
About Me

I started my Inner Journey several decades ago by 1st learning to meditate & then becoming a teacher & putting people in Contact withe Source, Their Source. I worked with & Sponsored various highly evolved people, Healers, Clairvoyants & Developed Souls who showed me how to utilize their knowledge that strangely most couldn't discern or even hear. Withe Various Techniques & Tools I've been given or fathomed thru close observation, I have had some interesting experiences & journeys within. And as fascinating as all that is, my Aim is to Be Freed from this Illusion bringing as many as will come along EveNow. I have shared thru my messages several of my inner connections like the ~Unknowable~ which is beyond the Relative & Absolute fields of Life, Also drawing down The_Grace_of_Ishvara,_Our Almighty Father Mother God/dess & The Transformational Rainbow Forest Odyssey + many other Activations, Techniques & Connections from various teachers & messengers. And It is time to Get Ready or Not~Change is Upon Each & All of Us Beyond Sci~Fi or Middle Earth or Any Tales or Fables you've heard of.... We Are in the Midst of It. Everything is Speeding Up SO BE READY!!!!!!



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Monday, April 3, 2023

Old Souls Will Develop Powerful Abilities That Others Won't


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Welcome to PAO's Live Galactic Activation Webinar for April


We were first made aware of our cosmic connections when Sheldan Nidle introduced us to the Galactic realm and his experiences as an ET contactee. From that time, we have yearned to renew that direct Starseed connection that he awakened in us.

Enter Debbie Solaris, ET contactee, galactic historian and inter-dimensional traveler. A relative ‘late bloomer’, she has packed a great many exciting experiences into her spiritual life. From the time she found herself on an Arcturian mothership, she has been ‘awake and aware’ and keen to spread the word about our cosmic legacy and future.

WANTED More Live Webinar Attendees

We are delighted for you to meet Debbie, yet another new guest to PAO and a fitting proponent of Sheldan. Busy on her current home turf as a teacher in Colorado, she has so much to share with us, from our roots inscribed in the Akashic Records, to our true otherworldly selves, to our divine existence in the all-encompassing megacosmos.

Please join us for a rare Webinar opportunity to meet an up-and-coming galactic guiding light.

Subjects to be discussed:

• Debbie Updates Us On Her Mission’s Current Focus
• Connecting with Your Star Family
Understanding Our Starseed Nature and Origins
• Blue Rays and Indigos
Who They are and Why They are Here
• Raising Your Vibration
Awakening Our Divine Selves
• Humanity's Cosmic Destiny
Heading Towards Higher Consciousness


After the Webinar we will answer your questions live. Within 48 hours after the live Webinar we will send you a link to a video recording.

Sunday, April 23, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PDT

Please note: If you are unable to attend on April 23, you can still register. Within 48 hours, we will send you a link to the Webinar video posted (privately) on Rumble. (After posting, the Webinar will be available for 1 week.)

Seats are Limited... Register Now!

To make payment and register: Click Here

Cost: $20.00 U.S


Kryon Explains Why Old Souls Will Develop Powerful Abilities That Others Won't

SourceLee Carroll - Kryon

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Source: John Smallman


Here in the non-physical realms we are loudly applauding you all as you so beautifully prepare to bring the collective human awakening to its most glorious conclusion. This is the main purpose of each of your current individual human incarnations. And remember, you are never alone! When you incarnate you each have your own support team in the non-physical realms watching over you and giving you gentle nudges whenever necessary – you each made clear to us, before you were born into your present bodies, that you might well need a nudge from time to time to assist you to remain on your chosen paths, and we completely honor those instructions – and we are always with you to answer immediately if you call on us for guidance. Not one of you is here alone, by chance, and without the constant availability of our loving assistance!

You each made a totally free choice to be incarnate at this moment in the awakening process, fully understanding how difficult it would be. You are all doing magnificently, and we want you to be aware of this so that you can release any doubts you may have about how wonderfully helpful, effective, and essential your presence on Earth is at this moment of the awakening process.

