| If you missed Sunday's webinar, it is NOW AVAILABLE for DOWNLOADINGThis interview with Laura Eisenhower was wonderful and very helpful in learning how to navigate this crazy time. TAHello PAO, Thanks so much for all you do. I really appreciated the webinar with Laura. This was my second one... I love listening to her. And appreciate all Sheldon, Colleen and Miles do for the health of humans and humanity. Love & light for the highest good.-- Lesley She is a Dynamo. Spot on. Love to hear what you have to say. Great info. Thanks for having her. GP |
PAO had such positive feedback from Laura’s previous visits that we just had to invite her back again! Great-granddaughter of Dwight D. Eisenhower, Laura’s heart instincts and life calling have always been to protect and restore this planet and its Ascension timeline. In light of the deepening crises that right now envelop our world, she returns, armed with sound knowledge of the cyber ops that control and threaten to destroy Earth, and mastery of the esoteric, paranormal and mystical arts that can heal both Gaia and humanity. |
If information is power, then it is also healing, for it energizes us to go out and find solutions to our life’s ills. Laura’s words and ideas will ignite our vital spark, inspiring us to link our spirits, rekindling the flame of our frequencies to even greater heights. Subjects to be discussed:• Laura's Mission • All Eyes are On America Events Leading Up to Disclosure of the False Narrative • Remembering our Galactic heritage On the Alert for a Possible Cosmic Hoax • New Technologies Timeline for Release of Suppressed Healing, Energy and Environmental Technologies • Ascension Preparing for More Frequency Upgrades • An Astrological View of Our Current World How Astrology Affects Our Future To order your Galactic Activation Webinar Q&A-40 Archive: Click Here.Price: $13.95 U.S. |
A Message to Lightworkersby This week’s guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elements, Fae Elders, Angelic legions, and Archangels known as the Collective. |
Greetings, dear ones! We are very pleased to have this time with you today. Once again our writer speaks with Saint Germain, and he is happy to offer insights into the current situation on your planet, and what is occurring now in your Earth lives: COR: Greetings, Lord Saint Germain! SAINT GERMAIN: Greetings, good lady. How may I assist? COR: Probably because I am a channeler, I have a good number of people at any one time asking in one way or another, “How much longer?” I don’t blame them for that. I’m asking that myself now on a regular basis, in addition to calling forth higher assistance for the entire planet. All of us are desiring to know when NESARA will finally be fully enacted, and what else could possibly go wrong between now and then—how to deal with the current madness, and how to strengthen our inner selves for whatever else may be coming down the line. And asking to know how we can assist, whether energetically or otherwise. SAINT GERMAIN: Generally, we are not asked that last part. Only the first part, as if it were an event evolving outside of yourselves, whereas as we have discussed before now, this is an event that can only unfold within each person’s own thoughts, energies, expectations and vision. It is a moment of integration. That is the shift you seek. And so, you are asking, in addition to “When?” which is not really the relevant question, but also “What else can happen?” Which again, is a matter of what you and your fellow humans decide will or must occur on your timeline. And it is a higher vibrational timeline than you have been on for millennia—that alone is a cause for celebration! COR: Pardon, my lord—how is “When” not a relevant question? SAINT GERMAIN: Because you are stepping out of Time, all of you, and your planet. And because to measure progress in terms of hours or days or months past is never a fruitful way forward. You were taught to think in terms of Time—how long will it take till I am proficient at mathematics, or singing, or badminton . . . yet what does it matter? Is the journey less or more important if it is over with quickly? Isn’t the journey the very thing you birthed yourself into a human body for? COR: Yes and no! Once you’re here, in a body, you are subjected to linear time. And you have certain dreams and visions, right from a young age, that you wish to unfold “in perfect time and way,” which for most of us means, “right away, please!” SAINT GERMAIN: And so you speak now of the real issue, which is the impatience of Earth beings to have what they desire at the moment that they desire it. And that is not the same as the forms of progression and evolvement that you came to partake in. That is not the same as the Earth and Her people being ready for NESARA. And so I continue: What else can happen is not a question of “What else can go wrong” if you come out of judgment regarding what is good and what is not good. Human beings have thrived on judgment and its many limitations and ego-feeding aspects for thousands of years. And now, as they say, “Time’s up.” Not only in the sense of, “Time for the crooks to go to jail” (though it is such), but in the sense of “Time is no longer relevant to Earth life as it once was. “Let us stop thinking in terms of ‘When’ and ‘How much longer,’ and invest solely in the only Time that actually exists, which is the present moment.” And realize as well that when you wait for something, you give your power away to that person or persons, and that circumstance which you have decided can provide what you desire. When you decide not to wait, but to hold the frequencies of what you desire in your heart-mind, in your body, in your spirit each day, from rising at morning to falling asleep again at night—you do the opposite. You then birth that which you desire where it MUST be birthed, to begin with, which is in the heart-based imaging and frequency of a human being. |
