| JARED RAND RETURNS with the latest on our New Earth ~ Join Us!I always look forward to your guests. Jared Rand is one of my favorites. I will be with you again on Sunday. Nameste, CAM |
Finally, we at PAO sense that humanity is teetering on the brink of a major shift. Slowly, after so many months of being surrounded by uncertainty, people are seeing positive change. Preparing, like flowers, to burst forth and shine our blinding light and goodness into this world and bring it back to what it was always meant to be. |
Now, more than ever, we need the clarity of PAO’s favorite truth-seeker Jared Rand, whose gift is to dig down into the dirt and grasp the nugget, revealing its underlying radiant reality. And of course, Jared will share the very latest news about the Celestial Chambers, as well as providing his unique Galactic perspective on the global crisis now engulfing humanity. Please join Colleen and Miles for this spellbinding Live Webinar!Subjects to be discussed:• Jared Updates Us On His Mission's Current Focus • Information Wars: Deciphering Truth from Lies • Coping with Increased Restrictions On Humanity • • Uplifting Us Energetically by Raising Our Frequencies • Celestial Chambers: A Progress Report • Looking at Current Global Chaos from a Galactic Perspective |
After the Webinar we will answer your questions live. Within 48 hours after the live Webinar we will send you a link to a video recording. Please note new time:Sunday, October 24, 1:30 to 3:00 p.m. PDTPlease note: If you are unable to attend on Sunday, October 24, you can still register. Within 48 hours, we will send you a link to the Webinar posted (privately) on YouTube. (After posting, the Webinar will be available for 1 week.) To make payment and register: Click HereCost: $20.00 U.S. |
My dear friends, we love you so very much, It is time upon your earth to ask yourself, “Am I a reactor, or a creator?” Are my feelings based on reactions to what I see around me in my external world, or are my feelings based on the kinder, happier thoughts I choose to embrace in my inner world? Do I live in the 3D paradigm and feel my fate is determined by external conditions and how I manage to control the external world? Or am I willing to embrace a 5D reality wherein I value my focus in my inner world, knowing that as I emanate a vibration I draw unto myself the very same? If you are a reactor dear ones, you hear the news and you feel controlled by it. You see something you don’t like and you feel helpless to feel anything but sad or angry. You see someone doing something you don’t like and you react in fear, sadness, or anger. You can at times be elated when you see what you like, but you will be equally disappointed or upset when you don’t. As a reactor, you will feel victimized, or enslaved to conditions around you. You will believe that others or situations “make” you feel a certain way, whether good or bad. This is indeed the paradigm in which the majority of you were raised, and the paradigm that the majority of people on earth embrace at this given moment. It is, however, a paradigm that disempowers you. It makes you feel limited to endure what you experience in this time, this space, under these conditions, with the human beings around you, dealing with virus and those variants, this supply chain, that politician, this relative, that boss, and we could go on and on forever. As a reactor, you give your power away to the world around you. As a creator, you know that the vibration you emanate is what attracts or allows like vibrational things, people, and situations to you. When you vibrate with love, you see love, allow love, and attract love. And if by chance you bump into the souls whose personas and behaviors you don’t like, you know you can choose to feel good by turning your thoughts to loving the light within them, or that failing, by turning your thoughts to anything else, real or imagined that you do love. You do this dear ones because you want to be in charge of how you feel. You want to decide how you vibrate. You want to attract or allow only the vibrations that you choose to attract or allow into your life. We hear your very understandable objections. “I am loving but not everyone loves me back. I focus on winning the lottery but I can’t pay my bills.! I focus on kindness and tolerance but there are so many souls I can’t stand in this world.” Dear ones, we hear you. Nonetheless, in these very statements, you vibrating with the things you do not want to attract. You are upset. You are angry. You are frustrated and blaming the external world for your feelings. You have been taught, conditioned, and validated in this belief system, and yet we are working as diligently as we can to help you learn a new way of being – a way that is kinder, more empowered, and more beautiful. We are helping to usher you into a new paradigm wherein you take your place as nothing less than magnificent beings – creators, not reactors. As you focus on the kind people in the world, you will notice more and more kind people. You will feel better and better. As you imagine and feel, kind and loving interactions in all areas of life, more of those will be drawn into your reality. At first, you will only feel better due to your own thoughts, but those better feelings are an indicator that you are vibrating at a higher level. Soon, in this vibration, your outer world will start to mold itself around the inner. |
