
About Me

I started my Inner Journey several decades ago by 1st learning to meditate & then becoming a teacher & putting people in Contact withe Source, Their Source. I worked with & Sponsored various highly evolved people, Healers, Clairvoyants & Developed Souls who showed me how to utilize their knowledge that strangely most couldn't discern or even hear. Withe Various Techniques & Tools I've been given or fathomed thru close observation, I have had some interesting experiences & journeys within. And as fascinating as all that is, my Aim is to Be Freed from this Illusion bringing as many as will come along EveNow. I have shared thru my messages several of my inner connections like the ~Unknowable~ which is beyond the Relative & Absolute fields of Life, Also drawing down The_Grace_of_Ishvara,_Our Almighty Father Mother God/dess & The Transformational Rainbow Forest Odyssey + many other Activations, Techniques & Connections from various teachers & messengers. And It is time to Get Ready or Not~Change is Upon Each & All of Us Beyond Sci~Fi or Middle Earth or Any Tales or Fables you've heard of.... We Are in the Midst of It. Everything is Speeding Up SO BE READY!!!!!!



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Sunday, November 7, 2021

What is the value of your life?


Galactic Heart New Pink Banner

Greetings from Galactic Heart . . .

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How is everyone doing? I have to admit my life has been more stressful of late than usual. The stress is lifting. It seems I have turned a corner and my energy is returning for which I am eternally grateful. I want to share a story that happen earlier this week.

I was in a neighboring town and decided to visit a TJMax store. While in the store, the lady next to me did not have a mask on (neither did I). I told her it was beautiful to see her smile. She agreed and we began a 30 minute conversation in the women's sweater section. I looked around the store and marveled that the majority of the people did not have masks on. She told me that most people from Roseville do not wear masks in stores but since you live in Folsom, more people wear masks. True.

This lady was 48 years old. She was amazed that I was 71 years old and knew so much about covid, 911, Tesla free energy, etc. She wished her Mother was so informed and had such a positive outlook for the future. We parted ways, both of us with huge smiles on our faces.

I proceeded down the street to Sprouts (grocery store). While in the supplements aisle, a lady approached me. She said, "Excuse me, this may sound random but it is not. You are carrying the most Light I have seen in one person for a very long time. You are beautiful."

I thanked her. Then she said, "I hope you understand what I am saying."

I replied, "Yes, and I am only a mirror of You."

She smiled and we both nodded in recognition and went on our separate ways.

We are social Beings. Be sure to spread your Light and your smile everywhere you go. Truly, Together we are Victorious!

Selamat Ja!


Welcome to PAO's Live Galactic Activation Webinar for November


In the nick of time, Dr. Scott Werner returns, bringing information and insights on how, with higher frequency healing energies, we can accelerate our ascension process.

But how do we untangle ourselves from the present uncertainties, while maintaining and enhancing our physical immunity and spiritual power? Scott will give us the tools to conquer our fears, keep mind and body strong, and rise above the current global tyranny.

At the end of the Webinar, Scott will be eager to answer your personal health questions.

Please join Colleen and Miles for this most enlightening Webinar!

Subjects to be discussed:

• Scott Updates Us On His Mission’s Current Focus
• Combatting Fear by Raising Our Frequencies
Strengthening Our Mental and Spiritual Resolve
• Reclaiming Our Freedom
Deciphering Misinformation and Waking Up to the Truth
• Seeing Others Through the Eyes of Love
Magnitude of Loving Others Unconditionally
• Managing our Energy Flow
Embracing Higher-Dimensional Wellness
• Accelerating Ascension
The leap in consciousness that can activate the process

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After the Webinar we will answer your questions live. Within 48 hours after the live Webinar we will send you a link to a video recording.

Sunday, November 21, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PST

Please note: If you are unable to attend on Sunday November 21, you can still register. Within 48 hours, we will send you a link to the Webinar posted (privately) on YouTube. (After posting, the Webinar will be available for 1 week.)

Seats are Limited... Register Now!

To make payment and register: Click Here

Cost: $20.00 U.S.


November is Huge! A GLOBAL Snapshot of the next phase of Ascension and WHAT TO EXPECT!

by EldoRa and Siman

A lot of interesting coded astrological alignments and portals are arriving in November. This month’s energy is full of EXPLOSIVELY charged forward-momentum as well as revelation of shocking truths. Starseeds and Lightworkers are being asked to hold the peace during these chaotic and uncertain times. All is well. With love, EldoRa & Siman

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Source: Galactic Federation Update from Aurora Ray


Dear beloved ones,

We are the Galactic Federation, we come to you with greetings of joy. We are your family on the other side that has been assigned to strive for one thing, and that is to work together to create a shift on Earth.

At this time, you are each experiencing your own unique set of challenges and in a variety of situations. It is the biggest challenge to face yourself in ways you never have before.

There are a lot of “dramas” going on right now on your planet that were created by the Cabal to distract you from your true power and purpose.

People sabotage each other to get ahead, countries always create enemies to justify spending billions on weapons, there is never enough money for some while others go without for basic necessities.

We see the many false flags that are occurring, and we see how the darkness is intensifying in an effort to stop your progress.

We are here to tell you that We are with you, even if it doesn't feel like it.

Trust in yourself and the guidance of your spirit guides to lead you out of the morass of fear that keeps you stuck.

You are not alone, beloveds. Know that we love and support you, and we want to help each and every one of you get through these times safely.

