
About Me

I started my Inner Journey several decades ago by 1st learning to meditate & then becoming a teacher & putting people in Contact withe Source, Their Source. I worked with & Sponsored various highly evolved people, Healers, Clairvoyants & Developed Souls who showed me how to utilize their knowledge that strangely most couldn't discern or even hear. Withe Various Techniques & Tools I've been given or fathomed thru close observation, I have had some interesting experiences & journeys within. And as fascinating as all that is, my Aim is to Be Freed from this Illusion bringing as many as will come along EveNow. I have shared thru my messages several of my inner connections like the ~Unknowable~ which is beyond the Relative & Absolute fields of Life, Also drawing down The_Grace_of_Ishvara,_Our Almighty Father Mother God/dess & The Transformational Rainbow Forest Odyssey + many other Activations, Techniques & Connections from various teachers & messengers. And It is time to Get Ready or Not~Change is Upon Each & All of Us Beyond Sci~Fi or Middle Earth or Any Tales or Fables you've heard of.... We Are in the Midst of It. Everything is Speeding Up SO BE READY!!!!!!



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Monday, February 3, 2025

The God Field Rediscovered


How Many of Us ever have the chance to read a book about space that is not science fiction? Here's your opportunity!

You may wonder how we received the Gori transcript for Gori’s Journal.

Recently, I was looking for some old hard drives in one of the many unlabeled boxes in our garage when I saw some files labeled: Gori’s Book/10 Chapters. Hmmm, what is this, I wondered. I retrieved it and started to read. It was transcribed by Sheldan in 1988 on an IBM Selectric typewriter. Yes, before the Internet, which means there were lots of spelling and grammar errors to be edited.

I found the manuscript interesting and unique. It read like a spaceship journal. I scanned and forwarded the manuscript to Miles. He was intrigued. Knowing that Sheldan's health issues keep him from writing further books, we felt that now is the time for PAO to honor Sheldan by publishing this unique journal of Gori's.

We decided to convert Gori’s journal into an e-book and are delighted to be able to share it with our PAO community.

How many of us ever have the chance to read a book about space that is not science fiction?

We invite you to enjoy this unique journal. It is a treasure that cannot be hidden any longer!

To order your copy: Click here

You Can Make a Positive Difference

Source:  Patricia Cota Robles

This is a Clarion Call from the Realms of illumined Truth.

The Legions of Light who are collaborating with Awakening Humanity in Mother Earth’s unprecedented Ascension process are asking Lightworkers around the World to redouble our efforts. Our Light is needed now in ways we have not previously experienced. This Clarion Call is being made not to instill fear, but because we have the absolute ability to make a very positive difference.

The veil separating Heaven and Earth has been purified and Transfigured into a transparent gossamer-like forcefield of energy. This is allowing the Light of God from all of the Celestial events that are happening in the Heavenly Realms to penetrate into the physical plane and to Bless Humanity, the Elemental Kingdom and Mother Earth with frequencies of Light we have not been able to receive for aeons of time. We are now receiving very positive effects from this greatly amplified influx of Light.

Unfortunately, the negativity being pushed to the surface from our daily human miscreations is causing Humanity’s fragmented and fear-based fallen human egos to fight tooth and nail to maintain control of its power and its ability to manipulate us.

We are witnessing this struggle in shocking ways. People in positions of power whom we trusted, seem to be willing to sell their souls in order to maintain their power. We now clearly see that people we believed were working for the highest good of Humanity and all life evolving on this Planet are doing no such thing. This disheartening betrayal is causing a great deal of anxiety and fear.

The Company of Heaven has recently revealed that, in spite of outer appearances, the incredible shifts of energy, vibration and Consciousness Humanity en masse has experienced since the beginning of this decade has prepared Humanity in powerful ways to Awaken from our deep sleep and our dormant levels of Consciousness. We are being told that there are literally millions of people who are a Breath away from Awakening and bursting the bonds of the paralyzing grip of their fallen human ego.

At this time, many people in the United States of America and around the World are placed in positions of power that they are totally unqualified for and that they are accepting with malevolent intent. This includes not only people at Governmental levels, but people in positions of power everywhere. The Company of Heaven is asking us to remember that even these people are Sons and Daughters of God. They all have an I AM Presence that is pulsating within the Divinity of their Heart Flame. Just like you and me, they have also been allowed to embody on Earth because of their ability to assist in Mother Earth’s Ascension process. Many of these people are also just a Breath away from Awakening.

2025 has been declared “The Year of Unique Awakening and Manifestation.” Comprehending just what this Unique Awakening entails so that we can Cocreate it, is a critical facet of our Collective Mission this Year. The Unique Awakening that we are being Called to Cocreate and to Manifest on behalf of our Sisters and Brothers in the Family of Humanity who are still asleep and acting out in abhorrent ways, involves bursting the bonds of the paralyzing grip of their fallen human ego. This will enable their I AM Presence to Awaken them in unique ways that will allow them to transcend their human ego and to rise into higher levels of Divine Consciousness. Through this level of Consciousness they will express Oneness and Reverence for ALL Life.