This is not a journey that belongs to the stars or to those who coast in and amongst them in highly advanced starships, nor those who as Angels flow easily from one dimension to another. This is a journey that belongs to those born in a time-space that holds the ephemeral in one hand, and the eternal in the other. And yet—you came in to overcome the restrictions of Time-Space. Not to embody them, and hope for an improved situation along the very lines that you have since repudiated as insufficient, and even dangerous to Earth life. COR: Well, now you’ve presented an argument for which there is no opposing argument, my lord. Now you’ve pointed out that in order to move to the next level, we have to BE the next level. And that requires our focus and determination to deny everything we have been born into and experienced over hundreds of Earth lives. That sounds to be a rather large leap, and not just philosophically, but vibrationally! How, when millions are dying and we are being lied to on so many levels—how do we go about whistling cheerfully about NESARA and saying, “All is well”?! SAINT GERMAIN: We do not suggest that humanity ignore what is occurring now. That would be difficult to impossible. It is so that many are mourning personal losses due to illness, fire or flood. And feeling the pressures of a now permanently broken economic system, which never worked for the majority, whose interests it falsely claimed to represent, and which was built on lies and all forms of chicanery. This presents a conundrum, in the sense that you could celebrate the end of the false Earth system of living, yet to celebrate now would be to deny the personal pressures and tragedies of many millions, and most Light Beings in human form offer the opposite response. You prefer to cry with those who cry, and to agree that this is a very dark time, rather than celebrate at a time when loss and imbalance appears to be the order of the day. In fact, there is a third path that most do not consider, and that is one of what one might call Forgiveness, though not a forgiveness in the way religions tend to teach it. COR: Forgiveness of the old order? SAINT GERMAIN: Forgiveness of one’s self. I speak here of the fact that most have a fear of their own and humanity’s vulnerability. A feeling of “my impermanence is killing me,” one might say, which is an amusing combination of words, or an ironic one. Our point being that you as a race have not felt this alone, isolated, and vulnerable to attack in several centuries. And you are reacting in numerous ways that do not necessarily assist your eternal aspect. In your desire for physical immortality, you have attached to NESARA law’s enactment as a sort of cure-all for your ephemeral status, when in fact it was not created for that. COR: Yet it was created to free humanity—to return us to full sovereignty, even if we only live for a few minutes more after its enactment! SAINT GERMAIN: Most assuredly, it will usher in changes that most would consider miraculous—a drastic shift out of the feudal slavery system humanity has lived under for millennia. Preparations are being made for those shifts even now. |
Yet it does not create your freedoms, per se. It cannot be law only that determines humanity’s freedoms, then or now. Your race of beings is raising its frequency to levels where you are realizing your innate strengths to create new realities. That is not something that a law “gives” you, as laws tend to outer matters, and we speak of that which is intrinsic within all humans. To move fully into one’s own conscious awareness is the first step to freeing one’s own self, and then, as others follow, a movement, and then a planetary shift, is created. This is where it begins. That is the open door you seek. Not the enactment of this law that is more the announcing of these changes than the creation of them. COR: Forgive me, lord, but you sound to be speaking in rather idealistic terms. Humans live from one day to the next, and never more so than now, as in all times of crisis. Almost none of us are out there giving thanks for the new day, living entirely in the present, paving the way to a 5D world with our Joyful vibration. A few, perhaps. But most would view them as living in a dream world. The real work of being human means outer communication—encouraging one another where we can to stay as positive as possible, yet balancing that with the ongoing daily tasks that are grounded in the Earth realities—work and bill-paying, and caring for self and family. We’re not birthing brave new worlds, because life already feels like an Aldous Huxley novel! SAINT GERMAIN: Ah! And so—now is the time! COR: To forgive our vulnerability? To forgive ourselves for having bitten off way more than we could chew by incarnating at this time? SAINT GERMAIN: Most assuredly so! And that you forgive your own heart for leaning into NESARA and the liberation of this planet, as if you were still wedded to the savior/victim belief pattern, and holding on, waiting for your hero or heroine to arrive to save you. COR: But it is a heroic act, to forgive in the sense of saying, “I hereby free myself of my own judgments, of myself or others. I call it ALL good! That is all.” SAINT GERMAIN: Probably one of the greater things you have been born for at this time, all of you. COR: The whole thing is RIFE with ironies! SAINT GERMAIN: And such is Earth life, dear one. In the higher realms, you find it amusing at times. COR: I’m nuts there too, then. SAINT GERMAIN: Yet not without purpose. All is well, as you spoke earlier, though humanity does not see this yet. COR: Bizarrely, that I can accept! But can you tell us please, nevertheless, how close we might be? You spoke of a number of steps or stages when we spoke a few months ago— SAINT GERMAIN: We would say now, that two remain. Namaste, dear one! We are with you, all of us. None of you are abandoned, now or ever. COR: Thank you, lord. Blessings to you. SAINT GERMAIN: [bowing] In your service, madam. And in service to all. |
