
About Me

I started my Inner Journey several decades ago by 1st learning to meditate & then becoming a teacher & putting people in Contact withe Source, Their Source. I worked with & Sponsored various highly evolved people, Healers, Clairvoyants & Developed Souls who showed me how to utilize their knowledge that strangely most couldn't discern or even hear. Withe Various Techniques & Tools I've been given or fathomed thru close observation, I have had some interesting experiences & journeys within. And as fascinating as all that is, my Aim is to Be Freed from this Illusion bringing as many as will come along EveNow. I have shared thru my messages several of my inner connections like the ~Unknowable~ which is beyond the Relative & Absolute fields of Life, Also drawing down The_Grace_of_Ishvara,_Our Almighty Father Mother God/dess & The Transformational Rainbow Forest Odyssey + many other Activations, Techniques & Connections from various teachers & messengers. And It is time to Get Ready or Not~Change is Upon Each & All of Us Beyond Sci~Fi or Middle Earth or Any Tales or Fables you've heard of.... We Are in the Midst of It. Everything is Speeding Up SO BE READY!!!!!!



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Tuesday, May 16, 2023

THE NEXT BIG JUMP ~ plus today is Kornelia Stephanie Show featuringColleen and Miles


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TODAY ~ MILES AND COLLEEN on Kornelia Stephanie Show

Miles and I are excited to be interviewed by Kornelia Stephanie on Tuesday, May 16 at 1pm Pacific time. You can catch the live interview at this link:

Let's Make PAO Great Again!

With your help we can. Now that we are learning how social media platforms work, I'll ask that you click on the show and like and subscribe. This will help get our podcasts to more people. In advance we thank you for helping.

Selamat Ja!


Welcome to PAO's Live Galactic Activation Webinar for May


It’s been several months since Jared Rand joined our circle. Many of you have asked for him: now, he's back, bringing his wide-ranging worldview and incisive comments to shine Light on the dark and roiling global agenda that surrounds us.

Just as our spirits begin to relax into some kind of ‘normal’ after the reign of pandemic terror, we are noticing the upsurge of dire and dogged voices warning about climate change. Can this be the newest ‘Covid’? Is global warming a clear and present danger, or is this yet another psychological terror attack against us? Jared will clear away the webs of uncertainty, and put our situation in context with his usual clarity.

In the meantime, the rocketing cost of living haunts our days and shatters any plans for the future. We yearn for the long-promised abundance program to manifest. How much longer must we wait for debt forgiveness? Jared is keen to tell us.

WANTED More Live Webinar Attendees

And, realizing our need to know, Jared will give us a detailed progress report on the Celestial Chambers project.

It is a rare treat to have Jared back. We welcome him in anticipation of the information and wise counsel, common sense and kindly comfort he consistently provides.

We invite you to join us, to bask in the glow and flow of our Galactic Activation Webinar this month.

Subjects to be discussed:

• Jared Brings Us Up to Date on His Mission’s Current Focus
• A Revised Globalist Agenda
Shifting from Pandemic to Climate Modification
• Reassessing Abundance
Releasing the Shackles of Debt Slavery
• Celestial Chambers
Progress Report
• The Challenge of Accelerated Chaos in Our World
Humanity’s Rapidly Awakening

Jaredj Rand Bio

After the Webinar we will answer your questions live. Within 48 hours after the live Webinar we will send you a link to a video recording.

Please note new time:

Sunday, May 21, 2:00 to 3:30 p.m. PDT

Please note: If you are unable to attend on Sunday, May 21, you can still register. Within 48 hours, we will send you a link to the Webinar posted (privately) on Rumble. (After posting, the Webinar will be available for 1 week.)

Seats are Limited... Register Now!

To make payment and register: Click Here

Cost: $20.00 U.S.


What is the Energy Body and How Does it Play into Occult Ritual?

Source: Gigi Young


The energy body is the non physical, or energetic, aspect of the human being and it is the aspect of our consciousness that is activated in occult ritual. The condition of our energy body determines both our psychic power and also where exactly we are able to reach inter-dimensionally. Perhaps the most fascinating thing about the energy body is that it is the most accurate indicator of our health, personality and level of spiritual achievement/integration. In other words, we all may look the same on the outside, but when we look at the energy body we can clearly see whether people are rooted in higher consciousness or whether they are possessed by lower astral forces. The ignorance that our current society has when it comes to esoteric study unfortunately perpetuates dangerous lower astral connections in our world. In case you are wondering, we all have an energy body, it is also called the bio-energetic field, aura, soul emanation or subtle bodies. There are many names for the energy body what you call it will depend on your culture and preferred avenue of spiritual study.

