
About Me

I started my Inner Journey several decades ago by 1st learning to meditate & then becoming a teacher & putting people in Contact withe Source, Their Source. I worked with & Sponsored various highly evolved people, Healers, Clairvoyants & Developed Souls who showed me how to utilize their knowledge that strangely most couldn't discern or even hear. Withe Various Techniques & Tools I've been given or fathomed thru close observation, I have had some interesting experiences & journeys within. And as fascinating as all that is, my Aim is to Be Freed from this Illusion bringing as many as will come along EveNow. I have shared thru my messages several of my inner connections like the ~Unknowable~ which is beyond the Relative & Absolute fields of Life, Also drawing down The_Grace_of_Ishvara,_Our Almighty Father Mother God/dess & The Transformational Rainbow Forest Odyssey + many other Activations, Techniques & Connections from various teachers & messengers. And It is time to Get Ready or Not~Change is Upon Each & All of Us Beyond Sci~Fi or Middle Earth or Any Tales or Fables you've heard of.... We Are in the Midst of It. Everything is Speeding Up SO BE READY!!!!!!



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Saturday, January 9, 2021

Ascension Gift 1 - The Journey of 2021 by Lord Melchizedek

I am one with the Creator, together we co-create.

Repeat this statement until you really feel it, you really embody it and really believe it.

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Jared Rand updates us on Celestial Chambers and new technologies ~ Jared at his best!

If you were unable to register for PAO’s Live Galactic Activation Webinar, hosted by Colleen and Miles, on Sunday, December 20, it is now available for downloading.

Here's a few comments from Sunday's webinar:

Colleen and Miles! You are amazing and wonderful heartfelt souls! Reflecting on this crazy last year, you both stayed steadfast and strong to light the way for all of us. You presented us always with extraordinary guests to be with us while Sheldan has been healing.
Jared, is hands down one of my favorites... I hear things that he says that make me reflect on all the things Sheldan has said in the past. I feel strongly that we are coming into complete alignment for our future. Many blessings to you, Colleen and Miles... special healing vibrations bein sent to Sheldan!! Peggy

Wow guys! I have been listening to all of your webinars for some years now, and this one blows my socks off! I am so ready to actually step into my power that I have always had and am so excited about New Earth and all the possibilities that I don't even want to contain myself. Shaun

I very much enjoyed this Webinar. So much Stuff was presented. I try will wait to hear from you as you promised when you send the replay. Thank you. Guy


Once again, we welcomed Jared Rand to PAO's Live Webinar for December.

After enduring months of lockdowns, ominous warnings and pandemic protocols, and the swirling uncertainty that is the outcome of the U.S. election, we are left stressed and bewildered. More than ever, we need a healing dose of Jared! Jared's panoramic perspectives and down-to-earth manner will refresh and buoy our spirits, while the insights he offers on ending the current global crisis will challenge our minds, lift and empower us.

Most importantly, Jared updates us on the progress being made on the Celestial Chambers' and reveals further exciting emergent healing technologies.

Subjects to be discussed:

• Jared's Mission
• Watching Events Unfold in America
Will they serve as the model for ending the global crisis?
• Raising Hope with a Global Awakening
Are enough of us awake to make a difference?
• Repelling Fear
Effective ways to shed our anxiety and take back our power.
• Celestial Chambers
An update, and exciting news about other healing technologies.
• Making Sense of Our Timelines
Embracing the opportunity to raise our consciousness during these disconcerting times.

To order your Galactic Activation Webinar Q&A-34 Archive: Click Here

Price: $13.95 U.S.

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Ascension Gift 1 - The Journey of 2021 by Lord Melchizedek

Channeled through Natalie Glasson –Sacred School of OmNa


Greetings beloved beacons of light, I am Lord Melchizedek, and it is an honour to be in your presence. In fact, it is an honour to be in your light, it is your light and your presence that are key at this time of ascension. As we move into the year that you label 2021, I wish to offer some insights as to where to place your attention and also to encourage you to understand that which the energies are encouraging you to experience and to embody. The Creator is constantly expressing and transferring vibrations of light, inspiration, wisdom, and enlightenment into your being to support your progress through the ascension process and in fact, creating the ascension process.

The vibrations and frequencies the Creator shares changes and transforms. This is why it is easy when we take a period of time, a year, for us to express the energies that will influence and impact your being and what you are guided to experience in order to benefit from the energies and the ascension process you will move through automatically, whether you understand it or not. This is the same for every being. It is so much easier to move through the ascension process when you have some insight, some understandings.

For the journey of 2021, there are a few points that I wish to encourage you to remember and to retain in your mind as you move through different experiences. In this year, the energies encourage you to gaze deep within your being, to gaze deeper than ever before. This can be both challenging and uncomfortable, inspirational, and empowering. To gaze deeper than you have ever gazed before, to really focus and concentrate your attention on the vibration, the constant pulsation of truth that moves from within your being, filters into your body, your auric field and your reality. It is for you to notice the pulsation of truth, the energy of truth that is waiting to emerge, and is already flowing.

