
About Me

I started my Inner Journey several decades ago by 1st learning to meditate & then becoming a teacher & putting people in Contact withe Source, Their Source. I worked with & Sponsored various highly evolved people, Healers, Clairvoyants & Developed Souls who showed me how to utilize their knowledge that strangely most couldn't discern or even hear. Withe Various Techniques & Tools I've been given or fathomed thru close observation, I have had some interesting experiences & journeys within. And as fascinating as all that is, my Aim is to Be Freed from this Illusion bringing as many as will come along EveNow. I have shared thru my messages several of my inner connections like the ~Unknowable~ which is beyond the Relative & Absolute fields of Life, Also drawing down The_Grace_of_Ishvara,_Our Almighty Father Mother God/dess & The Transformational Rainbow Forest Odyssey + many other Activations, Techniques & Connections from various teachers & messengers. And It is time to Get Ready or Not~Change is Upon Each & All of Us Beyond Sci~Fi or Middle Earth or Any Tales or Fables you've heard of.... We Are in the Midst of It. Everything is Speeding Up SO BE READY!!!!!!



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Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Strengthening Soul Bonds


Greetings from Galactic Heart ...

We are all experiencing the illusion of time. It was just January 1st and now it is the 14th. Personally I'm having difficulty keeping up with all the things to do to keep PAO, my home, my body going. Are you also finding time slipping by in a blink?

With the acceleration of time, we are also witnessing an acceleration of our Ascension Timeline. The good news is we have secured the positive Ascension timeline and we are no longer experiencing multiple timeline shifts daily or weekly. 

There is a new age of consciousness growing on our planet, Earth. At present, all humans are being altered genetically, some in very small ways, others in larger ways, depending upon the position that one must play in bringing this great new civilization into reality. We have the full loving assistance of the cetaceans, Galactic Federation, Ascended Masters and Spiritual Hierarchy. Remember to ask for guidance. Earth has a glorious destiny and we are here to be true stewards of our planet and actually our entire solar system. 

Truly, Together we are Victorious!


Dealing with 3D Life Today with Pia & Cullen~Laarkmaa

As we step across the threshold into a New Year, we wonder what awaits us. When conflict and uncertainty are all around, where shall we find peace?

Pia Orleane and Cullen Smith return to lead us out of anxiety and despair toward possibility and hope. With them they bring the enduring love and constancy of Laarkmaa, the Pleiadian beings whose discernment and guidance our world so badly needs.

During the Webinar, Laarkmaa will give a spectacular update on the coming year!


Subjects to be discussed:
• All Signs Indicate Our 3D World is Quickly Shifting this Year

How We Can Best Prepare During These Accelerated Times
 Medical Breakthroughs:
An Opportunity for the Release of Long Suppressed Healing Technology
• Ascension Hypersensitivity

Dealing with Disruption as Our Higher Vibrations are Being Aligned
• A Moment with Laarkmaa

Laarkmaa Outlines Humanity's Current Situation and What to Expect in 2025

After the Webinar we will answer your questions live.
Within 48 hours after the live Webinar we will send you
a link to a video recording.

Sunday, January 19, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PST

Please note: If you are unable to attend on Sunday January 19, you can still register. Within 48 hours, we will send you a link to the Webinar posted (privately) on Rumble. (After posting, the Webinar will be available for 1 week.)

Seats are Limited.. Register Now!

To make payment and register:  Click here

Cost: $20.00 U.S.


Strengthening Soul Bonds

Source:  Natalia Alba

Beloved Ones,

As we continue mastering our relationships, releasing old cords, and creating new harmonic bonds with new souls, we have a Cancerian full moon whose main energies will assist us in working with our relationships. It is a time amid this transitional year in which many traumas, relationships, and situations will be dissolved, to work on strengthening soul bonds.

Cancer is a sign that represents the familiar, our loved ones, and what is sacred to us. It is with Cancer that we are reminded of the importance of clearing epigenetic and inherited patterns, for it is by clearing who we are not, that we can discover who we truly are.

