NOT ONLY THE PRESIDENTIAL ELECTIONS IN 2020 WERE DECLARED BY THE US SUPREME COURT AT THE END OF JUNE BUT GLOBAL CURRENCY ZEROING HAS ALREADY HAPPENED - just no one knows because the corrupt mainstream media refuses to do their job and report truthful and true news. Lawyer Lin Wood: "2020 elections. were overturned by the United States Supreme Court due to election fraud. The hoax was found to be run by Democrat leaders using the CIA and foreign organizations, mainly China, in an attempt to take over America - it's called treason. We expect an official announcement dissolving the US Presidency and Congress and imposing martial law until a new fair and transparent election is held.
All 209 nations participating in the Global Currency Reset converted their currencies into gold/asset-backed and traded Forex behind the scenes from Sunday evening 28th August 2022.
The new Q*F*S quantum financial system began integration with the Global Financial System and the Global Banking System on Wednesday, August 31, midnight, so that countries can trade with each other.
All operations to transition from the previous captive system of the Deep State to the New World and the Quantum Age are successfully carried out according to the White Hats Plan, regardless of who the media or the vast majority of people in the world think for president. We know here who the President is, we know the G7 was unleashed, we know the major globalist institutions have been unleashed, and only follow the official announcement of the fact.
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