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I started my Inner Journey several decades ago by 1st learning to meditate & then becoming a teacher & putting people in Contact withe Source, Their Source. I worked with & Sponsored various highly evolved people, Healers, Clairvoyants & Developed Souls who showed me how to utilize their knowledge that strangely most couldn't discern or even hear. Withe Various Techniques & Tools I've been given or fathomed thru close observation, I have had some interesting experiences & journeys within. And as fascinating as all that is, my Aim is to Be Freed from this Illusion bringing as many as will come along EveNow. I have shared thru my messages several of my inner connections like the ~Unknowable~ which is beyond the Relative & Absolute fields of Life, Also drawing down The_Grace_of_Ishvara,_Our Almighty Father Mother God/dess & The Transformational Rainbow Forest Odyssey + many other Activations, Techniques & Connections from various teachers & messengers. And It is time to Get Ready or Not~Change is Upon Each & All of Us Beyond Sci~Fi or Middle Earth or Any Tales or Fables you've heard of.... We Are in the Midst of It. Everything is Speeding Up SO BE READY!!!!!!



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Tuesday, February 8, 2022

What is a Monad? Spiral Healing

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Welcome to PAO's Live Galactic Activation Webinar for February ~ 2/20/22 Magical number

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As we pause to assess the battle scars inflicted by more than two years of lockdowns and restrictions, we sense that, finally, a Great Awakening is underway. Inspiring signs of change – of cooperative interaction, of liberty, of the overpowering yearning for freedom – are everywhere, most compellingly in the trucker convoys springing up all over the world.

There is an energy, a sense of flow and cohesion, at play right now that taps into our deepest humanity and, at the same time, our freest, most liberated spirit. Love connects us all. We are one, and we know it!


In this Valentine month of love and connection, who better to articulate its activational mood and offer her wise counsel than PAO’s guest of the month, Vidya Frazier. She will share her wisdom and show us how to create a more 5D reality in our day-to-day lives.

Please join us as, together, we reclaim our sovereignty and raise our frequencies!

Subjects to be discussed:

• Vidya Updates Us On Her Mission’s Current Focus
• An Awakening 5D Reality Shift is Already Underway
Tools to Assist You on Your Journey
• Lightworkers, Starseeds as Frequency-Holders
Redefining Our Spiritual Missions
• Relationship Challenges
Coping with Division
• Keep Focused on Love, Joy and Peace ... No Matter What!

After the Webinar we will answer your questions live. Within 48 hours after the live Webinar we will send you a link to a video recording.

Sunday, February 20, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PST

Please note: If you are unable to attend on Sunday February 20, you can still register. Within 48 hours, we will send you a link to the Webinar posted (privately) on YouTube. (After posting, the Webinar will be available for 1 week.)

Seats are Limited... Register Now!

To make payment and register: Click Here

Cost: $20.00 U.S.


The Spiral Path of Healing

Source: LeeHarrisEnergy

In this excerpt from Rebirth 2022, Lee shares some insights from his guides, The Z's, and some personal examples of moving through the spiral of healing past trauma, which empowers us to recover our life-force.

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What Exactly Is The Monad?


Note from Colleen: I have not studied Blavatsky Theosophy. I was never attracted to it. I woke up with the word "Monad". I followed the trail to this long explanation.


The title of this article expresses a question which many students of Theosophy have been asking themselves for over a century.

The word “monad” is generally defined in dictionaries as meaning “primary unit” or “ultimate unit.” In some of the more basic and foundational textbooks of Theosophy, such as “The Key to Theosophy” by H.P. Blavatsky and “The Ocean of Theosophy” by William Q. Judge, the term “Monad” is used quite simply and applies to the conjunction of the two highest “Principles” of the inner, spiritual constitution of the human being, namely Atma and Buddhi, which are usually termed the seventh and sixth Principles of man.

Atma, being pure eternal Spirit, one with the Absolute Infinite Omnipresent Divine Principle, can effectively have no connection with or influence on anything differentiated, manifested, or conditioned, except through Buddhi, the Spiritual Soul, which serves as the vehicle through which the divine light and radiance of Atma shines through to Manas, the next highest Principle, and which is our Reincarnating Ego, our permanent individuality, the Mind-Entity or Human Soul, which has been described and explained at some length in articles such as Ego Is Not a Bad Word and Manas – The Mystery of Mind.