Cancer also represents our past and the healing, through soul retrieval, we need to do regarding our memories and past relationships. It is with Cancer that we dissolve the old, creating our sense of Home within, where Home and Love truly reside, for it is with Cancer that we return to the Soul.

It is now a time to heal our Divine reunions, which are the ones who help us realize where we are, what we need to unify, and what is yet fragmented within, for they are precious souls whose mission is to show us what we cannot see for ourselves.

Cutting energetic attachments and clearing miasmatic cords is essential, for our energetic, emotional, and physical well-being, especially when we have already fulfilled our personal lessons together, and yet we get attached to relationships that have now become toxic.

Many believe this is due to karmic issues we need to heal when particularly in the ascending souls is often simply due to our nature of remaining attached to what is familiar, whether it is suffering, fear, unlove, or anything that keeps us in the frequency we are accustomed to hold.

The Cancerian moon makes a conjunction with Mars retrograde, inviting us to see where we put our energy, love, and light. It is now time to let it all go and start cutting the ties that are unnatural for us to carry, and that imprison us. The ties that drain us, the ties that hurt us and do not let us move forward in our journey, experiencing the joy and the many blessings this journey too has for us.

It is time for us to free ourselves from what we have created, for the majority of what we experience is often our fears which have become real. The Cancerian moon is a source of forgiveness, love, passion, romance, and healing for those of you who are releasing, cutting cords, or simply strengthening bonds with those who shall continue to be part of your lives.

Let us make each day an opportunity to continue embracing more joy, gratitude, and compassion for All.

Let us dwell within Divine Love and neutrality during this transitional year, holding hope, faith, and peace in our Hearts for those who are yet to discover their Divinity.

Within Infinite Love,

Hollywood in Flames: A Symbolic End

Source: The Real Ismael Perez

Archangel Michael’s Increased Assistance

Source:  Patricia Cota Robles

In the midst of the Heartbreaking challenges taking place in California and many other locations around the World, our Father-Mother God and the Company of Heaven are reminding us that we are not alone. The Beings of Light cannot do this for us; however, they are assisting us during this challenging phase of Mother Earth’s Ascension process in ways that we have never before been able to experience. This assistance includes greatly minimizing the loss of life.

We all volunteered to embody on Earth during this auspicious time because we were shown the miracles we would be able to Co-create as Mother Earth Ascends onto the 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar New Earth. The Beings of Light said that literally billions of other souls also volunteered to embody at this time, but they were turned away.

We were chosen because we had demonstrated in our previous lives that we had the tenacity and the determination to stay focused on the Light in the face of all adversity. Beloved Ones, please pay attention to those words.

For over 50 years the Company of Heaven has been sharing through Era of Peace the Sacred Knowledge that you and I and the rest of Awakening Humanity have been preparing for Lifetimes to embody on Earth during this unprecedented Ascension process.

Daily and hourly the Light of God is increasing on Earth, and everything that conflicts with that Light is being pushed to the surface to be healed and Transmuted back into its original perfection. This includes the unconscionable atrocities Humanity has inflicted on Mother Earth and the Elemental Kingdom. We are now experiencing the results of our selfish and greedy behavior as those atrocities are pushed to the surface to be healed and Transmuted back into Light.

Archangel Michael has given us a lot of information and powerful tools that we can use to protect ourselves during this essential cleansing process. The Divine Intent of these tools is to help us protect ourselves and our Loved Ones from being bombarded and overwhelmed with the surfacing negativity.

During this critical time, you and I have the ability to serve as surrogates on behalf of our sisters and brothers in the Family of Humanity.

Today, we are going to invoke God’s Protection on behalf of every man, woman and child on Earth. We will Invoke Archangel Michael and his Legions of Protection to seal every person in an invincible forcefield of Protection and God’s Will, so that each person will be able to fulfill his or her Divine Plan in perfect Divine Order during this critical moment.

As we proceed, know that you are joining in Consciousness with Lightworkers all over the World. Together, through our Collective Cup of Consciousness, we have Cocreated a Chalice of Light that is serving as the Open Door through which the Light of God will flow to assist Humanity and all Life on this sweet Earth.