As you focus on appreciating all you have and appreciating the thought of all you dream of having, you start to feel good. You start to feel abundant. These feelings are your first indication that you are vibrating at a higher level. Soon, in this abundant vibration, your outer world will start to mold itself around the inner. What you love and appreciate will always multiply, even if you love your complaints! Far better to love and appreciate all that you enjoy, or even all that you enjoy thinking about! If you want a loving partner, treat yourself as if you had a loving partner. Treat yourself like the love of your life. Look forward to what you will share, how you will uplift them, how you will luxuriate in their love. Enjoy the thought of your future love until it becomes so real and so beautiful that you find yourself emanating love, vibrating love, and in love before you even meet. Then dear ones in that high vibration you will feel delicious, and you will know beyond a doubt that you are attracting a beautiful relationship. Don’t look around a be a reactor. “He/she isn’t here! I did that but they’re not here!” Stay in the space of being a creator, “I feel love so strongly they can’t help but find me! It will be icing on the cake when it comes because I’m in love now! Life is beautiful! You’ll see couples in love and instead of feeling sorry for yourself, you will be a vibrational match to love and you’ll think to yourself with great delight, “I am going to have that because I’ve decided to create it!” This is a huge contrast dear ones from being a reactor, who wants someone to react to so you feel better, and who reacts to the fact that no one has shown up. You can feel the difference as you read our words. Choose the ones that empower you. Your world is in a state of extreme contrast. This birthing is a long one dear friends. Humanity with its tendency to react has prolonged many situations in your world that need not have been so prolonged. Yet you are still heading for greater love, greater tolerance, greater freedom. Sometimes change takes longer due to the fact that so many react! There are many things you disagree with. There are many people with whom you will disagree. That is OK. But ask yourself often, “Am I a reactor or a creator?” If you catch yourself reacting in a way that makes you feel good, that’s fine! But when you catch yourself reacting in a way that does not inspire make feel good, remind yourself, “I am a Divine Creator! I get to choose how I feel! I get to choose where I focus! I get to choose to imagine a better world and feel good about it, or at least a better world for myself. No matter what the world is doing, I get to be happy. No matter what problems I see, I get to focus on solutions! Whether or not I get my way in a given moment, I can find a way to be happy even if I am only imagining better! No matter what anyone else is doing or saying, even about me, I get to decide how I feel and what I think about me!” Dear ones, it is nothing less than the spark of Divinity within you reminding you of these very truths. You don’t have to insist the world agree with you. You don’t have to defend or justify your views. It is nothing less than the spark of the Divine within you inspiring you to think the thoughts that feel better, to choose the feelings that feel better, and to always move ever closer to the love, joy, abundance, freedom, and empowerment that you seek. While it is a fact, you were conditioned to react, We would lovingly debate, it is kinder to create! God Bless You! We love you so very much. — The Angels |
My Dear Brothers and Sisters, I am Ashtar, the Commander of Galactic Federation of Light, and I come in peace with new transmission today. I would like to enlighten everyone, on what really happened, and why the 3 major social networks had blackout, which was not coincidental. This needed to happen to show, that all of the systems that the Dark Entities created on your planet are very fragile and can very easily malfunction. You heard different explanations about the event. The huge servers of these social networks were positioned outside Mother Earth on couple planets. They were collecting and storing personal information on each person around the globe. We destroyed them, so it caused the blackout. They lost their data and backup servers, so now the Darkness can only rely on their technology, what is left only on Earth. Their plans were to expand beyond Mother Gaia to colonize other planets and to control other civilizations, like they are doing now on your planet. The Galactic Federation of Light can’t allow it. I need to warn you, that is not the last blackout of your social medias. The closer you are going to get to becoming liberated, the more and more unexpected events will occur. The food shortages and shortages of certain items are created purposely by the Dark Ones, who are trying to create panic, fear and uncertainty in your lives. Please, don’t react and continue to raise your vibrations daily by doing meditations. The Light is winning despite, how it looks, as the battle is happening behind the scenes most of the times. |
I would like to bring to your attention the holiday your kids love Halloween. This was created by the Dark Entities, on that day they are sacrificing humans and drink their blood. During this month they are looking for new victims, please keep close eyes on your children. Even, though the Darkness is loosing, they are still not giving up their Satanic rituals. If you are looking to get a glimpse on how corrupted your world is, I recommend for you to watch the show Blacklist, it’s just a preview, what is coming in future, how shocking the truth is going to be for humanity. The Matrix is falling each day more and more, nothing can’t stop the destruction of it. No matter, how hard the Corrupted Souls, trying to keep their reality going, it’s not working anymore. Dear Brothers and Sisters, the victory is coming, the Light always wins over the Darkness, otherwise everything would have dissipated long time ago in the Cosmos. The Divine always brings the balance needed for everyone to coexist. Thank you Universal Channel for transmission. The Divine is always in the Works. Ashtar |
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