When the Higher Manas principle is first awakened and activated in “animal man” – as occurred for this Earth’s humanity in the latter part of the Third Root Race, the Lemurian Epoch, millions of years ago – the Monad can be considered to have become individualised, in a sense, and to have gained its own Ego, its own “I”. Without this additional presence of Manas, as the connecting link between the Monad and the earthly personality, Atma-Buddhi remains for a man nothing more than pure abstraction in a state of absolute subjectivity and inactivity.

Atma and Buddhi are naturally in conjunction with one another. We can hardly conceive of one without the other. Manas is something individual, whilst Atma and Buddhi are universal Principles, one and the same for all. Some articles on this site which relate to them are Atman – The Higher Self and The Buddhi Principle. Atma-Buddhi is thus the highermost part of every being and it is the mission of the reincarnating Manas to merge and unite itself with the Monad, which is in fact its own source and highest spiritual essence.

Although this is admittedly more complex than the overly simplistic and unsatisfactory explanations about the nature of man offered by most religions, it is still sufficiently comprehensible.

When one begins to go even deeper into the study of the Theosophical teachings, however, it becomes apparent that there is in fact far more to the subject of the Monad than this. Apparently contradictory and confusing statements begin to emerge, particularly in the two volumes of “The Secret Doctrine,” and especially so when one discovers the numerous references to the Monad in relation to astrological aspects such as the seven sacred planets and the twelve constellations or signs of the Zodiac. We also see that the Monad is perhaps not quite as absolutely impartite and universal as we may have thought. It seems to be something individual in its nature, yet universal in its essence. As HPB remarked, it is “a mystery.”

All sacred mysteries are revealed to the earnest, humble, and selfless aspirant, when the time is right. In the meantime, we may encourage ourselves with the reminder that there are seven aspects or seven sides to every truth, and that in continually studying and contemplating upon all the differing explanations and statements given regarding the Monad, we may eventually be able to perceive the larger picture and gain a fuller, deeper, and more accurate understanding of that which has obviously had to be deliberately blurred and obscured by HPB and the Masters in order to avoid clearly and explicitly giving out to the world something which is of the utmost sacredness and holiness. Not everything can be handed to us on a plate; there are some things which we have to work out for ourselves, if we are sufficiently willing and interested to do so and to make the great effort required.

The modern esoteric student, said HPB, “demands and expects that his “Path” shall be engineered with all the selfish craft of modern comfort, macadamized, laid out with swift railways and telegraphs, and even telescopes, through which he may, while sitting at his ease, survey the works of other people; and while criticizing them, look out for the easiest, in order to play at the Occultist and Amateur Student of Theosophy. The real “Path” to esoteric knowledge is very different. Its entrance is overgrown with the brambles of neglect, the travesties of truth during long ages block the way, and it is obscured by the proud contempt of self-sufficiency and with every verity distorted out of all focus. To push over the threshold alone, demands an incessant, often unrequited labour of years, and once on the other side of the entrance, the weary pilgrim has to toil up on foot, for the narrow way leads to forbidding mountain heights, unmeasured and unknown, save to those who have reached the cloud-capped summit before. Thus must he mount, step by step, having to conquer every inch of ground before him by his own exertions; moving onward, guided by strange land marks the nature of which he can ascertain only by deciphering the weather-beaten, half-defaced inscriptions as he treads along, for woe to him, if, instead of studying them, he sits by coolly pronouncing them “indecipherable.” The “Doctrine of the Eye” is maya; that of the “Heart” alone, can make of him an elect.” (“Mistaken Notions on the “Secret Doctrine”” article)


This article consists of a compilation of quotations on the topic of the Monad, mainly from HPB but also with a few excerpts from her Adept Teachers. This is by no means the complete collection of everything ever said by them on this subject but it does include the main and most important statements and explanations.

In light of what follows, the simplest explanation that could be given as to what our Monad actually is, would be to say that it is a Divine Spark or Ray, an individualised “breath” of the Absolute, a manifestation of the infinite Energy of the One Universal Monad. These are of course only words, until we gain that understanding and intuitional perception which far surpasses mere words and intellect. Nevertheless, these words above present only a small part of the story of what exactly is the Monad.