There are activities of Light that have been encoded in the Realms of Cause that are now ready for physical manifestation. If you and I and the rest of Awakening Humanity will volunteer to empower these activities of Light, in alignment with our Heart’s Call, the Company of Heaven will amplify our invocations a thousandfold, thus catapulting this Unique Awakening process forward in the Light a Quantum Leap. If you have the Heart’s Call to do so please join with me and Lightworkers around the World now as we decree in the 1st person:


I AM my I AM Presence, and I AM One with the I AM Presence of all of Humanity. As One Breath, One Voice, One Heartbeat, and One Energy, Vibration and Consciousness of Pure Divine Love, I proceed. As I invoke this activity of Light for myself, I invoke it on behalf of all of my Sisters and Brothers in the Family of Humanity in perfect alignment with each One’s Divine Plan and the highest good for all concerned.

I AM now the perfection of my I AM Presence grown to full stature. I reclaim and accept my personal Divinity as a Beloved Child of God.

I instantly and permanently release and let go of all beliefs and behavior patterns that conflict with the Truth of who I AM.

From this moment forth, I Consecrate my life to fulfilling the Immaculate Concept of my full Divine Potential.

From this moment forth, I Consecrate my life to reflect Oneness and Reverence for ALL Life in everything I think, feel, say and do.

From this moment forth, I Consecrate my life to be the Open Door through which the Light of God will continually flow to Bless and Heal all life on Earth.

Now, with every Holy Breath I take, I AM Ascending into new levels of Divine Consciousness. With every Inbreath and every Outbreath I AM receiving higher and higher frequencies of our Father-Mother God’s Golden Flame of Enlightenment.

As this occurs, Humanity en masse is becoming consciously aware through our I M Presence of this shift into a higher state of Divine Consciousness and Enlightenment. This is allowing every person to clearly perceive the Unique Awakening taking place within the Divinity of Humanity’s Heart Flames.

This Golden Flame of Enlightenment is an expression of Divine Intelligence from the very Heart of our Father-Mother God. This Sacred Fire reflects the full Divine Potential of Sacred Knowledge pulsating within the Heart Flame of every Son and Daughter of God evolving on Earth.

The Company of Heaven is now standing in readiness. These Messengers of God send forth a Clarion Call invoking the Beings of Light throughout the Cosmos to come and help the Lightworkers around the World in this moment of expanding within the Heart Flame of every person on Earth the Divine Enlightenment and Unique Awakening of our Father-Mother God. As the Cosmic Tone from this Clarion Call reverberates through all Creation the response comes from every corner of the Universe.

I see the luminous Presence of Legions of Divine Beings descending into the atmosphere of Earth. They take their strategic positions above the Planet and as One Consciousness of Divine Enlightenment, the Beings of Light begin Breathing into their Heart Flames on behalf of ALL of Humanity the highest frequency of our Father-Mother God’s 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Flame of Divine Enlightenment that Cosmic Law will allow.

This Celestial frequency of Enlightenment is pulsating with the Sacred Knowledge now being revealed in every person’s Heart Flame. This Sacred Knowledge contains the catalyst for the Unique Awakening that will NOW burst the bonds of the paralyzing grip of Humanity’s fallen human egos. As this occurs, this Sacred Knowledge reveals the profound Truth that we are One with ALL Life and that there is NO separation.

Now, as Humanity’s Unique Awakening is being gently assimilated into the Heart and Conscious Mind of every person on Earth, I expand this activity of Light to further Awaken in unique ways the people who are associated with the Governments of the World.


I now Invoke our Father-Mother God and the great Beings of Light from our Grand Central Sun who are Cocreating Divine Government on this blessed Planet with the Mighty Elohim Astrea, Saint Germain and Lady Portia, El Morya and Lady Miriam, Archangel Michael and Lady Faith, La Moray the Lord of Harmony, Micah the Angel of Unity, and the Majestic Goddesses of Liberty, Justice, Freedom, Victory, Glory, Oneness and Transfiguration. I also invoke the Silent Watchers, Mighty Archangels and the Ascended Masters guarding the evolutions of Earth. Beloved Ones come forth now!

Blaze the most intensified frequencies of Divine Will, Divine Love and Divine Enlightenment from the very Heart of our Father-Mother God through the Heart Flame of every person who is now, or will be in the future, involved with the Governments of Earth in any way. Uniquely Awaken every one of these people to the profound opportunity and the awesome responsibility they have during this Cosmic Moment. Enlighten each and every one of these people to the profound Reality that it is time for Divine Government to manifest NOW!

This is destined to be a Government OF the I AM Presence, BY the I AM Presence, FOR the I AM Presence of every person on Earth. This will be a Heart-based Government that is manifesting the Highest Good for all concerned in every single instance.

Beloved Legions of Light, let each person who is now or ever will be responsible for the Governments of the World in any way, to tangibly feel and experience the Power, Love and Enlightenment of our Father-Mother God flowing through their Heart Flame. This will allow the Sacred Knowledge from their newly recalibrated Immortal Victorious Threefold Heart Flame to surface into their Heart and Conscious Mind manifesting their Unique Awakening at a greatly accelerated pace.

