Greetings from Galactic Heart . . .
Holy Smokes! Lauren's post "Lightbody Living~a new normal", has absolutely blown my mind. Everything she reports is exactly what I have been receiving ~ only sometimes not with the clarity that she brings to our latest Lightbody evolution.
Although I am still experiencing some "uncomfortable" ascension symptoms, I am also experiencing a new strength, knowing and openness than I have not experienced for the past several years. I can't explain it. It is like my Higher Self is nudging me in new ways and in the most subtle, loving manner.
Lauren is a very clear channel and with this article, she knocks it out of the galaxy! It is a must read (long but good). I keep singing one verse from The Pointer Sisters' hit, "I'm So Excited" ~
"I'm so excited, I just can't hide it, I'm about to lose control and I think I like it!!!"
Of course, the whole song does not relate to my excitement but I have always used that one verse to let go and raise my vibrations!
Lately, throughout the day, I break into a clapping frenzy. At first Sheldan would ask me, "Why are you clapping?"
"Because I'm so excited I can't help myself. I have to let it out! An unknown excitement is bubbling out of me!"
Now Sheldan just smiles and declares, "So you are excited again, Baby."
A new strength is percolating within my physical body and I like it.
Hold the vision, stay focused ~ great things are ready to pop, bringing the Light changes we all desire.
Selamat Ja! Colleen
OCTOBER's WEBINAR with Sheldan Nidle
What is the latest with the BRICS countries? Is China forcing the US's hand to cooperate with new currencies backed by gold, global jubilee and the release of free energy technologies? Many things are unfolding before our very eyes. Sheldan will decode global events.
MAJOR PLAYERS in Our Shifting Consciousness
We are evolving back to oneness!
Each member of the Galactic Federation brings a specific skill to their role in the first contact process. In this Webinar, Sheldan presents the various GF first contact team members and describes how they will assist us in our shift to full consciousness.
Topics include... • Who was King Atlas? Where did he go wrong? • Are we repeating the last days of Atlantis? • Decoding Current Events ~ political and economic realities • Galactic Federation Members ~ their key roles and how they are helping us • Agarthans are walking among us ~ what is their role? • Returning to Unity Consciousness (Returning to Oneness)
Sunday, October 26, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PDT
Thursday, October 30, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. PDT (California time)
Talk to Sheldan Live...simply by using your home computer (After the Webinar, Sheldan will answer your questions)
Cost: $15.00 U.S.
Lightbody Living: our new normal
by Lauren ~ September 23, 2014
Very recently I was brought into a meeting with the League of Galactic Nations, and so immediately I knew that something special was on the horizon. I was asked to stand in as a cosmic receiver and earth transmitter for what was called an “approaching super-accelerated time of transformation.”
The primary topic discussed was our growing light and its effects on our physical body…mostly in preparation for what feels like a incoming cosmic cacophony…in a good way. Though it wasn’t specifically mentioned, I am assuming that this is all in direct relation to the equinox and the new moon/eclipse passage/mercury retrograde combo we are headed into…or, more holographically speaking, that is headed into us.
I also got the feeling through this meeting of galactic minds that this entire year was somehow leading up to this very moment…moment, as in several weeks…and is also the reason why many are still so steadily in the process of quantum deep excavation, releasing the seemingly-never-ending-remnants of unresolved emotion trapped within the lower body system. Though I can see now that all this prep work was to assist us (as much as possible) to enter this higher frequency band, unhindered.
From the messages I have been downloading the last couple of weeks, I feel pretty confident in saying that we are about to witness some kind of major breakthrough…that there is a pay-off of sorts approaching. Whatever is coming feels pretty potent and not necessarily in a bring-us-to-our-knees way…although ascension experience has definitely taught me to never rule that option out.
The good news is that since the June solstice we have been entering what feels like a ‘no-suffering zone’ which has been making the light downloads, integrations and cellular mutations somewhat more tolerable. That said, and even although our recent release from suffering has been noticeable, this last round of expunging has been challenging nonetheless. It has been pleading with us, asking over and again that we rise above all lower level (survival) fears and assume our rightful position as both creator of our life experience, as well as commander of it.