~ * ~

“Monad (Gr.). The Unity, the one; but in Occultism it often means the unified triad, Atma-Buddhi-Manas, or the duad, Atma-Buddhi, that immortal part of man which reincarnates in the lower kingdoms, and gradually progresses through them to Man and then to the final goal – Nirvana.” (HPB, “The Theosophical Glossary” p. 216, Entry for “Monad”)

“The Monad, though meaning strictly one, is in its manifestation always Trinitarian – being one only in Nirvana. When it is in its Laya state every ancient philosophy proves it to be so. … It cannot be otherwise than Trinitarian. How can Monad manifest, unless it is Trinitarian and capable of acting only on the third plane, as the second and the first are too spiritual to be regarded in our perceptions as planes of any activity? Take the human septenary. Atma alone is nothing; it is not only not a breath, but it is simply an idea, nothing, because it is absoluteness; it is the essence of Ain Soph or Parabrahm; Buddhi is its vehicle, and yet Buddhi, even in conjunction with Atma, is still nothing on this plane.” (HPB, “The Secret Doctrine Dialogues” p. 438-439)

“The monad … is here rendered as the Atma in conjunction with Buddhi and the higher Manas. This trinity is one and eternal, the latter being absorbed in the former at the termination of all conditioned and illusive life. The monad, then, can be traced through the course of its pilgrimage and its changes of transitory vehicles only from the incipient stage of the manifested Universe. In Pralaya, or the intermediate period between two manvantaras, it loses its name, as it loses it when the real ONE self of man merges into Brahm in cases of high Samadhi (the Turiya state) or final Nirvana; …

“Atma (our seventh principle) being identical with the universal Spirit, and man being one with it in his essence, what is then the Monad proper? It is that homogeneous spark which radiates in millions of rays from the primeval “Seven;” – of which seven further on. It is the EMANATING spark from the UNCREATED Ray – a mystery.” (HPB, “The Secret Doctrine” Vol. 1, p. 570, 571)

“Stanza III. describes the Re-awakening of the Universe to life after Pralaya. It depicts the emergence of the “Monads” from their state of absorption within the ONE; the earliest and highest stage in the formation of “Worlds,” the term Monad being one which may apply equally to the vastest Solar System or the tiniest atom.” (HPB, “The Secret Doctrine” Vol. 1, p. 21)

“For him [i.e. Leibnitz] matter was a simple representation of the monad, whether human or atomic. Monads, he thought (as we do), are everywhere. Thus the human soul is a monad, and every cell in the human body has its monad, as every cell in animal, vegetable, and even in the (so-called) inorganic bodies.” (HPB, “The Secret Doctrine” Vol. 1, p. 630)

“The Monad or Jiva, as said in “Isis Unveiled,” vol. i., p. 302, is, first of all, shot down by the law of Evolution into the lowest form of matter – the mineral. After a sevenfold gyration encased in the stone (or that which will become mineral and stone in the Fourth Round), it creeps out of it, say, as a lichen. Passing thence, through all the forms of vegetable matter, into what is termed animal matter, it has now reached the point in which it has become the germ, so to speak, of the animal, that will become the physical man. All this, up to the Third Round, is formless, as matter, and senseless, as consciousness. For the Monad or Jiva per se cannot be even called spirit: it is a ray, a breath of the ABSOLUTE, or the Absoluteness rather, and the Absolute Homogeneity, having no relations with the conditioned and relative finiteness, is unconscious on our plane. Therefore, besides the material which will be needed for its future human form, the monad requires (a) a spiritual model, or prototype for that material to shape itself into; and (b) an intelligent consciousness to guide its evolution and progress, neither of which is possessed by the homogeneous monad, or by senseless though living matter. The Adam of dust requires the Soul of Life to be breathed into him: the two middle principles, which are the sentient life of the irrational animal and the Human Soul, for the former is irrational without the latter. It is only when, from a potential androgyne, man has become separated into male and female, that he will be endowed with this conscious, rational, individual Soul, (Manas) “the principle, or the intelligence, of the Elohim,” to receive which, he has to eat of the fruit of Knowledge from the Tree of Good and Evil. How is he to obtain all this? The Occult doctrine teaches that while the monad is cycling on downward into matter, these very Elohim – or Pitris, the lower Dhyan-Chohans – are evolving pari passu with it on a higher and more spiritual plane, descending also relatively into matter on their own plane of consciousness, when, after having reached a certain point, they will meet the incarnating senseless monad, encased in the lowest matter, and blending the two potencies, Spirit and Matter, the union will produce that terrestrial symbol of the “Heavenly Man” in space – PERFECT MAN.” (HPB, “The Secret Doctrine” Vol. 1, p. 246-247)

“The Monads are not discrete principles, limited or conditioned, but rays from that one universal absolute Principle.” (HPB, “The Secret Doctrine” Vol. 2, p. 167)

