I wish to
invite you to visit me during meditation or sleep state within my Chamber of
Synthesis. Simply imagine, sense or acknowledge yourself sitting with me
with the
light of the Chamber of Synthesis surrounding you and melting deep into your
being. Absorbing the light and frequency of this chamber
will support
the transitions and activations of your soul, releasing energies hindering or
blocking the energy flow of your soul
and aiding
you in becoming familiar with your soul...
Open to the
Un-K-now-able HearTouch of Ishvara's Golden Graced
Love of Our Ascension
Synergy of Time by Master Djwhal Khul
Greetings, I am
Master Djwhal
Khul, I work within the ashram of
the World Spiritual Teachers overseen by Master
Kuthumi and Master
Sananda. Before this, I
worked closely with the Second Ray of Light
devoted to love
and wisdom. Here I maintained an ashram known as the Synthesis Ashram, designed
to support the integration and fusion of all aspects and energies of the
Creator. It is my purpose to recognise, assimilate and balance all energies and
creations of the Creator, especially within those achieving their ascension
process upon the Earth.
We are now entering into a time of powerful synergy, where
aspects of yourself on all levels of your being are merging to create a greater
beacon and presence of the Creator within your being. Aspects of your soul from
past lifetimes are being healed and merged with your being now. Wisdom from
lifetimes and civilisations long ago are drawing into this current time of the
Earth and into the consciousness of humanity to be recognised, accepted and
adopted once more. Healing abilities are synthesising with each person upon the
Earth from their soul and other lifetimes. Synergy is taking place within your
physical body as your cells accept new consciousness and begin to transform.
Your entire being is merging with numerous aspects of the Creator, aspects which
have yet to be recognise or realised upon the Earth. A powerful transformation
is taking place. Every aspect of your being is alert ready to synthesis, blend
and merge itself with the energies of the Creator that will support accelerated
ascension, the embodiment of Creator consciousness and a realisation of inner
Your Soul’s Activation of
It is important to be aware of the need for your entire
being to synthesis with numerous and different aspects of the Creator at this
time of ascension. A new aspect of your soul is fusing with your personality.
The new or higher aspects of your soul anchoring within your being now hold a
focus of creating a new perspectives within your mind, emotions and your view of
yourself and the Earth. In order to support your soul’s embodiment and
integration with your personality, your soul is activating and entering into a
very powerful transition process of synthesis on numerous
- Your soul will attract all the energies it requires into your body to support its synthesis with you now. These will be energies, frequencies, codes and templates of light from the Universe of the Creator and your Soul Group that will create a new foundation of light within your being to support the presence of your soul.
- Your soul will draw upon its other lifetimes, recreating and anchoring abilities or patterns of experiences into your current embodiment to ensure you have the tools, growth and abilities to exist as a fuller expression of the Creator.
- The wisdom, energy, light, love and consciousness of your current community of guides will be drawn to work closer with you by your soul with the purpose of supporting your soul. As a result of this, you may discover you can connect with your community of guides with greater ease. You may also recognise new guides stepping forth to be of service; these guides will act as a reflection of the energies and qualities of your essence that your soul wishes you to recognise within you.
- You may feel as if time is synthesising, meaning that you will begin to see through the illusion of time. This may be experienced as time periods from your past, present and future overlapping and becoming as one within your being. You may experience the synthesis of time as experiencing moments of time, (which could be labelled memories) from the past, past lifetimes or the future as if they were fully present within your being, happening in the present moment. Another experience of the synergy of time could be that you find yourself moving beyond the constraints, restrictions and limitations of time, as if time stops, and you enter, even if only for a moment, into a pocket of expansion, limitless feelings and experiences as well as recognising a state of infinity within your being.
Each activation carefully created by your soul will enhance
your experience of the Creator, support your soul in being more fully present
upon the Earth and aid your greater understanding of your soul. While you can
actively invite your soul to create these activations within your being, your
soul has already begun this process and will continue until this aspect of your
soul is fully embodied. It is beneficial to be aware of the activations your
soul is instigating because with your awareness you will be able to recognise
with greater comprehension the shifts and transitions taking place within your
Moving Beyond Time
Your soul’s activation of letting go of the illusion of
time may not mean that you no longer allow yourself to be confined to the
rigidity of time or the use of time upon the Earth. You may experience a
sensation that time is quickening which will be an indication that your energy
vibration has quickened due to the
embodiment of your soul. The greatest experience from this
activation will be a deepening connection, alignment to and sensation of the
infinite nature of your soul. You may find yourself connecting with the
expansion and limitless vibrations of your being as never before. The aspect of
your soul embodying within your being now and maybe even throughout 2017 holds
vibrations of the infinite nature of your soul. Therefore, the purpose of your
soul is to bring forth a greater understanding and remembrance of your soul and
self as an infinite source of light and consciousness. The new perspective
dawning within your incarnate being now, especially your mental body brings the
focus, experience and acceptance of expansion, limitlessness and infinity. Due
to your growing ability to connect into pockets of the infinity of the Creator
and further embodying the infinity of the Creator you may find yourself
rethinking your existence upon the Earth. New answers may dawn within you from
your soul’s vibration of expansion, infinity and eternal connection to all,
concerning the meaning and purpose of life, your existence upon the Earth, how
you can be of service, the way to connect with others, how to bring healing to
the world and many other areas of focus which often seem inconceivable to
Why the Infinite Nature of Your Soul is
Required Now
The infinite nature your soul will bring forth
may be resisted by aspects of your ego or personality. however, it is required
to dissolve and release, with greater ease and speed, the illusions humanity are
engaging with which are causing harm, chaos and disharmony within the world. As
humanity accepts this beautiful aspect of their soul, so they will realise their
constant connection with all aspects of the Creator upon the Earth and the inner
planes. Everything that exists is born from the Creator and therefore connected
to you and all other aspects of the Creator. Simply because you perceive
something or someone as negative, does not mean they are isolated from
experiencing an eternal connection with the Creator. Even beings or energy which
seem negative hold the truth of the Creator within their beings. As you
recognise this, you will realise that you can access an immense loving and
inspiring power from the understanding and experience of your connection with
all things and that all is the Creator. This allows for fear, separation,
disharmony and such like energies to no longer hold power over you and humanity.
When the power of illusion is released then all will be able to recognise the
presence of the Creator within every existence and creation. Thus the Era of
Love will be fully experienced by all as a conscious

Master Djwhal Khul’s
I, Master Djwhal Khul am assisting the transitions and
activation of your soul when it is connected with and begins its process of
embodiment with your physical being. Upon the inner planes within the World
Teacher Ashram of Master Kuthumi and Master Sananda, I have an ashram with a
Chamber of Synthesis. I wish to invite you to visit me during meditation or
sleep state within my Chamber of Synthesis. Simply imagine, sense or acknowledge
yourself sitting with me with the light of the Chamber of Synthesis surrounding
you and melting deep into your being. Absorbing the light and frequency of this
chamber will support the transitions and activations of your soul, releasing
energies hindering or blocking the energy flow of your soul and aiding you in
becoming familiar with your soul. I, Master Djwhal Khul will be present with you
to share any enlightenment, insights or healing which you may feel is required.
It is within this chamber you can ask me to assist you in accessing and
experiencing the infinite nature of your soul.
I am present to be of assistance; please call upon my
presence and energies at this time of tremendous soul
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