

The Priestess is Fully Rising again. No longer in the shadows. She is awakening within Humanity again. Awakening within You. The Light is returning now. Opening within You. Within the Priestesses across the Planet.


Now we are in the Age of the New Balancing and Union. Now the Divine Masculine + Divine Feminine hold their rightful place together. Restoring Balance to the Planet. No longer the masculine Pisces and Aries Ages. No longer the Separation. We are opening the New Union now. You may feel you are wanting different things. New wisdoms and masteries awakening within you. This is the Priestess of the New Age within You.

Feel into these aspects of the Priestess .
Tune into what resonates and is part of you.

Your CallIng is of HIgh ServIce

To be a leader, you must first learn to serve.

The priestess is not a teacher or ruler above all, But rather, she is of the highest service. She is in service to her community and to her calling. Being of service is not about placing anyone above or below, but rather creating a mutual relationship of respect between the initiate and the women she serves.

Her work is to become a channel, a vessel to serve the highest good of the divine. She must maintain a practice of self-care to be the most present and abundant in her ability to serve and become this channel.

High Sacred Service is a calling. You may have memories of being a healer, dancer or medicine woman. Serving others is serving the Divine.

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The Path of the Priestess

What it truly means to be a New Age Priestess

You are dedicated to being of service to All

Whether it’s a small local ceremony + gathering, or a global media presence. The Priestess within you is dedicated to being of service;. To holding the Spiritual Connection for your family, your community and for the planet.

There are many types of sacred service. Holding community circles for connection. healing work, ceremonial work, teaching and guiding orders, training new priestesses and initiates. Activating and Igniting the New energies for the larger Ascension and Growth of the Civilization.

In Many ancient societies , the High Priestess was higher in stature than the Royal line of King + Queen. It was a known fact that the spiritual connection held by the High Priestess was the highest of all. And the Priestess anointed any new rulers and was asked to give her blessing.

You are Devoted

You are devoted to your path of Love , Your Path of Sacred High Service and Your Path of Self Inner Union. This is who you are and your foundation.


The Oracle has an intuitive ability, can see and vision through the physical realms into the field of light. This is a Divine Gift. The ability as Priestess, to see the unseen connections, events and lineages that will be and have happened to others.

You Live in flow with your Natural Cycles

You feel the the call of the natural cycles. The way women used to intuitivel;y align themselves through the seasons of the year and live by the cycles of the Sun + Moon. The Golden Sun is the Codes of Creation. The Divine Light of All. The moon connects to the waters – she rules the oceans, the night skies, and the other realm.

You feel the callimng + take time to create a ritual on the new and full Sun and Moon, whether you’re alone or with sisters. Each New Sun + Moon is a fresh start, and a chance to begin again; while the Full Sun + Moon is a time to complete, expand and celebrate.

You Feel deeply how your Cycles reflect that of Nature, the Lunar + Solar Cycles, the Cosmos and the flow of Pure Source.

You honor your Inner GoddeSS ~ THE HEALER

The Priestess as Healer. In every community throughout time. There was always a healer , a beautiful woman and sometimes a man. Who all would visit for healing tonics and help when siock. The sacred arts of healing passed down from mother to daughter, Medicine Woman to Apprentice for Ages.

And now today, You may attend a Goddess Mystery School or Reiki Master Training and it all comes back. Flooding in again. Your sacred knowledge- knowing or remembering for the first time.

The Healer as Priestess. What was taught in the Temples is now opening again within Humanity.

Do You ever walk into a room and can feel what and who needs healing or support? You can lay your hands on others and they feel better. They feel held and nurtured by you.

Many Priestesses as Healers - are all around you. Your Mother , Your Grandmother, Sister and Teachers .... All walking through life with Sacred Abilities they dont really speak of. Maybe don't fully understand or even want. The Calling of the Priestess within you . The Healer. Is a Gift. The Holder of the Codes and Spiritual Wisdoms.

You may be able to send energy from afar.

This has always been a big sign of being a Priestess. The Temple Arts of healing. Opening g again and Serving others is a sacred path.

The New Age Priestess

By remembering and honoring Intuition. The sacred lineage of priestess lives on . In there New age- This is the Time of the Priestess. To Honor who you are and always have been. Reclaiming all that has been forgotten and Remember again.


Star Children, Soul Swapping, Multidimensional Thinking, Milab Abduction

Source: Typical Skeptic Podcast UFO Paranormal PSI

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