A TIMELY MESSAGE FROM JESUSby John Smallman The state in which you are most joyfully aware of your Oneness with Mother/Father/God. |
Here in the spiritual or non-physical realms we are watching with joy as humanity processes and releases all the ‘stuff’ that is arising purely in order to be lovingly released. The lessons with which the ‘stuff’ has presented you have served their purpose and are no longer needed as an aspect of your awakening process. When all has been fully released – that release is occurring now worldwide – you will feel the strength of peace pervading your individual physical environments, your personal human space, as you open your hearts fully to Love, offering It the invitation to enter into your hearts to embrace you. It has been patiently waiting for this invitation for eons, and receiving it now allows Love to spread the magnificence of Its joy to all of humanity. So, I would remind you yet again that you are Love, Love incarnate, and that Love is All that exists. God is Love, is the Creator, is the Creation in which all sentient life has its eternal existence, and all life is sentient. What you see around you in the world of form is a mélange or conglomeration of energies arising as emotions or feelings, that everyone experiences through the senses of their physical bodies, and which, unless they are recognized as such, direct and control your thoughts, words, and actions. They are temporary, of an illusive nature, you cannot isolate them and make them real, and yet, to your physical bodies, they seem to be absolutely real. They are not! What is real is eternally present – LOVE! What is unreal does not last because it is unreal. You have all had experiences that were painful and caused you suffering, and which dissipated when the cause of the pain was removed or when you removed yourselves from the situations that were causing you pain and suffering. Trust your inner knowing, your intuition – the always open point of access to the divine Being that you are, and whom Mother/Father/God created for eternal joy – and do not discard what it offers you by accepting the advice or guidance that another in form would intimate was wiser and more appropriate than what you yourself are receiving. You always have the power, your power, your freewill, which is God-given and limitless in its abilities, and so younever need or should SUBMIT to the directions or orders of someone else. You are divine beings, and you have the Power of God supporting you in every moment of your eternal existence. Do NOT allow yourselves to be manipulated, persuaded, frightened, or enticed into doing or saying something that seems to you to be wrong, inappropriate, or unloving, that another would attempt to convince you is your duty to do or say. Instead, trust your own divinely guided intuition, your inner knowing, which is your direct communication link with God. |
When you trust others instead of yourselves you are rejecting your divine essence – your God-Given inner Knowing – and buying into the illusion or dream that is presented to you as reality by your egos, and by the egos of others who may appear to be wiser and more knowledgeable than the you that you perceive as the human body that you identify as yourself. In the world of form it frequently seems that there are others who are wiser and more knowledgeable than you, and it is indeed they who succeed in that world by overcoming and defeating others. That is not the Real World, the Divine World, and your intuition will always encourage you to be fully aware of that as it offers to lead you Home to the Divine World of Peace and Love – Reality! If you will allow Love to guide you in every moment you will find yourselves at peace with yourselves, accepting yourselves just as you are, and enjoying all the delightful moments that occur throughout the day – the smile of a loved one, or of a stranger, the sunlight and shadows playing around you, the rain refreshing the Earth. Life is Good, and you can see that it is Good! It is a magnificent divine gift that makes it possible for you, as a human, to become aware of your perfection, your holiness, as you deal lovingly with whatever life as a human in form presents you with during the day, even as you sometimes make unintentional errors or mistakes which may perhaps upset or offend others. And when that happens, as it will, forgive yourselves, and do your best to make appropriate amends to the one(s) you have offended. You are good, because you are eternally – that is in every moment – One with God who created you perfect, like unto Herself. There is no separation, such a state does not exist. Allow yourselves to know the truth of this and thus be aware that how you live your lives affects all of creation. Everyone affects everyone else, and so, as you move firmly along the path to awakening, know that the Tsunami of Love is flowing through you in order to bring all to their awakening. Your human destiny is to awaken, and the human collective has made the irreversible choice and decision to do so, therefore to it is inevitable that you will. There are magnificent signs of this occurring worldwide to delight and encourage you as you each follow your own unerring paths back to your natural and eternal state, the state in which you are in every moment fully and most joyfully aware of your Oneness with Mother/Father/God. The joy of that knowing, of that experiencing cannot be meaningfully described for you. You have to participate in it with full awareness, knowing yourselves as One with your heavenly Source of Love, the Source from which All of creation is eternally extending Itself in the most glorious and harmonious cooperative and inspiring adventure that is not and cannot be in any way be reduced – so that you may understand it – from the VASTNESS that It is! Your loving brother, Jesus. |
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