“Whatever meaning various schools may give the term, Sattva is the name given among Occult students of the Aryasanga School to the dual Monad or Atma-buddhi, and Atma-buddhi on this plane corresponds to Parabrahm and Mulaprakriti on the higher plane.” (HPB, “The Secret Doctrine” Vol. 1, p. 69)

“The Sixth principle in Man (Buddhi, the Divine Soul) though a mere breath, in our conceptions, is still something material when compared with divine “Spirit” (Atma) of which it is the carrier or vehicle. Fohat, in his capacity of DIVINE LOVE (Eros), the electric Power of affinity and sympathy, is shown allegorically as trying to bring the pure Spirit, the Ray inseparable from the ONE absolute, into union with the Soul, the two constituting in Man the MONAD, and in Nature the first link between the ever unconditioned and the manifested.” (HPB, “The Secret Doctrine” Vol. 1, p. 119)

“The “monad” is the combination of the last two Principles in man, the 6th and the 7th, and, properly speaking, the term “human monad” applies only to the Spiritual Soul, not to its highest spiritual vivifying Principle. But since divorced from the latter the Spiritual Soul could have no existence, no being, it has thus been called. The composition (if such a word, which would shock an Asiatic, seems necessary to help European conception) of Buddhi or the 6th principle is made up of the essence of what you would call matter (or perchance a centre of Spiritual Force) in its 6th and 7th condition or state; the animating ATMAN being part of the ONE LIFE or Parabrahm. Now the Monadic Essence (if such a term be permitted) in the mineral, vegetable and animal, though the same throughout the series of cycles from the lowest elemental up to the Deva kingdom, yet differs in the scale of progression.

“It would be very misleading to imagine a monad as a separate entity trailing its slow way in a distinct path through the lower kingdoms, and after an incalculable series of transmigrations flowering into a human being; in short, that the monad of a Humboldt dates back to the monad of an atom of hornblende. Instead of saying a mineral monad, the correcter phraseology in physical science which differentiates every atom, would of course have been to call it the Monad manifesting in that form of Prakriti called the mineral kingdom. … it is a concrete manifestation of the Universal Energy which itself has not yet become individualized: a sequential manifestation of the one Universal Monas. The ocean does not divide into its potential and constituent drops until the sweep of the life-impulse reaches the evolutionary stage of man-birth. The tendency towards segregration into individual monads is gradual, and in the higher animals comes almost to the point. The Peripatetics applied the word Monas to the whole Cosmos, in the pantheistic sense; and the Occultists while accepting this thought for convenience’ sake, distinguish the progressive stages of the evolution of the Concrete from the Abstract by terms, of which the “Mineral Monad” is one. The term merely means that the tidal wave of spiritual evolution is passing through that arc of its circuit. The “Monadic Essence” begins to imperceptibly differentiate in the vegetable kingdom. As the monads are uncompounded things, as correctly defined by Leibnitz, it is the spiritual essence which vivifies them in their degrees of differentiation which constitutes properly the monad – not the atomic aggregation which is only the vehicle and the substance through which thrill the lower and higher degrees of intelligence. …

“…even the vegetable monad is still the Monad in its second degree of awakening sensation. Leibnitz came several times very near the truth, but defined the monadic evolution incorrectly and often greatly blundered. There are seven kingdoms. The first group comprises three degrees of elementals, or nascent centres of forces – from the first stage of the differentiation of Mulaprakriti to its third degree – i.e., from full unconsciousness to semi-perception; the second or higher group embraces the kingdoms from vegetable to man; the mineral kingdom thus forming the central or turning-point in the degrees of the “Monadic Essence” – considered as an Evoluting Energy. Three stages in the elemental side; the mineral kingdom; three stages in the objective physical side – these are the seven links of the evolutionary chain. A descent of spirit into matter, equivalent to an ascent in physical evolution; a re-ascent from the deepest depths of materiality (the mineral) towards its status quo ante, with a corresponding dissipation of concrete organisms up to Nirvana – the vanishing point of differentiated matter. …


This article consists of a compilation of quotations on the topic of the Monad, mainly from HPB but also with a few excerpts from her Adept Teachers. This is by no means the complete collection of everything ever said by them on this subject but it does include the main and most important statements and explanations.

In light of what follows, the simplest explanation that could be given as to what our Monad actually is, would be to say that it is a Divine Spark or Ray, an individualised “breath” of the Absolute, a manifestation of the infinite Energy of the One Universal Monad. These are of course only words, until we gain that understanding and intuitional perception which far surpasses mere words and intellect. Nevertheless, these words above present only a small part of the story of what exactly is the Monad.