The entire year is/has been dedicated to a constant (carbon to crystalline) physical transmutation process, which has demanded so much from us, but September…the 9th month of endings and reviews in preparation for new beginnings…always highlights, and in some cases intensifies, the 8-month journey to arrive here.
For this reason you may have been experiencing some extra turbulence…more than the usual dose of heaviness as you unearth deeper fears and revisit core wounds…or feeling like you are somehow back at the beginning again. This is normal and to be expected any September, but this year in particular, because we are now moving so fully into the creator frequencies, our triggers are absolutely being tested from every direction possible in order to ensure we are completely aligned with our christed nature.
Divine creatorship is the name of this new game so if you have been repetitively dunked in the deep end, I assure you it’s all for the sake of sovereignty.
We have also been contending with various distortions in our energy fields, mostly due to collective unrest, that have been threatening (or at least trying) to derail us. The point is to literally pay them no mind. Those flashes of chaos are just up for a final farewell and if seen in the right “light” can prove to us that when we are unfettered by these disturbances (non-reactive)…we are free.
And when we are free, we know because we enter so solidly into the sanctity of solace, the space of absolute peace and total acceptance with what-is. That zero-point space is so important…it’s where our unbridled creative potential lives, where our higher Self resides, and what we are soon to call our permanent Home again.
Yes, the light at the end of the tunnel is growing brighter, and we are being urged more than ever to focus solely upon it. All else is a moot point. Certainly there are LOTS of distractions available, plenty of fast moving currents that can easily pull us into a maelstrom if we allow it, but none of those diversions need derail us any longer. The drama of the dying (old) world may be tempting to peer into at times, but none of it is our business. Our business is light. Illuminating darkness, yes…participating in it, no.
Sure there will continue to be moments when we have to reach to see and feel the light, and there will be moments when the light seems to find us rather effortlessly. In either case, it’s our job to remember that the light is always there. And just the thought of that can be enough now to keep us in immersed in it.
If you find yourself locked in a moment of unrest, especially over the next several weeks of growing cosmic intensity, simply refocus your attention on the crystalline grid of light that surrounds you. That is all that is required to lift us now. If that isn’t enough, I am also told that we can utilize the photonic light available to us via the sun simply by requesting that all solar frequencies be used to revitalize and restore our complete body system to the reflection of the Christ within.
And so it is.
A New Form of Care
As we move into the final season of 2014, I am told that we will be spending much of it learning new things about our physical bodies and their functions.
Surely we understand the ramifications and demands of your emerging lightbody, and so we want to offer you new perspectives and information that can ease this process and garner a sense of well being.
As it stands, the 3D body template we are currently working with has very little say over our new-body process and functions. Because we are moving so completely into our lightbody template, we are beginning to awaken to the realization that our old template, and the ways in which we are used to caring for it, no longer apply.
Because of that, the league says that the time has come to adopt a new form of care.
This new form of care is a level of nurturing and replenishment that comes strictly and directly from the light. I am told that this is both a passive and an active endeavor and one that we are organically beginning to realize our part in as our higher level DNA communicates new information and concepts that remind us that consciousness is required to sustain our new form.
What we hope to make clear is that the (5D) lightbody has different requirements than the 3D body, and when we say lightbody we are referring of course to the physical body of light you are becoming, enfleshed.
Living as a lightbody-being ultimately insists that we operate under the laws of light, and apparently these laws vary slightly in their function for ascending folk. When I asked what these laws are I was told that they are laws that our scientists have already named (?), only they apply in a much broader way to a lightbody. I get the sense that we will be learning more about this as we experience it.
Directly following the equinox, I am informed that our lightbody templates will begin to initiate new potentials that we have yet to realize in physical form, potentials that will birth into this world a new sense of living under the direction and command of LOVE…
Part of this realization will entail modifying commands to suit your lightbody as you learn to accommodate and adjust to this higher frequency entrainment, as well as utilize your higher-level capacity to bring your lightbody fully under your conscious direction.