While it our energy body seems quite mysterious, it is really like an energetic fingerprint as our thoughts, beliefs and emotions reverberate through the energy body creating certain patterns. These reverberations reach up into the higher densities, like psychic circuitry, where our energetic body becomes finer and finer. The particular spirit, mind and emotions together create a specific frequency that makes our energy body unique to us, and psychics can read these bodies and discern valuable information from them.

Our Energy Body Determines Our Psychic Reach (Law of Resonance)

What is also interesting, and not always discussed about our energy body, is that its condition actually determines our spiritual reach, or psychic reach. What does that mean? It means that our energy body actually reaches up into higher dimensions of reality, first of all, and second of all, it is the harmonization of our energy body that determines that exact reach. Like the age old image of passing through the eye of a needle, the harmonized energy body can pass into higher worlds that have a very fine vibration compared to our material world. In higher densities our consciousness becomes more vast, light and fast, this means that we must be at a state of personal harmony in order to resonate with higher worlds. We truly have to learn to energetically match the higher densities to consciously perceive them. When intuitives speak about beings like demons or dark spirits getting trapped in lower densities, it is because of this spiritual law. Their energy has become so heavy and distorted that they are trapped in a very narrow and chaotic band of reality. Until they learn to look at themselves and take responsibility for their actions, they will not be able to resonate with, or even perceive the higher worlds. This law is often called the law of resonance, and it teaches us that we can only truly experience what we are. In psychic work this becomes even more evident as in our journey we find certain levels of information, or abilities, unavailable to us until we can evolve into higher states of being. Simply because someone is psychic does not mean that they are harmonized, or on a healing path, I speak more about that reality in this video.

We Cannot Avoid What We Are & The Power of Love and Fear

A popular approach to the energy body is to ignore it and act like it does not exist. This is not a good idea, we are multi-dimensional beings by nature, and as mentioned above, we exist in higher realms simultaneously. Although this reality may be intimidating, we cannot cut ourselves off from the responsibility of being a spiritual creatures. Ignoring the reality that we are spiritual beings does not mean that our consciousness goes onto some kind of perfect auto-pilot, it simply means that we lose precision in our life. If that wasn’t unfortunate enough, if we have repetitive fearful thoughts and low emotional states we risk parasitic spiritual attachments. Nobody likes to talk about creepy, dark spiritual attachments, I get that, its much nicer to bliss out, but ignoring spiritual dynamics doesn’t make them go away. It is part our spiritual development process to actually begin to face the shadows that appear to us from the lower astral realm.


To be clear about the mechanics of psychic connection, our access to these higher worlds depends on the thoughts that we think and the emotions the we feel.

That is what determines our resonance in this lower 3d part of our energy body. This is a cliche, but true: if our mental body and emotional body is rooted in fear we lessen our access to our Spirit. If our mental and emotional body is rooted in love we increase our access to Spirit. Our mind, emotions and even physical body all form around how much focus these two forces are given. Love and fear, it is as simple as that.

Fear is a descending energy that introduces a heavier density through fracturing our consciousness. It makes the body, mind and emotions stiff, tight, rigid, reactive and lonely leading to degeneration. Love is a ascending energy that introduces a harmonizing presence that unites our consciousness. It makes us flexible, open, flowing vast and interconnected. If the emotions that we feel and thoughts that we think are fear based, we become incoherent, heavy, discordant and we lose the ability to sense and perceive higher dimensions.

When we cultivate loving energies within, we release toxic heavy energies that hold us back and we begin to heal and re-integrate our Soul in our body. We are either becoming heavier and more dense, or we are becoming lighter and re-connecting with our Spirit. We have a choice what we invest in, we can heal or we can regress. It is up to us.

