
About Me

I started my Inner Journey several decades ago by 1st learning to meditate & then becoming a teacher & putting people in Contact withe Source, Their Source. I worked with & Sponsored various highly evolved people, Healers, Clairvoyants & Developed Souls who showed me how to utilize their knowledge that strangely most couldn't discern or even hear. Withe Various Techniques & Tools I've been given or fathomed thru close observation, I have had some interesting experiences & journeys within. And as fascinating as all that is, my Aim is to Be Freed from this Illusion bringing as many as will come along EveNow. I have shared thru my messages several of my inner connections like the ~Unknowable~ which is beyond the Relative & Absolute fields of Life, Also drawing down The_Grace_of_Ishvara,_Our Almighty Father Mother God/dess & The Transformational Rainbow Forest Odyssey + many other Activations, Techniques & Connections from various teachers & messengers. And It is time to Get Ready or Not~Change is Upon Each & All of Us Beyond Sci~Fi or Middle Earth or Any Tales or Fables you've heard of.... We Are in the Midst of It. Everything is Speeding Up SO BE READY!!!!!!



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Sunday, February 6, 2022

True for..


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Welcome to PAO's Live Galactic Activation Webinar for February ~ 2/20/22 Magical number

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As we pause to assess the battle scars inflicted by more than two years of lockdowns and restrictions, we sense that, finally, a Great Awakening is underway. Inspiring signs of change – of cooperative interaction, of liberty, of the overpowering yearning for freedom – are everywhere, most compellingly in the trucker convoys springing up all over the world.

There is an energy, a sense of flow and cohesion, at play right now that taps into our deepest humanity and, at the same time, our freest, most liberated spirit.Love connects us all. We are one, and we know it!


In this Valentine month of love and connection, who better to articulate its activational mood and offer her wise counsel than PAO’s guest of the month, Vidya Frazier. She will share her wisdom and show us how to create a more 5D reality in our day-to-day lives.

Please join us as, together, we reclaim our sovereignty and raise our frequencies!

Subjects to be discussed:

• Vidya Updates Us On Her Mission’s Current Focus
• An Awakening 5D Reality Shift is Already Underway
Tools to Assist You on Your Journey
• Lightworkers, Starseeds as Frequency-Holders
Redefining Our Spiritual Missions
• Relationship Challenges
Coping with Division
• Keep Focused on Love, Joy and Peace ... No Matter What!
Bringing JOY Back Into Your Life!

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After the Webinar we will answer your questions live. Within 48 hours after the live Webinar we will send you a link to a video recording.

Sunday, February 20, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PST

Please note: If you are unable to attend on Sunday February 20, you can still register. Within 48 hours, we will send you a link to the Webinar posted (privately) on YouTube. (After posting, the Webinar will be available for 1 week.)

Seats are Limited... Register Now!

To make payment and register: Click Here

Cost: $20.00 U.S.

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True Beginnings by Mary

via Pamela Kribbe on GoldenAgeofGaia


In your life, you are influenced by your own personal cycles of development, depending on your age, gender and soul agreements. You are however also influenced by broader energy currents, which have to do with processes that the Earth, and humanity, as a whole are involved in.

There are energy currents at work in this time, which propel old and dark energies to the surface in a pace that may seem relentless if you do not trust the process.

Humanity as a whole is not prepared for the release of the old energy that now comes to the surface. The majority of people do not know how to handle deep emotional pain and the destructive energy that may result from it. You are adept at this. Still, it may overwhelm you as well.

You may feel submerged into layers of yourself which seem utterly unmanageable and alien to you. You may seem to go crazy. Perhaps you thought you had already dealt with the majority of issues that were on your plate in this life, and now another layer of fear or darkness is banging on your door, one you did not expect.

You may feel indignant about it, feel that you have processed enough and are ready to move on to a lighter life. This new pit of darkness may seem too hard to deal with.

I am here today to tell you not to lose heart and to keep faith in your journey. You are now entering a stage of your development in which you can no longer control your growth.

The area of consciousness expansion that you are entering is about surrendering and letting go. It’s not about doing certain exercises or visualizations, following a certain diet, or pursuing any discipline through which you seek to control life.

It is impossible to control the huge wave of energy that now wants to flow through your being.

Your soul wants to lift you up to this flow of energy because it is aware that it is a good flow.

However, your human personality is not able to see where it is leading up to. The human mind cannot understand where the flow of the soul is heading towards, so therefore you may feel desperate and out of tune with your intuition, your passion and general sense of direction.


If this is how you feel, please know that you’re not doing anything wrong. This sense of disorientation and chaos is always there when you are about to make a new start.

Truly new beginnings are always preceded by a period of chaos and crisis. The new cannot enter before the old falls apart.
You thought you had already let go of so much, and now you have to let go of even more.

Please be aware this is a meaningful process even if it doesn’t seem so. Try to remain in a space of trust and surrender, because that way you align yourself with the flow of your soul and you make the ride a bit easier for yourself.

Dear friend, you are wise. From your deepest core, where you are Spirit, where you are shining light, eternal and lovely, reach out to the fear that is inside of you.

You are much larger and stronger than your fear. You can reach out to it, like you would with a child, and tell it that it is safe with you, that you do not fear it, that you do not fear your own fear.

Do not try to get rid of it, because the intention to eliminate fear holds judgment in it. The fearful part of you will get more fearful if you take up battle with it, for then it gets the message that it is no good and that it is unworthy.

We are close to you. I represent the mother energy of Christ consciousness. Feel yourself enveloped by it. Perhaps you see it as a soft shining pink, a playful, yet very tender energy, gentle and soft. Allow it into your energy space, it can bring you healing. And by healing I do not mean “taking away your fear”, I mean accepting it, accepting it as the doorway to another reality, a more loving and light reality.