~ * ~

“Monad (Gr.). The Unity, the one; but in Occultism it often means the unified triad, Atma-Buddhi-Manas, or the duad, Atma-Buddhi, that immortal part of man which reincarnates in the lower kingdoms, and gradually progresses through them to Man and then to the final goal – Nirvana.” (HPB, “The Theosophical Glossary” p. 216, Entry for “Monad”)

“The Monad, though meaning strictly one, is in its manifestation always Trinitarian – being one only in Nirvana. When it is in its Laya state every ancient philosophy proves it to be so. … It cannot be otherwise than Trinitarian. How can Monad manifest, unless it is Trinitarian and capable of acting only on the third plane, as the second and the first are too spiritual to be regarded in our perceptions as planes of any activity? Take the human septenary. Atma alone is nothing; it is not only not a breath, but it is simply an idea, nothing, because it is absoluteness; it is the essence of Ain Soph or Parabrahm; Buddhi is its vehicle, and yet Buddhi, even in conjunction with Atma, is still nothing on this plane.” (HPB, “The Secret Doctrine Dialogues” p. 438-439)

“The monad … is here rendered as the Atma in conjunction with Buddhi and the higher Manas. This trinity is one and eternal, the latter being absorbed in the former at the termination of all conditioned and illusive life. The monad, then, can be traced through the course of its pilgrimage and its changes of transitory vehicles only from the incipient stage of the manifested Universe. In Pralaya, or the intermediate period between two manvantaras, it loses its name, as it loses it when the real ONE self of man merges into Brahm in cases of high Samadhi (the Turiya state) or final Nirvana; …

“Atma (our seventh principle) being identical with the universal Spirit, and man being one with it in his essence, what is then the Monad proper? It is that homogeneous spark which radiates in millions of rays from the primeval “Seven;” – of which seven further on. It is the EMANATING spark from the UNCREATED Ray – a mystery.” (HPB, “The Secret Doctrine” Vol. 1, p. 570, 571)

“Stanza III. describes the Re-awakening of the Universe to life after Pralaya. It depicts the emergence of the “Monads” from their state of absorption within the ONE; the earliest and highest stage in the formation of “Worlds,” the term Monad being one which may apply equally to the vastest Solar System or the tiniest atom.” (HPB, “The Secret Doctrine” Vol. 1, p. 21)

“For him [i.e. Leibnitz] matter was a simple representation of the monad, whether human or atomic. Monads, he thought (as we do), are everywhere. Thus the human soul is a monad, and every cell in the human body has its monad, as every cell in animal, vegetable, and even in the (so-called) inorganic bodies.” (HPB, “The Secret Doctrine” Vol. 1, p. 630)

“The Monad or Jiva, as said in “Isis Unveiled,” vol. i., p. 302, is, first of all, shot down by the law of Evolution into the lowest form of matter – the mineral. After a sevenfold gyration encased in the stone (or that which will become mineral and stone in the Fourth Round), it creeps out of it, say, as a lichen. Passing thence, through all the forms of vegetable matter, into what is termed animal matter, it has now reached the point in which it has become the germ, so to speak, of the animal, that will become the physical man. All this, up to the Third Round, is formless, as matter, and senseless, as consciousness. For the Monad or Jiva per se cannot be even called spirit: it is a ray, a breath of the ABSOLUTE, or the Absoluteness rather, and the Absolute Homogeneity, having no relations with the conditioned and relative finiteness, is unconscious on our plane. Therefore, besides the material which will be needed for its future human form, the monad requires (a) a spiritual model, or prototype for that material to shape itself into; and (b) an intelligent consciousness to guide its evolution and progress, neither of which is possessed by the homogeneous monad, or by senseless though living matter. The Adam of dust requires the Soul of Life to be breathed into him: the two middle principles, which are the sentient life of the irrational animal and the Human Soul, for the former is irrational without the latter. It is only when, from a potential androgyne, man has become separated into male and female, that he will be endowed with this conscious, rational, individual Soul, (Manas) “the principle, or the intelligence, of the Elohim,” to receive which, he has to eat of the fruit of Knowledge from the Tree of Good and Evil. How is he to obtain all this? The Occult doctrine teaches that while the monad is cycling on downward into matter, these very Elohim – or Pitris, the lower Dhyan-Chohans – are evolving pari passu with it on a higher and more spiritual plane, descending also relatively into matter on their own plane of consciousness, when, after having reached a certain point, they will meet the incarnating senseless monad, encased in the lowest matter, and blending the two potencies, Spirit and Matter, the union will produce that terrestrial symbol of the “Heavenly Man” in space – PERFECT MAN.” (HPB, “The Secret Doctrine” Vol. 1, p. 246-247)