They go on to explain that when we were first incarnating into this world, we understood that light was the communication medium that would enable us to exist in physicality…that it was the sustenance for our soul and contained our memory of Home. Now that we are in the process of re-incarnating, we will be opening to the knowledge needed to sustain our new body system and reawaken our memory of those governing laws of light and how they affect us in physical form.
There will be much to learn, rather…remember. Let’s just say that you are going to be realizing in your own experience and timing, that light contains the all of everything you need to sustain yourself.
Body reBuilding
We are not only saying that healing and rejuvenating your body is possible, but a requirement. That is the order of the day…
The galactics tell me that what they most want for us to realize in this moment, is that our body is rebuilding it’s own molecular (DNA) structure to support us to thrive in the new-frequencies, and that this will take us to places we have only dreamed about in the past. Our genetic information is stored in these DNA molecules, contained in each of our cells, and as a result we are now opening (gaining conscious access) to more of our full-human capacity to alter and re-form our human form…to restore our genetics to their original blueprint of biological perfection.
Because of this, we are being asked to get more involved in our body process now…
Now that the christed-level energies are available to you, your creative participation in your body’s rebuilding process will benefit you.
Having said that, there are those of you reading this who are going to transform rather quickly…those at what we would call the “tipping point” of lightbody attainment. Know that there is a gateway opening that will precipitate a major leap in your body’s responsiveness to light and will therefore require less participation than those of you who will need more time to achieve the physical state of transcendence.
Enter the new self-regeneration technique…
The Pleiadians offer this technique as a way to assist us thru this particular window of light-body integration because, as we all know too well, the physical body is of the most dense and therefore requires the most “support”. We are all at different and varying levels of lightbody attainment, yes…and it is not necessary to participate in the process…but we are all encouraged to:
We reiterate that you are working with the creator-level frequencies now, and while you have more say over your biology than ever before, this process of integration is a very physical, and therefore a relatively slow-moving one. It is for this reason that we encourage you to get more involved…to stand in now as the author of your biology.
All that is not in alignment with the (christed) frequencies will need to mutate in order to adapt and assimilate. For this reason, and for the next and remaining months of this calendar year, we are recommending that you work very diligently toward lightbody attainment.
It will be both a beneficial process for your overall well being and sense of balance in the increasing current of change, and it will also aid in providing you with the type of rapid, seamless movement that you are so desiring.
In addition to the self-regeneration technique, the league also says that because the lightbody integration process is such a physical one, that physical measures can also assist us greatly here.
Meaning…movement, nutritional support, even wholistic therapies, etc. can be a boon to our well being at this juncture. Not that these external supports can do the work for us…only we have the ability to whole and replenish ourselves by aligning with our divinity…but they can serve to reinforce the work that is already being done, by us.
So be sure to honor any nudges, no matter how slight. The league notes specifically that anything (aerobic) that will speed up the excretory and endocrine systems to eliminate waste and toxins from the body will be very helpful now and during the next cycle of change. (note to self)
I know that for some, the incredible toll that ascension has taken on the body has made even the idea of exercise laughable, and in some cases this has created quite a sedentary lifestyle, but from what I am hearing this is changing now. As we get called back into the game of life I am told that our bodies will crave more and more movement….and that as the physical self strengthens, so too does our auric field which bolsters our resistance to lower energies. Win Win.
This gateway is ushering in a new frequency to make the impossible, possible.
We are asking that you come to this (transformation) process with a completely open mind so that you can reprogram your body to respond appropriately to the new reality system.
If you do, you are going to be very pleased with what unfolds…
Lightbody Living & Social Identity
Another interesting topic discussed among league members was the fact that (5D) lightbody living, in the physical world, is going to be something very different than what we are accustomed to in our 3d dimensional reality system….that there are new experiences that will trump many of our previous (3D) life experiences, but that there will also be changes that will require some adjusting to.
One of those things will be our social participation with the world.
The reason we bring up this topic is to ensure that each of you who are becoming embodied light beings know that this particular time on earth is unlike anything that you or anyone has experienced to date. For this reason alone, it is imperative that you learn to create your own experience of what this means, and will mean for your fellow humans.
