‘Mother Mary, please support me
in anchoring and experiencing the Elemental Star of Truth. I allow my energy
vibration to quicken to support the release of illusions, limitations and
boundaries from my current lifetime and previous lifetimes. I am open and ready
to receive my inner truth, to accept with gratitude and love all that I am. I
embrace the Creator’s energy of expansion and freedom within my being allowing
myself to access higher vibrations of my truth, synthesising my truth with my
entire being. I am my purest vibration of truth. Thank
Be Healed & Healed & Healed &
Open to the Un-K-now-able HearTouch of Ishvara's Golden Graced
Love of Our Ascension
Healing Stars of The Universe by Mother Mary

Blessings are sent from the essence of my soul into
your being; I am Mother
Mary, overseer of the
Ray of Light, a member of the Board of Karma, an essence of the Divine Mother
and Queen of the Angelic
Kingdom. In my
communication with you today, I Mother Mary, come forth as a source of
information to aid your inner healing and transformation.
Many of you are entering into periods of profound inner
healing and transformation. Patterns and experiences which have been held within
your being for numerous lifetimes are now being asked to be addressed and
released by you. Realise that most of the challenges you are experiencing now,
especially within your being, are from distant lifetimes, while also being the
energies you have come to the Earth to resolve, transform and embody for
yourself, humanity, your soul and soul group. Your inner healing is never
personal to you in your current lifetime; it is always connected to numerous
lifetimes, soul purposes and even the embodiment mission of your soul group. You
are connected to all aspects of the Creator, and therefore you are connected to
all aspects of your being or essence. Even the subtlest of inner shifts are born
from the purpose of your soul, although this may be unknown to your personality
or mind. Every unbalanced, painful or misaligned energy within you is a wondrous
opportunity for you to heal, transform and reconnect with your truth, which in
truth is reconnecting all to the Creator. It is time to recognise the numerous
opportunities there are within you to create profound and inspirational healing
experiences to aid your co-creation with the Creator.
Healing is recognising your natural ability to co-create
with the Creator and that it is your divine right to be in constant co-creation
with the Creator.
The inner healing and transformation which is taking place
within your being at this period of your ascension is connected to embodying and
expressing your inner truth. Many of the lifetimes which are returning to your
awareness to be healed, hold experiences of concealing your truth or being
punished by yourself or another for the truth you shared. The pain experienced
during these lifetimes acts as powerful blocks and limitations upon your
spiritual awakening, awareness and progression. They are akin to weights holding
you down and stopping you from achieving necessary spiritual evolution and
services. They also act as beautiful keys to awakening and accessing high
vibrational truth within your being. There are exquisite opportunities for many
to access their sacred inner truth, bringing their truth’s power and divine
vibrations to the forefront of their being.
The tools, I, Mother Mary, wish to share with you to aid
and support your healing are the use of the Healing Star of Venus, Mother Mary’s
Star of Awakened Healing, Elemental Star of Truth and the Ascended Master
Healing Star of Sirius. Each holds the energetic structure of a star, radiating
healing vibrations and profound consciousness. They are the healing energy of
the consciousness from which they extend. Each star is diverse and different,
supporting different processes of awakening, alignment with the Creator and
co-creation. I wish to share with you a summary of each with instructions of how
to experience these four powerful sources of healing.
Healing Star of
The Healing Star of Venus when called upon emanates a
beautiful soft and gentle pink light with hints of turquoise. From the main body
of the star shafts of light extend into a shape of a pyramid which surrounds
you, anchoring deep into the Earth. Contained in the Healing Star of Venus you
receive waves of light penetrating your being from head to toe. The light and
consciousness received are devoted to love and supports the healing of lack of
love, of any form. For example, lack of self-love, heartbreak due to a
relationship, the inability to open your heart to love others, the inability to
receive love from others, distrust in love or the acts of love, in truth
anything connected to love at a human level and a Creator
‘Mother Mary, please bring forth to me the Healing Star of
Venus to support me in experiencing a deep inner transformation and healing
connected to love. May all my wounds and limitations created by the lack of love
of any form held within my being now be healed, resolved and erased eternally
with ease and perfection. With the support of the Healing Star of Venus, may I
constantly co-create with the Creator and experience the abundant love of my
soul, soul group and the Creator in every moment of my reality, inspiring my
Creator connection. Thank you.’
Imagine, sense or acknowledge the Healing Star of Venus
above your head with its light emanating into a pyramid shape which encapsulates
you. Focus on each breath you inhale, observe any insights which come to your
awareness and your inner transformation.