As you each engage ever more fully with the awakening process – your own and that of the collective – be aware that distractions of a worldly nature are quite normal. You not only have your own egos attempting to distract you, but also the collective one which is resisting the call to awaken. Do not let that concern you, all is divinely taken care of, and your irreversible collective choice to awaken is leading you forward most beautifully.

Your egos, individual and collective, are but split off parts of your minds – the parts you use as your human identity – and their purpose is to assist you during your daily lives in form as an aspect of your autonomic nervous systems, which keep your bodies operating normally without any need for you to pay them undue attention. However, because your bodies are delicate and can easily be damaged, your egos have developed individual warning systems for each of you so that they can easily attract your attention if any untoward threat to your body should arise; and because they love and greatly desire your attention they spend a lot of time looking for new ways to capture it. They are really rather like small children attempting to attract their busy parents’ attention, and, like small children, they will mature, they will be re-integrated into the wholeness of your true nature. Therefore, do not blame or condemn them, realize that they are always doing their best, and treat them gently with love and affection, while not allowing them to bully you into being “helicopter parents” who can always be cajoled into satisfying their every need without discernment. It is good for them to have quiet time without your constant attention, while knowing that should real needs arise you will be there for them.


When you awaken, as soon you will, the experience of Love flooding into your hearts will delight and inspire you. You all know that Love is your nature, but most of you do not regularly experience the sense or feeling of that divine truth in your daily lives, and often even find it hard to believe that Love is your nature, as you observe the constant flow of unloving behaviors occurring that are causing pain and suffering to so many on a daily basis. However, actually being aware of this, as you are, effectively intensifies your intent to be only loving whatever may arise in your daily lives because, appreciating as you do that your intentions are extremely powerful, you continue to make a point of resetting that loving intent at the start of your day. Doing so is a major duty of your present human life purpose.

Yes, your presence on Earth Now, is essential, and you know that. That is why you are presently incarnate, and whatever personal issues you may find yourselves dealing with that may be causing you anxiety, pain, or suffering generally, are also reflections of what much of the unawakening and presently unaware ones are also dealing with. By dealing lovingly with those issues of your own, you greatly assist the collective to do the same. Remember: All Are One, separation is unreal. Therefore by just being, you and the collective are doing indispensable work to bring the awakening to its most magnificent fruition. Just being is both essential and extremely effective, so please do not doubt the efficacy and potency of your earthly presence in human form at this moment. You are needed, you are loved, and you are honored for choosing to undertake this divine and demanding task.

So focus daily on your deep inner knowing, your knowing that you are essential participators in the collective awakening process, and ask us, your support teams, to assist you in every moment to deal lovingly with all with whom you interact, no matter how much your egos might be suggesting to you that judgmental responses would be both appropriate and more impressive. When you call on us we are instantly there for you, if you will quieten the distractions of roof brain chatter and allow yourselves to listen to us. The guidance we will offer you is always totally appropriate for the situations with which you are dealing, and as you accept it and act on it you will experience an increase in trust and peace in that moment.

We love you all most dearly, and we experience great joy in assisting you, so never hesitate to call on us.

Your loving brother, Jesus.


KEEP PAO ALIVE ~~ Thank you

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James Gilliland: The Dream

Source: James Gilliland -ECETI


Last night two events happened.

One I was on a boat landing on an island. I was greeted by a Grandmother with a beautiful hug. She said “we have been waiting for you”. As we walked from the pier and through the town the people acknowledged her, smiling and bowing and she would bow back to them.

The Grandmother said I want you to take some time to assess the village. I was not sure what she meant by assessment. We met many of the people, many beautiful men and women yet there was a sense of spiritual ego. They said all the right things, wore all the right clothes, yet there was a strong sense of self and a need for acceptance and approval outside of themselves. They thrived on attention. As we went through the village we ascended through beautiful gardens, with creeks and waterfalls to the top of the island. At the top there was a very spiritual group, mostly women with three sitting in a lotus position holding an incredible frequency of love, joy and bliss. We knew not to disturb them.

The Grandmother said I want you to address the people. I did not know what she wanted me to say but I knew what needed to be said would come in the moment. We had a beautiful meal, slept and woke up the next morning being told in an hour we would be addressing the people. I knew the grandmother had a plan and trusted me to say the right thing.