I now invoke the I AM Presence of every one of these people to take full dominion of that person’s thoughts, feelings, words, actions, beliefs and memories. Empower that person to hear and to listen to the intuitive Inner Guidance of their I AM Presence which will guide them unerringly toward the fulfillment of their individual and collective Divine Plans in their mission of Cocreating Divine Government tangibly on Earth.

Now, Beloved Legions of Light, SEAL this activity of Light in the Immortal Victorious Threefold Flame anchored within the Heart of every person on Earth. As we Uniquely Awaken, collectively hold the sacred space for the manifestation of Divine Government on Earth, expand this activity of Light daily and hourly with every Holy Breath we take until Planet Earth and ALL Life evolving upon her have God Victoriously completed our Ascension into the 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar frequencies of the New Earth. And we decree:


And So It Is, Beloved I AM. Beloved I AM. Beloved I AM That I AM.

God Bless You,
Patricia Cota-Robles

ZA ZU MA! Sirian for "Heartfelt Gratitude"

The God Field Rediscovered

Source:  Owen Waters

The courageous Professor Peter Higgs passed away in April, 2024. Starting in 1964, he had quietly but relentlessly championed the return of a universal all-pervasive field to the world of physics.

His Higgs Mechanism explains the origin of the property of mass in subatomic particles. It requires the existence of an all-pervasive field and it also predicted the existence of a previously undetected particle, now called the Higgs boson.

When the existence of this new particle was proved at CERN’s Large Hadron Collider in Switzerland, popular literature picked up on its fundamental importance and called it the God Particle!

This corrects the wrong turn taken by science over a century ago when an erroneous experiment failed to detect the aether and, instead of admitting failure, declared that the aether did not exist. This set back the progress of energy research for many decades.

In the 1800s, the science world accepted the existence of the “luminiferous aether”, an all-pervasive field which is the medium through which light is transmitted. At the time, the electrical pioneer Michael Faraday firmly believed in the “luminiferous aether” as an all-pervasive fabric of space. He went on to discover the principles that made possible the electric generator, motor, and transformer.

In the early 1900s, Nikola Tesla, ignoring the faulty experiment, firmly believed in the aether and, among many other advances, gave the world alternating current technology, making long-distance electrical transmission possible.

Today, the all-pervasive field is back, after being lost to physics for over a century. Next, progressive science minds will sense the tide change in physics and take the next steps by unraveling the damage caused by the theoretical concept of spacetime, which was invented as a substitute for the aether.

Spacetime was embedded into the counter-intuitive theory of relativity, which tries to tell us that we will never be able to travel faster than the speed of light. I doubt that is the belief of the ET visitors who travel back and forth hundred of light years to come and visit and see how close we are to being ready for open contact.

Relativity is one of those observer-bound ideas that thinks that the outside world is governed by the mind of the observer. In truth, the cosmos has its own rules and does not require humans to bring things into existence. For example, when you look at the Pleiades in the night sky, you’re not creating what you see. You’re seeing an image of how the stars looked 500 years ago because that is how long their light took to reach you. It’s the same thing with the question of whether a tree falling in a forest makes a sound if you’re not there to hear it. Yes, it does make a sound even if no one is there to hear it.

The following example shows why relativity is counter-intuitive. Two cars are traveling toward each other at a steady speed of 60 miles per hour each. They pass and continue their journeys in opposite directions at that speed. Then, one hour after the point where they passed each other they will be 120 miles apart, one car having traveled from the meeting point 60 miles in one direction and the other car having traveled 60 miles in the opposite direction. Their speed relative to each other added up to produce a cumulative 120 miles of separation in one hour. So far, so good. Common sense reigns.

With relativity theory, however, common sense flies out the window. It says that if two spaceships are traveling toward each other, both traveling at 0.8 times the speed of light, their relative speed cannot add up to 1.6 times the speed of light because nothing can exceed the speed of light. Make sense? No, of course not and, yet, this kind of relative spacetime nonsense has helped keep aether theory suppressed for over a century, severely hampering progress in energy research.

Today, thanks to the courageous persistence of Professor Peter Higgs, we have the aether back, albeit under a new name. But, will it be called the Higgs field in popular usage? I rather like the title of Lynne McTaggart’s book which simply called it The Field, with a capital “F”. Renaming the aether as “the Field” certainly helps avoid confusion over certain energy definitions. You see, “the aether” and “etheric energy” are two energies that sound the same but are actually as different as yin and yang.

So, let’s review those definitions as given in one of the chapters of my book, Spiritual Metaphysics: Answers to the Great Mysteries of Life.

The Field is a subtle, fluid, magnetic energy which fills all space. It is the fabric of space.

Etheric energy has been given many names, for example zero point energy, prana, chi or qi, orgone, the fifth element, tachyon energy, and vacuum energy. A more subtle cousin to electricity, etheric energy is the life force that streams towards us from the Sun, energizing and motivating all forms of life. In summary…

Etheric energy is universal life energy. Like all energies, it travels within the Field.

Courtesy of Owen Waters,

Planetary Activation Org.

104 Matisse Lane, Folsom
United States of America

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