Be yourself, simply be yourself. Do not try to change yourself. You are already perfect. You are lovely. We see you, and recognize your struggle. We have much respect and honor for you.

Please allow my energy to comfort you. I do not want to change anything inside of you. I just want you to look at yourself in a different way. Even in the midst of your struggle you are an angel. You are beautiful.

Remember: after every night, a new day will come. The sun will shine again. It is inevitable. It is life resuming its natural course. Just like you cannot prevent the night from falling, you cannot prevent the day from coming. So, allow yourself to go through that motion and you will find yourself in a splendid new day-break.

By undertaking this journey within, you are helping many people on Earth, who are trying to find their inner road to freedom. You are paving the way for other lightworkers, who are in the beginning stages of their awakening, and they in turn will help people who are becoming more sensitive, wanting to open up to the reality of their soul.

We thank you for your work, your light work on Earth right now. You are never alone. We are joining you from the other side, please accept our love. It is our greatest joy to remember you of who you are.



Desire For World Peace ~ Message from Mike Quinsey's Higher Self

Source: Eraoflight


The world does not want to see another war, and fortunately the energies that have arisen because of the confrontation in the Ukraine show without a doubt that the desire for world peace is growing very rapidly.

It means that they are having a calming influence on the situation, and that a way out for the Russians is possible without them losing face. Peace is coming to Earth and it is a precursor of better times to come where countries can come together to broker peace agreements.

Certainly the people have spoken and the powers that be will feel compelled to take notice; otherwise they will lose all credibility. It should be realised that the Alliance of planets are awaiting such a development to enable them to safely show themselves to the people of Earth. It will happen because that is your destiny, and the future is full of welcome changes that will quickly bring the advancements into being.

Meanwhile, you should, if possible, avoid being fearful of the future as your destiny is to live in World Peace. You are having to deal with the after-effects of several viruses that have afflicted you that are now beginning to lessen. It means that provisions can now be made to live life as much as possible in a normal way, at the same time coping and controlling the lasting effects of the virus. It has been compared to flu, which is usually more dominant in the colder weather.

There is no doubt that people can only accept limitations to their freedom up to a certain point that now seems to have been reached. Certainly in some countries they have been able to relax their controls, allowing some semblance of normality. It will lift their spirits and bring a more happy feeling that the worst is over.

There is no doubt that the whole episode has given Humanity ample time to assess the way it has been living, and identify certain aspects that have shown your shortcomings. It is akin to the “house cleaning” that takes place after your winter period, in preparation for the better times.

Weather is clearly an important part of your planning, and it does at times appear quite volatile. In time it will settle down to be [less] inclement and, as you might say, “gentle” and more agreeable to everyone. The changes are widespread and even Nature is being forced to adapt. It has happened many times before due to various changes but not quite as extensive as at present. It is all part of your increasing vibrations, and the effect that Mother Earth has upon your seasons.

Helping to bring peace to the Earth is a noble cause, but a vital one if it is to be achieved through harmony between the different countries. In fact it is vital, so that it is reached without undue delay as it leaves the lower vibrations behind. Those souls who cannot, or will not lift their vibrations, will move on to another planet to start another journey home and will not lack help and assistance. This way it is most fair by giving all parties concerned a further opportunity to make progress to the next stage in their evolution. There is no point, or advantage in moving into a higher level until you are ready but when you are it will occur automatically.


Old souls upon Earth have a greater awareness and understanding of what is happening around them. It makes them most suited to help those with lesser experience or knowledge. It is a sound principle that has helped many souls move on who might otherwise have become struck in the lower levels. It goes hand in hand with the guidance that is always available once the soul has shown it is making progress.

Remember you are never alone, and help is always nearby and will respond when you call for it. This approach is commonplace as you rise up through the different levels. It often brings new people into your life who are useful to you when you have made it known to Spirit you are ready to learn more.

What is in it for you, and where do you expect to go from here? Many of you are ready to learn more and at this time you have every opportunity to do so, as there is nothing to stop you going all the way to Ascension. Not for a long, long time have the conditions offered so much opportunity to progress. If you apply yourself to the tasks ahead of you, there is no reason why you should not be successful.

There may be distractions, and the dark Ones will try all their tricks and deception to lead you astray. So be wary of tactics intended to mislead you, and stick to your plan to progress as the opportunities arise. You are protected, but still need to be alert as you never know what is around the corner.

Be patient as we have painted a picture that promises to become your reality as you progress. How far away it is depends a lot on you and others like you who have earned the opportunity to progress even further, because of your dedication to learn from your experiences. Progress can sometimes be very slow, but once the power of the dark Ones is curtailed, there should be plain sailing. Look forward to a great experience as you overcome any obstacles on your path and victory will be yours.

Your destiny is to take your place amongst the ascended souls, so you have a wonderful future to look forward to that already beckons. Trust those souls who travel with you and direct you and protect you to help ensure your success. They have already ascended and know what you are going through, and are the best suited to help you along.

In your quiet moments you may feel them around you, and at such times they can easily communicate with you. They are often the voice inside you that helps you make decisions but will not interfere with the ones that you may make because that is your responsibility.

As you go through life, your higher vibrations will attract like souls to you and is often how new groups are formed. Clearly like minds do seem to gravitate to each other and their interests are also likely to be similar. You may already have a partner who is very much on your level and can share your experiences with you.

But sometimes there can be the exact opposite, and yet it can still provide the opportunities to progress. Opposites can sometimes complement each other, but realize that it would have been part of your life plan that you agreed upon before you incarnated on Earth.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. This message comes through my Higher Self, my God Self and every soul has the same connection to God.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

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