We are functioning in the Eternal Moment of NOW. Whether you are participating with us in this moment or in the future, your magnificent Light is being added to our unified Chalice.

Your Love and all of your sacred Gifts are being woven into this forcefield of Light by your mighty I AM Presence, your true God Self. This unique activity of Light will assist Humanity and all Life. Together we will heal and Transmute all of the atrocities surfacing now that Humanity has inflicted on the Elemental Kingdom and Mother Earth.

As we begin, we Breathe in deeply and go within to the Divinity of our Heart Flames. We now experience our Heart Chakras opening to full breadth as we receive the Infinite Love of God flowing through our Heart Flames into the Heart Flame of every other man, woman and child on Earth. We know and accept that as the Love of God lifts us up, ALL Life is being lifted up with us.

Remember, the past is over and the future does not exist yet. All we have is this present moment, so open your Heart and Mind, and be here NOW.

Invocation for the Elemental Kingdom

I AM my I AM Presence and I AM One with the I AM Presence of every person on Earth. As one Breath, One Voice, one Heartbeat and one unified Heart Flame, we invoke our Father-Mother God, the Mighty Elohim, the Directors of the Elements, the Silent Watchers, the entire Company of Heaven and the Violet Flame of God’s Infinite Perfection to Transmute back into Light every single thing Humanity has ever done to harm Mother Earth and the Elemental Kingdom in any way. Purify the Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Ether Elements and restore them to their original pristine beauty. I accept that this is being accomplished now even as I Call. And so it is, Beloved I AM That I AM.

I AM Invoking Archangel Michael’s
Ring Pass Not of God’s First Cause of Perfection

Beloved Presence of God, I AM, in me and in every Son and Daughter of God, Beloved Archangel Michael and your Legions of Power and Protection, come forth NOW!

Blessed Ones, encapsulate me and all of Humanity in your invincible Ring Pass Not of God’s First Cause of Perfection. Prevent anything that is not of the Light from interfering with our service to the Light and our Divine Mission of Loving ALL Life FREE.

Archangel Michael, permanently station one of your Mighty 5D Archangels of Power and Protection within my aura and the aura of every person on Earth. Direct these Angels to use their Swords of Blue Flame to instantly…


from every line of force that would strive to prevent the Immaculate Concept of our Divine Plans from being fulfilled. Free us instantly from any blocks or resistance from our own lower Consciousness that might try to impede the God Victorious accomplishment of our Heartfelt service to Humanity and the Light…


from every line of force that connects us with imperfection of any kind and send your powerful Blue Flame to dissolve each line of force to its end.

Place your Cross of Blue Flame in front of us, in back of us, on either side of us, above and below us and…


me and every person on Earth in your Cross of Blue Flame and your Ring Pass Not of God’s First Cause of Perfection now and forever! I so decree it, and accept it done, through the Power of God, I AM. And so it is.

Forcefield of Protection

Beloved Presence of God I AM in me, I gratefully acknowledge in my mind and accept in my feelings the living reality of your mantel of Electronic Light substance enfolding me in a blazing aura of ever-expanding Protection.

From within your Cosmic Heart I feel the pulsation of the Flame of Divinity, radiating through my Consciousness. I AM my I AM Presence, through which flows at all times, the virtues, qualities and blessings from God and His Messengers to me, and through me to all Life everywhere.

I also acknowledge and accept the mighty armor of Light and invincible momentum of Faith so lovingly offered to me by my own 5D Archangel of Protection. With Loving conviction I decree:

The Light of God is ALWAYS Victorious! (3X)

I live this day in God’s Light. (3X)

God is in control wherever I AM. (3X)

The Harmony of my true Being is my ultimate Protection. (3X)

I do now invoke the added assistance of God’s Divine Will to keep this activity of Light sustained around me and my world, so that only the Will of God may manifest in all of my activities, in all places and at all times.

I make this Call as God’s Most Holy Name I AM.

And so it is

Planetary Activation Org.

104 Matisse Lane, Folsom
United States of America

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