They go on to say that lightbody (5D) living in a 3d dimensional world is going to be a first, and so it would behoove us to treat it as such. Meaning, we are (co)creating this as we go and so we will not exactly have a roadmap, other than the blueprint contained within our individual hearts. Because of this, it will be crucial that we follow our intuitive promptings and acknowledge the fact that we are setting the precedent for all others…that there is no normal yet, and that this lack of normality will be, in and of itself, the new normal.
I am also reminded that even though lightbody living will be very new to each of us, it will also be very ancient and so we will have the ability to tap into that part of us, of our DNA matrix, that contains the seeds of ascended living. And while we can definitely call this information forth from the Akashic records to guide us, we are being asked to realize that not all of our past experiences will qualify for our present and future circumstances.
We recommend that you utilize the hall of records past as merely a signpost for your emerging future. For this is a specifically unique time upon the earth.
On The Move
Because the world is/will be changing more rapidly and dramatically now, the league shares that some of you will be called to different parts of the world for different reasons, and rather quickly.
This will be the result of both impending earth changes, as well as some necessary and pre-orchestrated meetings of minds that will call some of you to different locales, to join those soul family members who will be essential to your new earth endeavors. In some cases, both those things. Realize that this prodding will be a call of the heart and that it will be your desire that moves you into action, not fear.
NOTE: Keep in mind that the only “safety” that truly exists is via vibration. When our inner being is free of fear, we participate with, attract and create a fear-free world. Trust in your personal resonance to protect and guide you, to keep you out of harm's way. It is only when we honor fear, resist or ignore our heart’s call, that we stumble unnecessarily. If you are reading this, then you are at least somewhat aware of your soul’s intentions at this point…however, being aware of, and acting in accordance with, are two very different things. There can be no separation between thought and deed so be sure to ground your truth with integral action.
For those of you who feel as though you are being moved rather than initiating a move yourself, know that there are forces at work to make this a reality for you, even if for reasons as yet unknown, but that will avail themselves in due time. In all cases, rest assured that the outcome will far exceed your expectations and current life experiences. For that reason, you are being asked to go with the proverbial flow here.
And for those of you who will be called to different parts of the world vocationally, I am told that this too may come as a bit of a surprise. In which case, realize that your higher level purpose (the most fulfilling sense of contribution that is possible) is simply magnetizing new life experiences destined to bring you into absolute alignment with your soul’s unique expression of Self.
Higher Level “Service”
As we grow into our lightbody more fully, so too do we come to realize that the light is why we are here…that the light is not only what we are made of and what sustains us, but also what makes up everything.
As you embark on your new life journey as embodied beings of light, you will also come to realize a new sense of commitment to serve.
Because of this, we are going to notice a growing desire to spread the “work of the light”, as it were…to begin our new level purpose of exposing the world to these new frequencies that are now available on earth, in addition to the light technologies that come equipped with the new human form and it’s superior functions.
This lends credence to what the league was saying above about social participation in that this will be a bit of a learn-as-we-go endeavor in the sense that we are going to both desire to share ourselves with the 3D world, yet simultaneously want to release ourselves from it. This seemingly conflicting desire will cause some need for experience in the days that follow, yet I am reassured that we are well equipped to handle the combination of both reality programs and the frequency by which we will be moving in and out of dimensions.
Overall the league recommends that we utilize intentional programming techniques to assist in dealing with the repetitive shifts between worlds…as well, they will offer us assistance with this in the days ahead.
Just to be clear, this new level of service that is percolating inside of us is not the service of old…in the sense of self-sacrifice…but service spawned from a true sense of Self-realization. And as we Self-realize…remember more of our true nature…some of us will also remember a great deal more about our star roots and heritages and the fact that there are those of us who are former members of many galactic nations…ambassadors, emissaries, representatives from varied star systems…here to bring our specific information and technologies from our home stars, to the world at large.
This in itself is super exciting, but the league also tells me that once we begin to employ this “new level of service”, that we are also going to realize that those of us who are harboring this sacred intelligence are more of the majority (of the awakening collective) than we initially thought. This is important apparently…and why some of us will be moving to new geographic locations…but will bring more importance in the days, weeks and months ahead because many of us are seeded with certain light codes and intelligences needed to anchor the actual framework for new light technologies for the planet, enmasse.