Inner Child Template And the Energy Body

Our inner child is the aspect of our consciousness that communicates to us our trauma and also our ability to heal that trauma. It is our child that speaks to us about our fear in life. What does that mean? It means that the times that we lost our innocence (or damaged the inner child) in harmful ways, become an exact pattern of fearful trauma within our energy body. We feel this pain as sensation, perhaps we get flashes of memories and within our energy body these traumas also forms a particular etheric pattern. One way to look at it is that we have an etheric imprint of suffering at the exact moment our inner child becomes damaged. The emotional and mental responses to the shocking traumatization of our inner child crystallize into actual etheric pathways that become our mind and determine our personality. Pain, confusion, fear, betrayal, feelings of injustice, feeling sorry for ourselves, deep shock, feeling out of control, lacking trust, anger, apathy all become imprinted within our energy body. And they all reflect the loss of innocence, the traumatizing of the inner child. We see our emotions and thoughts as invisible, passing shadows, but they are real things. Real pathways in within the higher worlds inside of us that we walk.

Pathways we will find ourselves walking again, and again and again until we heal. Thoughts and emotions are things. They are the very pathways we travel when we enter the psychic world.

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Inside the Wooniverse

Source: Lee Harris joins Colette Baron-Reid

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The Next Big Jump

Source: The Creator via Jennifer Farley


The current lull in activity may leave you saying, “Wait, what?!” It has all the signs of a rest period, however, the overwhelm and tension is still in place. Please remember there are layers (think alternate dimensions) within each shift so, even though it feels quiet and a little boring, there is still a great deal of busy going on. It is very important to remain grounded during this time, take immaculate care of yourself and keep breathing. The next big jump is on its way! ~ Creator



Source: James Gilliland -ECETI


I was meditating by the river and was given some very hopeful information.

Cazekiel, the merge of Ezekiel of old and Casia, whose soul merged and ascended to the 7th dimension, also known as the God of Eternal Bliss, expressed very clearly that Universal Law is coming.

That is one of the reasons you are seeing all the ships recently globally, most of which are Pleiadean, along with a consortium of others from the high 4th and 5th and 6th dimensions. Beyond that they don’t need a ship. There are however beings known as Andromedans that have magnetized light bodies and light ships mythologically known as Archangels.

They said there would be a flow of energies directed by the Pleiades, watch your Sun. There will be a series of solar flares and CMEs, coronal mass ejections, following with another big flow by the source of all creation.

This is a gift. Use these times wisely.

I was told those who are in fear, harboring guilt, and those who are divisive, the tyrants along with their empires and agencies, will not fare well. Many will commit suicide. The fear, shame and guilt will be too much to bear. “I would expect many CEOs, high level leadership that have engaged in some very ungodly activity will be some of the first.” Especially those involved in the vaccines and child trafficking.

Others out of alignment with Universal Law are going to experience almost instant karma. Time is speeding up and the reaction to their actions will come swiftly. Denial is not an option, the lessons will increase exponentially in severity.

Everything not based on Universal Law will be dismantled. This is not years in the future it will come very swiftly. The chaos you are now seeing is the healing process. What was once hidden is now being revealed.

Everyone and everything will be seen for what it is, it’s true nature and motive. Prepare for a lot of falling idols. Many are already gone, houses boarded up, no one home.

I was told to be ready for ten days of darkness. What that means I am not sure. Is it moving into the null zone, a huge solar flare taking down the grid, the white hats and military stepping in temporarily closing things down? I’m not really sure. I would suggest meditating on that to see what it means to you and what you are to do to prepare for it. The old system has to transform or collapse. Your dependency on the old system will determine your fate.


We are moving into a time of personal responsibility, a time of accountability. It is a time for forgiveness of self and others, a time to release the past and make your own personal God/Creator/Great Spirit connection.

Does not matter what culture, faith or religion. There are no divisions in God. Only the divisions created by religious interpretations of God/Creator/Great Spirits messages over time. Was Jesus a Christian, was Buddha a Buddhist, Was Mohamed a Muslim? The religions followed later.

There are no go betweens that will make your own personal God connection for you. Those who preach fear, guilt, unworthiness and disunity are the dividers.

It is time to transcend all cultural and religious boundaries. Unity consciousness is the goal.

You are not just a body and a personality, you are a soul and spirit and that spirit is multidimensional in expanded states of awareness all the way back to source. We are all family in spirit, born of the same Creator. It is time to behave accordingly.

It is said the only reason we have personal problems is the belief (be lie f) we are a person. We are so much more and when you understand that the divisions and most of your problems fall away.

There are pathways being created to release those unjustly incarcerated. There are incarcerations coming for those who unjustly incarcerated people.

Things will move very swiftly. Much is up to the military which has had enough of the deception and destruction of America.

The energies righting these wrongs is unstoppable.

May the courage be with you to do what you know in your heart to be right.

Be well,

James Gilliland

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