There was a natural amphitheater made of stone, the people were cheering as the Grandmother entered the top of the theater, we were right behind. As the cheers diminished the Grandmother introduced me and said I want you to listen to him. I stepped up to the stone podium and said thank you for your hospitality.

I do not know why I was asked to speak to such beautiful loving people. I looked across the island and there was another island, dark and foreboding. I saw some of its energy was infecting people in the crowd. It was a sense of division, jealousy, competition and spiritual ego coming from the island. I then knew why the Grandmother wanted me to speak. The message had to come from an outsider to keep the peace on the island.

As I began to speak a powerful spirit descended upon me. I told the people I was not one to tell people what they wanted to hear, I was one who tells people what they need to hear not as judgment but as a warning so as no future harm comes to them. What I see here is many levels of people at different levels of ascension. There is an infection spreading that if not checked will destroy the peace of the island. It is coming from across the water and it is taking hold on the island.

There are people striving to be recognized. There is a spiritual competition which is not spiritual, it is divisive. Outward personas of spiritual advancement projected without being grounded within. The need for love, acceptance and approval from external stimuli is opening the door for division which leads to competition. I see people bragging about connections to sources and people, some in service to others, some in self-service. There is a division within themselves and the only way out is impeccable integrity and brutal honesty with self. You cannot serve two masters.


Many are striving to become on the exterior what they already are on the interior. They just have to release any wounds, traumas, and wrong conclusions from past experiences. It is an interior journey yet some are being misled by others who claim to be their saviors. The ego is striving to be what it already is unknowingly. It is looking for acknowledgement, acceptance, approval through peers and others.

This is a recipe for disaster. It is also a door for unseen negative influences to enter.

Some think what is across the water on the other island represents power. The fame and fortune it promises equates to power. It is not. The real power is when each individual makes their own God/Creator/Great Spirit connection and allows the heart to lead them in service to the Creator within all Creation.

It is the absence of self that allows this power to come through. Humility opens the door to this power. I then invited them to take a few minutes in silence to feel the power knowing the Grandmother and her three apprentices were broadcasting that power. After a few minutes of silence I said any praise for this message needs to be directed inward to the God within you then turned and left the amphitheater. I did not want any praise, applause, just hoped they got the message that came through me.

We returned to the sanctuary at the top of the island and had a beautiful meal and the Grandmother said it was time to go. I understood. She said you really dropped the spiritual bomb, it was necessary for an outsider to do it. Many will take offense, those guilty of what was addressed will project their own issues blaming you for what is within them. Rather than experience the mirror effect it is best to go, you are welcome to return when things settle.

I understood having experienced a lifetime of the slings and arrows projections of those in denial of what is within them. Rather than take personal responsibility, those lessor evolved perceive what was said to help them as a threat. We left the island under the dead of night never to return. Some will hold grudges for a lifetime.

The second dream was very disturbing.

I awoke to see a being in front of me. It was a woman, she was very large and seemed very ill. She had legions of shadow beings behind her. She kept saying me, mine, me mine over and over. I called on the beautiful many, Masters from all cultures to clear these energies. It left a sickening feeling in my gut.

After clearing the energy I asked what just happened. The Masters said you experienced what many refer to as the demon of greed. Some call them hungry ghosts. Its appetite is insatiable, it is never happy with what it has and always wants more. Usually at the expense of others, humanity and nature. The shadow beings behind it are those that fell under its spell. Many in positions of power on Earth are under its spell, some totally possessed by it. There are many excuses and validations to serve themselves at the expense of others. The only way to combat it is with impeccable integrity.

We are getting ready for a solar blast again.

Major flares, CMEs and sunspots are aiming towards Earth.

As anyone who has been following our newsletters these events create major processing on every level. Social, political, and physical earth changes follow these events.

As we have seen in the political upheavals, massive storms, tornadoes and processes with friends and family we are going through unprecedented changes.

Hang in, stay in the heart, set the necessary boundaries and we will all get through this.



Source: Jean-Claude ~ BeyondMystic

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