From what I gather, there is quite a big technological boom about to ground into the physical world…I am hearing about three types in particular: crystal, light and liquid-light technology.
Can’t wait to see what comes of that…
Higher Level “Purpose”
As a result of these newly activating light codes for higher level service, some are feeling pulled in new creative directions.
For those who are becoming embodied masters of light, to you we say, there is a new sense of purpose that has been downloaded, activated and is now being initiated for your movement deeper into positions of new leadership.
“Purpose” is such a nebulous word to describe the ever-evolving expression of our authentic nature, and while there is always a consistent thread to our unending creative pursuits, purpose tends to fall short of the full reality that ultimately amounts to our vast and multidimensional “contribution” to both on and off-word societies. That said, and while those concepts tend to be used interchangeably, we all really do have something so purposeful, for lack of a better word, to contribute.
This heightened level of purposeful living is what inspires the visionary leadership both destined and required to create the systems of new earth.
There are those of you reading this who will be called to serve in new ways, and this means that the world is readying to receive you. This also means that the veil is parting, making way for new and advanced ways of living and BEing as LOVE. You, the vanguards of light, are those who will begin instituting these changes in earths systems and technologies.
Here is what I am specifically asked to share:
⥤ For those of you in the arts, know that there will be advances in your work that will embody new “creation codes” and information that is essential to the changing structure of the world and society …do not doubt your inspirations, nor fear they will be unreceived.
⥤ For those of you in technology and science, know that the cosmos is filled with new creative concepts that involve better, more highly evolved ways of living and that you will be regarded highly in your field should you find the courage to share your messages and ideas. The time has come to release yourself from all that stands in the way of your own inner-knowing and to present yourself and your works as the necessary pillars of a new enlightened society.
⥤ For those of you in healthcare, heed the call…there are changes and advancements in technology & science that are trying to find their way to these systems to aid, support and inspire an outdated and archaic way of healing and dealing with the vast intelligence of the human body. This is in no way saying that the healthcare system is all bad, but there are far more superior ways of dealing with a greater scope of ails and these concepts live in the minds and hearts of those of you who have the passion to create change in a system greatly in need of an overhaul.
⥤ For those of you impassioned by world economics, we say to you…there is no one fix to the many and varied levels of corruption and unjust currency systems. There are just as many solutions as there are problems and it will be for your creative capacity to employ the many parts to what will ultimately become ONE multiverse of options to suit the growing diversity of all. To you we say, impart your ideas and join with those who feel called to your visions…this is a time of unprecedented ingenuity and great visioning.
Most importantly realize that each of you holds a vitally important piece to the overall plan for new earth living. It is not a matter of what’s better, but a matter of what’s better suited…for each of you, and for the all.
All of this is being brought to our attention now so that we can relate to any new and/or sudden movement on the horizon, and steadily honor our heart’s call to unhesitatingly put our projects into action and begin the very first chapter of our new lives…the one that will become the overriding theme for our next calendar year.
The time is now (thru to the end of the year) to both complete our old life’s work and projects, but also open to receive the many new insights, concepts and ideas about the vastness of what’s to come both for ourselves, but also for the planet as a whole. We are in absolute uncharted territory, in the process of reclaiming our cosmic Self and nature, and the universe within each of us is opening and expanding in ways never before possible. I get the sense and urgency that we are gonna wanna take some serious notes.
Not everything we receive now will be put into play immediately, but in some cases we will receive the ‘big picture view’ all at once and then it is up to us to figure out the parts, and in what order they belong. This is the feeling I am getting for the next creative deluge, so be astute!
Life changing ideas, information and insights that unfold for many years to come can happen in an instant, in a whisper, in passing, etc. Those in tune with voice of the soul will be gifted with the opportunity to sing in harmony with the choir of the cosmos in order to co-create a world rich in blessings and infinite abundance…a literal heaven on earth.
Our time has come to “inherit thy earth” and so great change is afoot. As always, stay riveted to the pulse of your heart and you will fare well…
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