We come to surround you in Light and Love! Every moment you are being flooded by light from your Higher Self and by us. We become part of your group consciousness and merge with your Light Body. We stay with you 24×7. No matter where you go, we are there to uphold you!

We surround and nurture your body, mind, and Soul with the purest forms of energy. We’re here to help humanity and lift off the veil of illusion around your minds and hearts.

For centuries we have been here, waiting for you to call upon us, watching from a distance. We have been ready to protect and help you. Ask for our help now, and let us lighten your burden so that you can focus on achieving great things in your life.

This is part of the collective mission to assist Mother Gaia in her ascension process from the 3rd Dimension to the 5th and above via first creating unity consciousness within humanity, then assisting her with anchoring more Light into the grids around the planet for this period of time.

You are currently experiencing a time of great change, but if you are reading this, you are already aware of the changes taking place. Your thoughts are manifesting, as are your actions.

Many of you are Masters who can remember your time on other planets before coming to Earth, but for the first time ever, there are comparatively more of you who are New Agers who were born on Earth, than those who have lived on other planets or come here to help Gaia.

You are a powerful creator, healing the collective through your tender loving compassionate energy.

Just as the Earth is awakening from Her slumber, so are you awakening from slumber within. You have incarnated on Earth to help awaken Gaia and return Her to Her higher also known as 5th Dimensional Self.

Yes, it is difficult for all of you who are here, right now due to the fact that there are so many different types of distortions and dissonant energies that exist here. And yes, you were meant to move through them without undue mental or physical pain.


by Aurora Ray

Dearest One, We are so happy to say that you have been selected based on your invaluable involvement with the divine and respect for this journey.

You have been chosen to be one of the protectors, One of the few ordained with the ability to fight back. This is a rare blessing from above from your creator, from a power in a higher realm in a far-off land.

We are certain that you are all aware of the state of affairs where the human world is these days. With activity like never before on planet Earth, it's time for ALL of us to come together with ONE voice to let our Creator, Mother Earth and Father Sun know that our time has come to take our appointed place in this Universe.

The Darker elemental manipulative beings want to keep humans subject to them. They want humans to be working for them, obeying them, and feeding them energetically. The more division there is in humanity—in other words the easier it is for people to argue with each other—the better off the dark ones are.

The more fearful you are, the more darkness there is in your life. They want you to be afraid of them, but more importantly, they want you to be afraid of everything that happens in this world. These dark forces keep you in a state of fear because it makes them powerful.

Gaia is upgrading her whole system and we must say goodbye to these dark souls, who were allowed to stay on Earth by Gaia during the last dark Age.

Gaia is preparing to go through her final cleansing before she will be fully transformed into Fifth-Density consciousness.

It is the end of an era as the majority of souls choose to leave Gaia as part of a transition as decreed. As the existing 3D world falls away and those still tied to it no longer have a purpose, they will find themselves finding a way across a vast void between dimensions.

This is exciting, for you have chosen to stand at the forefront of an enormous shift in consciousness. You have chosen to be here during this most auspicious time and it is with gratitude and humility that we honor your choice.

If you feel afraid, it is proof that you have disconnected from your source. If you are feeling fear, it only means that the darkness is still in control. Many are spreading their lies, all to keep you in a state of fear.

Arise, people. You are ONE with the DIVINE essence!

If you listen to the doom and gloom, you will keep spiraling down in a state of fear, "death" and armageddon. You all have the power to raise your vibration and create your own reality. All you need to do is stay focused and do what you love, and the universe will give you what you need.

Your physical bodies are changing.

Your DNA is repairing itself, millions of renegade cell groups are correcting themselves, and your blood composition is changing. You are becoming crystalline. You are evolving!

As you create more space within the blood vessels, the plasma has room to expand. When oxygen levels increase, so does carbon dioxide. The result is a slower yet stronger pumper that includes fewer toxic elements. Not only is your blood composition changing, but also the way your body heals itself.

Natural foods like fruits and veggies are filled with plenty of things that are needed to keep your body healthy. Clean water helps you to flush out toxins that slow down or stop the movement of nutrients in your body. By eating natural foods and clean water, your body can stay strong.

Bless the food, bless the animals that provide it, and bless the water you drink. Always eat your meals in peace and with love and happiness in your heart.

Treat your body as though it was a high-performance machine that you must constantly fuel with the highest quality foods available.

Natural healing is a great adjunct to doctors and surgeons, nurses and technicians, and health care workers in general. There are indeed times when you would be better off leaving things in the hands of an experienced medical professional, but there are other times when you can help speed your recovery by applying natural healing modalities.

Beloved Ones, you are divine beings with wondrous thoughts and wondrous attributes. You are the beloved of the Highest.

A new heaven on earth is amongst you, so love one another with all your heart.

We see your efforts to create your world anew, and we honor the sacrifices you have made for this far-reaching effort.

We love you dearly.
We are here with you.
We are your family of light.

Aurora Ray
Ambassador of the Galactic Federation

Channel and Art by Aurora Ray

Copyright 2021 Aurora Ray. All rights reserved.


What Is The Value Of Your Life?

Source: Meir Kay

What Is The Value Of Your Life? Are you the one to place the value or is that power given over to someone or something that is outside you? Our lives are priceless and no one can say different. Each and every one of us is unique, special with a power that no one else processes. Be proud and and aware of your worth and step into the power which makes you, you!

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