Mother Mary’s Star of Awakened
This is one of my personal healing tools, born from the
healing vibration of my being. When you access my healing star, known as Mother
Mary’s Star of Awakened Healing, please know you will receive my healing
energies, and I will be personally present with you. My healing star is composed
of my experiences of enlightenment, ascension and connection with the Creator,
as I shifted from my lifetime upon the Earth as Mother Mary to my existence of
service on the inner planes. Immense volumes of pure light and consciousness are
contained within my star; this will support the awakening of the same within
your being. It will aid you in aligning more fully with your own experiences of
enlightenment, ascension and connection with the Creator intended for you in
this lifetime and undergone in previous lifetimes. My star is known as the Star
of Awakened Healing because it supports you in connecting on a deeper level with
your ascension and spiritual evolution process. It is valuable to call upon my
star if you are experiencing challenges or blocks within your ascension or
simply wish to experience a boost.
‘Mother Mary, please support me in experiencing inner
transformation and healing to aid my ascension process, enlightenment and
co-creation with the Creator. I now call upon and align with Mother Mary’s Star
of Awakened Healing. I allow the light of a blue and green colour to embrace me,
holding me in the centre of the star. It is as if Mother Mary is embracing me,
sharing her own ascension, enlightenment and Creator connection light
vibrations, while supporting me in experiencing my own ascension transitions. I
know I am held in a space and state of deep and profoundly pure love. I allow
myself to receive this gift and experience the necessary shifts. Thank
Elemental Star of Truth
The Elemental Star of Truth is born from the Elemental
Kingdom and holds the quick, high and pure vibrations of nature and elemental

spirits. The quick vibrational speed of this star increases
the speed of your energy vibration, light and consciousness so that illusions,
limitations and boundaries can no longer connect with you in the same way. Your
energetic vibration speeds up allowing you to connect with the Creator within
you on a new level, drawing greater volumes of supreme light into your being.
This creates a healing and allows you to release the need to hold onto certain
limitations, boundaries and illusions thus a new state of truth is awoken within
you, and an experience of your true expansion or inner freedom is grasped. When
you connect with the Elemental Star of Truth, it creates a spiral of green and
golden light which moves through your being while the star rests below your feet
embedded in the Earth. You may recognise the presence of Elemental beings
working with you when you experience the Elemental Star of Truth, as well as
your energy vibration quickening.
‘Mother Mary, please support me in anchoring and
experiencing the Elemental Star of Truth. I allow my energy vibration to quicken
to support the release of illusions, limitations and boundaries from my current
lifetime and previous lifetimes. I am open and ready to receive my inner truth,
to accept with gratitude and love all that I am. I embrace the Creator’s energy
of expansion and freedom within my being allowing myself to access higher
vibrations of my truth, synthesising my truth with my entire being. I am my
purest vibration of truth. Thank you.’
Ascended Master Healing Star of
The Ascended Master Healing Star of Sirius is a beautiful
source of enlightenment which addresses the unique experience and synthesis of
the earthly world and the inner planes reality. This magnificent star supports
the healing of separation, duality and pain experienced on the Earth, while
addressing the longing of the soul to return home to the light. When pain,
separation and duality experienced on the Earth are healed, and truthful
understanding is gained, then a deep sense of inner connection and recognition
can take place. One is able to release the constraints of the Earth, especially
within their mind, allowing the pure consciousness of their heart chakra to
shift into alignment with their mind. The presence of this healing star is
subtle, and therefore its manifestation and shifts are often unable to be
grasped. The star works with the connection of the mind and heart chakra,
releasing many understandings which seem essential to the earthly reality,
however, are illusions. It reconnects the enlightenment of the heart with the
mind. Many experience profound encounters of enlightenment while others are
unable to recognise the shifts which have taken place, both occurrences are
natural. This star supports the healing of the rift within you between your
existence on the Earth and the inner planes. It holds profound healing energies
from Sirius, as well as powerful influences from the Ascended Master
Consciousness. This healing can move through numerous lifetimes generating a
deep sense of peace and contentment. When experiencing this star, you may feel
many Ascended Masters gather around you; you may notice that the star splits
into two. One star will exist at your heart chakra and the other within your
head/ mind. Gradually the two stars will join in your heart chakra as the
healing transformation takes place.
‘Mother Mary, I am open to receive the support of Sirius
and the Ascended Master Consciousness. I now align with the Ascended Master
Healing Star of Sirius, allowing it to separate and move into my heart chakra
and head area. May the necessary healing transformation take place within my
being supporting my release of separation, duality and pain experienced upon the
Earth, so a deeper understanding of truth dawns within my being. May the rift
between my earthly reality and inner planes existence be healed and a synthesis
instigated. I am peaceful and content, thank you.’
You are most welcome to experience each of these four
healing stars whenever you feel guided. Please ask within and follow your inner
guidance as to how often to use these tools and when it is appropriate. I share
and remind you of these tools to aid your inner healing and transformation at
this time of your ascension.
In constant love,
Mother Mary
Live Webinars: https://www.omna.org/webinars/
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