
About Me

I started my Inner Journey several decades ago by 1st learning to meditate & then becoming a teacher & putting people in Contact withe Source, Their Source. I worked with & Sponsored various highly evolved people, Healers, Clairvoyants & Developed Souls who showed me how to utilize their knowledge that strangely most couldn't discern or even hear. Withe Various Techniques & Tools I've been given or fathomed thru close observation, I have had some interesting experiences & journeys within. And as fascinating as all that is, my Aim is to Be Freed from this Illusion bringing as many as will come along EveNow. I have shared thru my messages several of my inner connections like the ~Unknowable~ which is beyond the Relative & Absolute fields of Life, Also drawing down The_Grace_of_Ishvara,_Our Almighty Father Mother God/dess & The Transformational Rainbow Forest Odyssey + many other Activations, Techniques & Connections from various teachers & messengers. And It is time to Get Ready or Not~Change is Upon Each & All of Us Beyond Sci~Fi or Middle Earth or Any Tales or Fables you've heard of.... We Are in the Midst of It. Everything is Speeding Up SO BE READY!!!!!!



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Monday, April 4, 2022

Arcturian Council: What else in April?


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Dear Colleen & Miles, What a great webinar. She is a joy, & a very inspirational speaker. Hope she can be back again soon! Lovingly, Donna

LORI SPAGNA was amazing! Her animal stories were precious!


Our world has reached a pivotal point as we hurtle towards a major shift in consciousness. In almost every major country, we are watching as a groundswell of people emerges from their slumber of compliance to tyrannical rules and begins to realize their own innate power. At last, that day has arrived. We are teetering on the brink of a Great Awakening.

This month, Lori Spagna returns, sharing again a wealth of knowledge about DNA strands and the Sacred Key Codes lying within – Codes that unlock the greater purpose for our presence here during these epochal times.

And, in response to your repeated requests, Lori reveals more of the wisdom she has gathered about animals and our pets. Our pets have shared the past two upsetting years with us. In many ways, they have suffered, visibly and invisibly, as well. Lori reveals how we can heal them at the same time we heal ourselves.

Subjects to be discussed:

• Lori Updates Us On Her Mission’s Current Focus
• DNA Activation: Sacred Key Codes
Aligning with Our Role in the Divine Plan
• The Pandemic: The Deeper Reason Behind It
How Humanity Can Return to a State Of Normalcy
• Pets: Animal Communication
Sacred Healing - Animals, Our World and Ascension
• Humanity's Destiny: Awakening to Our Greater Purpose
A Collective Trajectory for Humanity

To order your Galactic Activation Webinar Q&A-48 Archive: Click Here

Price: $13.95 U.S.


I couldn't cute!

Cutest Sleeping Animals You Will Ever See

Source: Daily Funnies

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via John Smallman


Life is about Love, and nothing else!
Yes, I do keep talking about Love, and that’s because all that exists is enfolded most lovingly within It because It is All That Exists. There is not and could not possibly be anything or anywhere else because It is infinitely vast, enveloping all sentient life, all of creation, and thereby satisfying every need and desire, and, of course, all that exists is alive. Every one of God’s infinite number of creations is alive, is sentient, although humanity has chosen to believe that most of the apparently inanimate matter or basic elements which makes up the world of form – in fact the whole universe – is without life, consciousness, or sentience of any kind.

Your mainstream science still believes and continues to spread the message that life just arose by chance for no reason and with no purpose, even though the statistical chance of that happening is beyond the bounds of possibility. Matter and form are no way as simple and basic as they appear when viewed through the very limited lens of perception with which your human forms provide you. What appears to you to be dead matter is not dead, and modern physics has shown very clearly everything is in constant motion, but as to why this is so they have no answer. The truth is that all that exists is eternally connected to the infinite field of energy – LOVE – and is at One with It!

And that is why I keep talking about Love!

As you go about your daily lives be aware of how often you seek, are hoping for approval . . . for Love. Most of the time you do not do it consciously, but when you complete a task, mental or physical, there is very often an underlying hope that someone will notice and appreciate you for what you have achieved. In Reality, at One with and fully aware of your existence constantly in the Presence of Mother/Father/God, you always know that you are infinitely loved and appreciated by your Source and you, of course, infinitely love and appreciate Yourself.

That is your natural and unchangeable state. As humans in form, the pain of not experiencing or knowing that is overwhelming, and that is why you are always seeking it, even though you mostly do not admit this to yourselves. After all, you believe yourselves to be independent beings, and so you attempt to present an image of yourselves to others that demonstrates this.

