Remember always that you are not a human being subject to every belief of duality and separation floating about in the collective. You have been that state of consciousness in many previous lifetimes but have evolved beyond it and no longer need to keep holding on to its beliefs. You know who you are and now must actually and wholeheartedly accept it.
Allowing means resting in the truth of your being and accepting that your Higher Self is running the show. There are no accidents. Allowing can be difficult if not impossible for those who choose to remain aligned with old energy by spending hours watching and analyzing the news or in close contact and agreement with others fully enmeshed in third dimensional consciousness.
Stay above the fray. But “how?” you ask. Learn to turn off phones, computers, and televisions. Spend time in nature, do short meditations while at your desk, doing dishes, waiting at a stop light, or whenever… Wean yourselves away from addiction to constant distraction–music, voice, texting, radio, phones. The human mind loves distraction and gets a sense of satisfaction and even accomplishment from it, but if you are seeking alignment with the Higher Mind you must understand that IT speaks in Silence and cannot be heard over the noise of distractions.
When things get difficult as they often do because you live in a lower resonating society, stop, take a step back, and contemplate– “I am love. I am connected to all life within the ONE LIFE. I am peace, harmony, completeness, abundance, intelligence, wholeness etc. etc. etc. I am everything that Source/God is because I am Source expressing ITSelf.” Then ask yourself if you really believe it.
Many begin to practice truth but when things don’t immediately change or get better, they give up in the belief that it does not work. Truth must become your state of consciousness before it can manifest outwardly because consciousness is that which forms the outer. It takes practice and patience even when nothing seems to change or even gets more difficult.
As truth gradually integrates and becomes your state of consciousness you begin to experience more synchronicity, choices becoming easier and better, life events unfolding easily and without effort and struggle, abundance of what is needed when needed and often from where it is least expected– harmony in all facets of living.
Do not lose hope for realization is a gradual process although in reality, it already is complete. No need for struggle and work to attain spirituality, for these actions simply solidify the belief that God and your good is outside of you. Cease any further struggling and rest in what is.
You the awakened ones, have reached an important spiritual point. “Do I really believe what I have learned is the truth of myself and others or do I still question and consider truth too impractical for everyday living?” This is your personal journey and you must accept that no guru, book, channel, ceremony, religion, or even Jesus or the Buddha can do it for you.
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