“The Monads are not discrete principles, limited or conditioned, but rays from that one universal absolute Principle.” (HPB, “The Secret Doctrine” Vol. 2, p. 167)

“Whatever meaning various schools may give the term, Sattva is the name given among Occult students of the Aryasanga School to the dual Monad or Atma-buddhi, and Atma-buddhi on this plane corresponds to Parabrahm and Mulaprakriti on the higher plane.” (HPB, “The Secret Doctrine” Vol. 1, p. 69)

“The Sixth principle in Man (Buddhi, the Divine Soul) though a mere breath, in our conceptions, is still something material when compared with divine “Spirit” (Atma) of which it is the carrier or vehicle. Fohat, in his capacity of DIVINE LOVE (Eros), the electric Power of affinity and sympathy, is shown allegorically as trying to bring the pure Spirit, the Ray inseparable from the ONE absolute, into union with the Soul, the two constituting in Man the MONAD, and in Nature the first link between the ever unconditioned and the manifested.” (HPB, “The Secret Doctrine” Vol. 1, p. 119)

“The “monad” is the combination of the last two Principles in man, the 6th and the 7th, and, properly speaking, the term “human monad” applies only to the Spiritual Soul, not to its highest spiritual vivifying Principle. But since divorced from the latter the Spiritual Soul could have no existence, no being, it has thus been called. The composition (if such a word, which would shock an Asiatic, seems necessary to help European conception) of Buddhi or the 6th principle is made up of the essence of what you would call matter (or perchance a centre of Spiritual Force) in its 6th and 7th condition or state; the animating ATMAN being part of the ONE LIFE or Parabrahm. Now the Monadic Essence (if such a term be permitted) in the mineral, vegetable and animal, though the same throughout the series of cycles from the lowest elemental up to the Deva kingdom, yet differs in the scale of progression.

“It would be very misleading to imagine a monad as a separate entity trailing its slow way in a distinct path through the lower kingdoms, and after an incalculable series of transmigrations flowering into a human being; in short, that the monad of a Humboldt dates back to the monad of an atom of hornblende. Instead of saying a mineral monad, the correcter phraseology in physical science which differentiates every atom, would of course have been to call it the Monad manifesting in that form of Prakriti called the mineral kingdom. … it is a concrete manifestation of the Universal Energy which itself has not yet become individualized: a sequential manifestation of the one Universal Monas. The ocean does not divide into its potential and constituent drops until the sweep of the life-impulse reaches the evolutionary stage of man-birth. The tendency towards segregration into individual monads is gradual, and in the higher animals comes almost to the point. The Peripatetics applied the word Monas to the whole Cosmos, in the pantheistic sense; and the Occultists while accepting this thought for convenience’ sake, distinguish the progressive stages of the evolution of the Concrete from the Abstract by terms, of which the “Mineral Monad” is one. The term merely means that the tidal wave of spiritual evolution is passing through that arc of its circuit. The “Monadic Essence” begins to imperceptibly differentiate in the vegetable kingdom. As the monads are uncompounded things, as correctly defined by Leibnitz, it is the spiritual essence which vivifies them in their degrees of differentiation which constitutes properly the monad – not the atomic aggregation which is only the vehicle and the substance through which thrill the lower and higher degrees of intelligence. …

“…even the vegetable monad is still the Monad in its second degree of awakening sensation. Leibnitz came several times very near the truth, but defined the monadic evolution incorrectly and often greatly blundered. There are seven kingdoms. The first group comprises three degrees of elementals, or nascent centres of forces – from the first stage of the differentiation of Mulaprakriti to its third degree – i.e., from full unconsciousness to semi-perception; the second or higher group embraces the kingdoms from vegetable to man; the mineral kingdom thus forming the central or turning-point in the degrees of the “Monadic Essence” – considered as an Evoluting Energy. Three stages in the elemental side; the mineral kingdom; three stages in the objective physical side – these are the seven links of the evolutionary chain. A descent of spirit into matter, equivalent to an ascent in physical evolution; a re-ascent from the deepest depths of materiality (the mineral) towards its status quo ante, with a corresponding dissipation of concrete organisms up to Nirvana – the vanishing point of differentiated matter.

A rare photo taken of Madame Blavatsky with the Ascended Masters Kuthumi, El Morya & Saint Germain.

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