The more you connect into the vibration of truth, the more you will recognise it, bringing it into your awareness, actions, reactions, and creations. Gazing within your being allows you to recognise the divine Creator, to develop your relationship with the divine Creator and realise yourself as an expression of the divine Creator. It allows you to recognise Illusions, blockages, and stories that you are holding onto. These Illusions, blockages and stories keep you grounded in the same place as you are now. When you allow yourself to heal the wounds that are necessary, to release or see through the illusion, to see the truth as if the veil is lifted, then you allow the truth to emerge and yourself to move beyond your comfort zone. You allow yourself to transform, to achieve and create new limitless, empowering and fulfilling experiences.

You may recognise throughout 2021, that your attention be drawn within your being to communicate with your inner divine and truth. It will also be drawn to Illusions, blockages, and stories that require to be released and healed. It may be that 2021 is a very enlightening experience or a very purifying experience, or a mixture and blend of both. You may recognise that certain situations and experiences in your reality come into your reality for you to gaze within. I, Lord Melchizedek, encourage you to approach every situation, scenario, and circumstance by first gazing within, first asking within your being:


What does my truth want me to know?

What Illusions, blockages and stories need to be released, before I investigate the outer world, and create any form of action?

The more this becomes a habit, the more it will become your natural embodiment, allowing for everything to flow with greater ease and divine presence.

Examine the Divine Flow

It is important in your journey of 2021 to examine your life, to examine yourself and to recognise where the divine flow of the Creator is not present. This may be an area that is stuck, that you are having frustration, anger, or something that simply is not moving forward. It can be something within your being, your personality, something you are trying to create or an experience in your reality. When the divine flow of the Creator is in action everything flows easily and effortlessly, is guided, and creates fulfilment.

I, Lord Melchizedek invite you to examine your reality, your being and what you wish to create.

See the areas where you are blocked, stuck and stagnant. Recognise that the divine flow of the Creator is not present or more so that you are not allowing the divine flow of the Creator to be present. Recognise that when the divine flow of the Creator is present everything flows easily, it manifests easily with fulfilment and happiness manifesting as well.

Then imagine what it would be like to experience the divine flow in that situation, that experience whatever it may be. Imagine the energy of the Creator, the light of the Creator filling your being, filling the situation whatever it is. Imagine everything coming together, everything manifesting easily and not only easily but better than you ever could have imagined. See, sense, and acknowledge yourself being fulfilled, feeling happy that not only you benefit but everyone else benefits as well.

By imagining this you are allowing, creating an opening, and awakening for the divine flow of the Creator to flow. The divine flow of the Creator will flow in that situation the more you imagine it, especially for the first couple of days, you will be bringing healing to that part of your reality. It may be that you only need to imagine it once, maybe three times or maybe more, you will know when you feel it is embodied because you will feel the divine flow of the Creator, things will begin to shift and alter within your reality and also within your circumstances. You will simply recognise the divine flow of the Creator pulsating throughout your being, this will be so important for 2021. It may be that you need to bring the divine flow of the Creator not only to your reality and circumstances but to the reality and circumstances upon the Earth, to create a clearing, and bring an anchoring of the Creator.


Something else that I wish for you to focus upon and feel as beneficial in 2021 is bringing your divine presence into action. This can also be coupled with co-creating with the Creator. Meaning that action and the divine presence of the Creator must merge and integrate. I, Lord Melchizedek, wish to make it clear there cannot be one without the other. You cannot feel the presence of the Creator and your divine inner presence, whatever you wish to label it, and not act. You cannot act without acknowledging, connecting, engaging or communicating with your divine presence within.

You may recognise that sometimes you experience the energy of the Creator or your divine self flowing through you and then when you enter into your reality, it is no longer. Maybe you take action, action inspired by the mind, by past experiences and yet you do not ask the divine presence within you to inspire, to guide and be present within your action, whatever your action maybe.

This is a wonderful statement:

Divine presence be present in my actions now, divine presence be present in my actions now.

Simply by repeating the statement you create a new action or a new creation, you are not only merging your divine presence, divine experience, and action together, you are also co-creating with the Creator. Remember when I speak of action it can be anything small from walking, talking, creating a project, communicating, to a creative expression.

The Creator throughout the energy of 2021 is inviting you to co-create. This means that you may be inspired to create something that is not necessarily along the pathway you envision for yourself or maybe it is. It is important to be open to the divine guidance within you and the direction that this divine guidance takes you. It is important to trust in that divine guidance and allow yourself to co-create with the Creator, even if it is something you feel is not quite along your pathway. The Creator wishes to expand your future, expand your experiences, expand your dreams, and so may wish to guide you in a different direction in order for you to experience a greater fulfilment.

Allow yourself in meditation or quiet time to simply say:

I am one with the Creator, together we co-create.

I am one with the Creator, together we co-create.

Repeat this statement until you really feel it, you really embody it and really believe it.

This will support you in navigating through your journey of 2021. I invite you to let go of all perceptions, all perspectives that you created through my communication, through the communications of others, and your own beliefs about 2021 because it is a clear canvas for you to create. A canvas for you to co-create with the Creator.

I, Lord Melchizedek, am present to be of service.

I thank you,

Lord Melchizedek

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