We are at the very end of the book of Revelation which is all about judging everything.
How many people have been judging themselves, other people, and their politicians?
Stop judging! Forget about politics and just love yourself. You are a great Being of Light.
To change the world, change yourself....
Open to the Un-K-now-able HearTouch of Ishvara's Golden Graced Love of Our Ascension
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August Full Moon 2019
just moved through the full moon of August 15, 2019. This full moon
brought in much light, and that light brought to our attention how dark
it appears to be on Earth. The war on the astral level is over and the
light won and now we are experiencing the clean-up process on Earth. How
long will this process last? It appears like we fell back into the
darkness when all of those violent shootings happened in the United
States. This makes it appear like it is very dark right now but this too
shall pass as we start moving into a more peaceful world.
think we have lived on this violent Earth long enough and it is time
for a change. Maybe we can raise our frequency enough so we can live on a
higher vibration Earth. Maybe this heart activation full moon changed
the energy on Earth so people will now stand up and say “enough is
enough”. We need to manifest a world full of love and light, not fear
and anger.
is the largest planet in our solar system and magnifies whatever it
touches. Jupiter is in Sagittarius right now on 14 degrees and will stay
on that degree until the end of August. Jupiter is presently conjunct
the Great Attractor which has an enormous magnetic field. As Jupiter
aligns with the Great Attractor the evolutionary pull on humanity is
very powerful. Will we be able to handle this strong pressure for the
rest of this month? If we are manifesting through our heart chakra we
should be able to deal with this energy in a loving way. Here is an
interesting article about how the black hole in Sagittarius is getting
very bright. (Black Hole ‘Wakes Up’)
meaning of 14 degrees Sagittarius is “The Great Pyramid and the
Sphinx.” The opening of the Lions Gate starts in Egypt on July 26 every
year. They have a celebration when the Sun raises over Egypt conjunct
the star Sirius. That is the beginning of the Egyptian New Year, and it
is also the beginning of the Mayan Dreamspell New Year. Here is an
interesting article about the Lion’s Gate. (Lionsgate Portal)
will be in Sagittarius until December 3, 2019 and will then move into
the sign of Capricorn. It takes Jupiter one year to go through one sign
of the zodiac. During this past eight months we have seen Jupiter in
action. Jupiter rules the Justice system. This includes courts of law,
judges, lawyers and the law. This past year has been full of energy
around lawyers, court cases, judges, investigations, FBI, and other
things around the law of justice and our constitution. There will be
much pressure around those issues for the rest of August when Jupiter is
still conjunct the Great Attractor although the energy of these law
suits will be in the news until at least the beginning of December.
Jupiter is now direct and in fast-speed.
interesting event that happened this month was the fact that Uranus
turned retrograde in Taurus on the same day that Jupiter turned direct,
which was August 11. Taurus rules money and we felt Uranus turn as we
watched the Stock Market take another plunge. Uranus will be very
powerful as it is in its retrograde phase which lasts until January of
rules riots and demonstrations (Hong Kong and Russia) and other parts
of the world. Uranus also rules light and we will experience more waves
of light coming to Earth in the next few months. High tech is also ruled
by Uranus and there may be more gadgets or inventions coming to the
foreground. They are trying to push the 5G network. I hope they make
that safe before they release it to the public.
has a tendency to take something away before it creates something new,
like the Stock Market crashing before a new money system is set-up.
Maybe Bitcoin will be our new money system. Uranus rules computers and
Taurus rules money. Uranus will be in Taurus for seven years. Taurus
also rules the Earth so there will be many Earth changes during this
time period. This energy will be directly affecting the West Coast USA.
also rules our friendly ET family. We will probably see more activity
in our heavens as more and more space ships head for Earth to watch the
finale of this great experiment. We survived this time and I do not
think there will be a major war because a nuclear war will not be
allowed. There are and will be more threats of war although if this
happens it will probably be more like riots or demonstrations.
are at the very end of the book of Revelation which is all about
judging everything. How many people have been judging themselves, other
people, and their politicians? Stop judging! Forget about politics and
just love yourself. You are a great Being of Light. To change the world,
change yourself.
think this fall will bring many interesting events to pass as all of
the dark continues to be uncovered so we can change that energy to one
of love. Jupiter will help bring all the corruption to light as it
continues its journey through Sagittarius. Shortly after Jupiter moves
into Capricorn there will be a Solar Eclipse on Christmas Day at 9:13 PM
West Coast Time. We will not see it because it will be visible over
Israel. Will this be another sign in the heavens to tell us that we are
at the end of this age and ready for a whole new reality? The original
Mayan Calendar ends in December of 2020. That is just a year away
although our thoughts can allow us to live on the higher frequency Earth
right now. All we have to do is manifest love. (Interview with God Site)
think the 4D Earth will have many challenges to deal with although
those who choose to live on the higher frequency Earth may experience a
different reality by manifesting love. With love in your heart you can
walk through fire without getting burned. On the New Earth there will be
no traffic, no pollution, no politics, no fighting, no war, and no
corrupt politicians. There will be a new system set-up to overlook
things although it will be by like-minded people living in communities.
Our space brothers and sisters are here to help us through this process.
It might take a while to create that reality but it is on the agenda.
When our frequency is high enough, we can then move to the New Earth. It
already exists and is just a thought away. So Be It!
Written in Love and Light
******** Mahala Gayle ********
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