I am reminding you that you are Love, presently incarnate in a severely restricted human form, and that you at all times need to be open to Love – Vulnerable! Love is the energy that eternally enlivens existence, and blocking Love due to feelings of unworthiness reduces the life force that empowers beings in form, which is why the thought of being vulnerable terrifies most people, as they identify it, incorrectly, as a loss of their power, whereas in fact to be openly vulnerable by your own choice is to be fully in your power and to demonstrate it to others. And because so many of you feel unworthy, unlovable, unseen, of little value, you present an unreal image or mask to others that your egos have concocted, hoping that they will not see the frightened little you hidden inside. Over time, as you grow from infancy to adulthood, you come to believe that you are the mask that you are presenting to the world, making it extremely difficult for you to see and understand that being in form is an opportunity for you evolve spiritually, for you to become aware of your true nature – Christ Consciousness – eternally at One with Source.

Therefore embrace yourselves! Know yourselves as you truly are, as God knows you and sees you eternally. What God creates is always perfect and remains eternally and unchangeably in that state of perfection. You are as God created You . . . FOREVER. That never changes.

When you make your daily journey deep within yourselves, to your own holy inner sanctuaries – and you do need to do this at least once daily – and when there set the intent to open your hearts to Love and invite It in, Love will bring to your conscious awareness a sense, a knowing deep within you of the divine truth that you have never been separated from your loving Source.

Your sense of separation is illusory, unreal, and yet it gets stronger as you grow from infancy towards adulthood as your egos insist that you are your bodies and nothing more, organisms that are very easily hurt or damaged, and which are eventually destroyed.

You value your lives, which is good, but because you believe life is short, temporary, and is terminated at the moment of physical bodily death, you live in terror of losing it. You make great efforts to disguise or bury this fear, because being consciously aware of it drains your energy even further, and confirms for you your ingrained and totally invalid belief in your unworthiness and insignificance, and your egos encourage this because it gives them great power over you.

You need to tame your egos, and you learn to do this by going within daily and inviting Love into your hearts. When you feel Love within you, you become aware that you have no need of your egos. Fear empowers your egos, but Love dissolves fear.

So be with Love, be Love, be vulnerable, thus showing yourselves as you truly are, and in so doing uplifting and inspiring many others, far more than you will be aware of, and thus assisting in bringing the collective awakening process to its most glorious fulfillment. This is why you incarnated, so now complete the process by opening fully to Love and being your true perfect selves – vulnerable, and unconditionally accepting of all others – thus empowering them to open themselves fully and delight in the sense of peace and freedom that this knowing brings them.

Your loving bother, Jesus.


What Else Can You Expect in April?

Source: The 9D Arcturian Council with Daniel Scranton


“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very pleased to see how so many of you are benefitting from the April energies already. As we mentioned in a previous transmission, this is a time of root chakra clearing, but it is also a time of root chakra integration, and it is a time of healing. Whenever you are doing a lot of clearing, you are also doing a lot of healing and integrating. So it is a time for you to be building, for you to be creating, for you to move to that next level of consciousness and that next level of your lives.

It is time for you to grow exponentially, and with that growth comes more of who and what you really are. More of that means more of a reflection in the outside world, a reflection that shows you the work you have done and the being you are becoming. It’s a time to throw away the old ideas of limitation, of being oppressed, not being free. These are ideas that many people have ingrained in them now because a variety of people have told you that you are not free, very limited, and very oppressed. But as you heal from the trauma that has been stored in your root chakra, you get to move into a greater sense of empowerment and an acknowledgment that you are the ones creating all of this. You made certain choices before you incarnated, and you have chosen ever since with your vibration.

Now, as you step into a time of greater empowerment, you also want to consider how your choices are aligning with the needs of the many. When you grow, you realize you are living in a collective and that there’s no separation between you and your fellow humans. So when you want success for everyone, you are included in the everyone that you want that success for. When you realize that what’s good for you is good for others, and what’s good for others is good for you, then you start to get an idea of what it is actually like to be a part of a collective consciousness and a collective of physical beings, all spinning together on the same globe.

Let yourselves move through the month of April with an expectation for something more, something better for humanity. See that better version of Earth and of your collective, and feel for it. It’s already been created by you and by everyone else, and it’s time for you to actualize the freedom and the limitlessness that is true to your true nature. You are whole and complete beings; you are the entire universe expressing as an individual, and you have more tools now than you have ever had before, as well as having more helpers, more energies, more support. Build from the root chakra up the life that you want and the world you want to be living in, and know that you can because you have discovered the truth of who you really are as a Source Energy Being.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

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