As we move toward final agreements, it is important to ask all of you
to remain positive and focused on our final victory.
A most complex set of negotiations is currently taking place between
various aspects of our global Light forces.
These talks are setting up protocols that are vital for the ways in
which the new banking and financial system is to
As you read this Update you can see the a
New Beginning forming as We Hold it Dear & Near in Our
It is not a war of nation against nation
but Kingdom against Kingdom & Our Strength is Our Love &
Victory is Now at Hand, Blossoming before
to the Un-K-now-able HearTouch of Ishvara's Golden Graced Love of Our Ascension
Some Special Posts at PAO~REFLECTIONS & GJACK ****
Some Special Posts at PAO~REFLECTIONS & GJACK ****
6 Imix, 14 Mac, 12
Dratzo! In our last report, we briefly mentioned one of the eight
sideshows being used by the dark cabal to maintain a degree of chaos in your
realm. These dire sets of circumstances all have solutions, which many on your
world are busily pursuing. The dark is watching as those who intend to move this
globe into a much safer and sane reality work their magic on each of Gaia’s six
major continents. These numerous “heroes” are paving the way for a whole series
of policies, which are eventually to bring together your surface world’s people.
Adding to this set of emerging programs is the rise of a new banking and
financial system. When the new prosperity is added to this, a bright future
begins to emerge. The dark cabal is in virtual panic about its fizzling
well-laid plans. The dark had wished to spring a series of small violent
incidents that were to be expanded into a number of growing wars. This as you
know has not happened. Instead, the dark sees that their delays were only a
small hindrance to what is currently happening. In a short time, a new reality
is poised to manifest, which is the transition to your move to full
We are very proud of how you are accepting the vast changes that
are at present barely appearing around you. Soon, the many funding programs that
are to change your world are set to emerge. At the end of the nineteenth and
twentieth centuries, a number of incredible inventions started to appear and
were ridiculed by the dark's newspapers and magazines. Shortly after that, these
initial discoveries disappeared. During the course of the twentieth century,
many such devices were likewise “stolen" and then sequestered by the cabal. A
gradual reversal of this process is now ready to occur. Already a number of
people have come forward with “rediscoveries”. These devices are a precursor to
what is to come. In your world there are many remarkable individuals who are
slowly creating the basis for a new science founded upon the advanced
consciousness that is quickly altering your physical selves. These changes and
their resultant realities are allowing you to witness this new renaissance and
to see how miraculous your future truly is!
The dark cabal was adamant in continuing to delay the advent of
NESARA. Yet even as the foundation of a new financial system and the global
reform of its currency moved forward, it was becoming clear that the present de
facto USA regime was pursuing policies that were openly opposed to what these
various reforms intended to achieve. In addition, this criminal organization was
funding the operations and the arming of terrorist gangs such as Al Qaeda and
ISIS and illegally assisting a number of drug- running cartels. These actions
were some of the corruption and derelictions that this “government” was secretly
accomplishing. It was therefore essential that this illegal organization be
quickly put out of business. Thus, a series of special organization- changing
discussions were begun in the early spring of 2016. It was intended to replace
this illegal regime before late spring arrived. A scenario to achieve this
much-needed result was agreed upon and a plan was put into action by a special
military/civilian taskforce.
We are most grateful for the coalition of the Light and what it
has so far accomplished. The new financial system is in the final stages of
replacing the very corrupt SWIFT system and can now allow large amounts of funds
to be safely transferred from one continent to another. Currencies have been
adjusted so that new precious metal-backed monies can be internationally
introduced. A new financial system is coming together. To complete this process
clearly requires that NESARA be implemented in the US, and this structure
extended to a number of equally corrupt regimes across this globe. In the near
future, you are to truly witness the rise of a whole host of new governance.
This can greatly aid the worldwide end to the UFO cover-up. This operation can
help us to be properly revealed to you. At that time, we can aid those involved
in clearing your world of radiation and various types of industrial pollution.
This can allow Gaia’s many habitats to return to a near pristine condition. You
are to be free, prosperous and a guardian of Gaia! Hallelujah!
Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! The past year has been
noted for its grand delays and for the fact, my Dear ones, that funding
designated for you has continued to be delayed. This horrible time is nearly
over! What remains necessary is a positive focus. Use these moments to visualize
a plan for the use of these monies. Proclaim deep in your hearts that this is
exactly how it all is to transpire. Be prepared to work with others to create
communities for healing and applying the visions that you see for these funds.
Be ready to act in a quick yet well thought out manner. It is vital that you see
yourself as a vision and energy center. Know deep in your Heart that your plan
is to succeed and that once the funding begins, you are to find those who are to
aid you in this grand effort. Do not hesitate once all this detailed planning is
in place. You are to show everyone the efficacy and the purpose for what you are
to do. Hosanna! Hosanna!
As we move toward final agreements, it is important to ask all of
you to remain positive and focused on our final victory. A most complex set of
negotiations is currently taking place between various aspects of our global
Light forces. These talks are setting up protocols that are vital for the ways
in which the new banking and financial system is to manifest. The first part of
this involves how we are to implement the funds transfer process and what each
bank needs to do to easily permit this new system to replace the US-controlled
SWIFT operation. Then there is the matter of how banking regulations are to be
enforced internationally. These are only two of many things that still need more
detailed clarification. As you can see, my Children, these things need to be
quickly advanced by your prayer and visualizations. We greatly appreciate all
the assistance you have given. Great Blessings To You All!
One of the most powerful spiritual items that you possess is your
power of positive visualization. As stated, we ask you to continue to use
this to empower the victory that is finally close at hand. Together, let us use
this spiritual force as a moral weapon for our triumph. When humanity was so
rudely cast upon the Earth by the sudden sinking of Atlantis, humanity was at
the mercy of the darker elements of this surface world. You were manipulated and
lied to for nearly 13 millennia. Now is the time to turn the tables on this
charade and let only the great energy of the Light shine brightly upon this
globe. It is time to acknowledge and permit the cleansing of this darkness by
Heaven. We Masters consider ourselves most privileged to have such a fine group
of souls to work with. We bless you and know that very shortly we are to meet
and celebrate this great victory! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
Today, we have discussed what is transpiring across this
globe to ensure your most well deserved victory! Many things are ready to occur,
and these are to bring you joy, prosperity and much Love! These times are to
bring you an end to a long period of frustration. The future promises you
success and wonders that are never to cease. Know, dear Ones, that the countless
Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat
Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)
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CA 95762 USA
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Webinar 71
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The Cetaceans are fully conscious
Topics include...They are in touch with their divine selves, and communicate with the Spiritual Hierarchies and the Galactic Federation of Light. In this Webinar, you will learn where they come from and their special purpose for inhabiting Gaia. • Their origins • Types of Cetaceans • How they came to Gaia• Where else they exist other than Gaia • Their mission on Earth • Cetaceans and their connection with humans • What happens to Cetaceans after the landings
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