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The Light Emerges as the darkness recedes.... A New Matrix is being born All around & even inside you. Here's what's happening just ....................out of Sight & Beyond perception. It will continue changing Everything Until there is a Totally New Light. We will discuss and help make these changes as Pleasant as is Possible while giving you the Knowledge + Information to make Important Choices. {Took this Photo overlookin the Pacific at Sunset + a Visitor}
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Any Moment
UL Inner Earth & Nature Kingdoms: Interview with Dianne Robbins, Part 2 of 2
🌈 Golden Domes and spiritual superradiance
✨ Treasured One,
Did you know that the Golden Domes here in Fairfield / Maharishi Vedic City, Iowa were predicted in the Saint Germain books? See the information below.
Love and Blessings, Happy New Year, Taansen
This is from a dictation given in 1939, in Chicago.
It was given by the God of Nature and the God of Gold. The God of Nature is the holy Spirit mentioned in the Torah and in the Bible.
This is not channeled info, but the two Cosmic Beings spoke directly to Mrs. Ballard, and it was then written down or recorded, or both.
“We long for the day when, We shall release through nature, when We shall, through the substance of Earth, release the Glory of its abundance to mankind. (applause) Remember, We are the Guardians of nature! We are the Guardians of gold, which shall be the standard for your supply, no matter what the collateral may be that is used in its place. That is why, one day We trust not far distant, you will see a Temple of Light in your America with a Golden Dome which will shed its Radiance in the sunshine for a hundred miles. (applause) That Temple of Light will have within It the Guardian of the Unfed Flame. (applause).”
This is an excerpt from a longer dictation/article, given by both the God of Gold, and the God of Nature, April, 1939, Chicago, page 44. This was printed in The Voice of the "I AM" Magazine.
So, this "Guardian of the Unfed Flame” has been appearing in the Golden Domes. They were built in 1982, and have been building energy ever since. They house the TM-Sidhi Yogic Flying groups.
The phrase that it will “shed its Radiance in the sunshine for a hundred miles” refers to what physicists call “Superradiance”, which was scientifically measured from the advanced group TM-Sidhi meditations that Maharishi guided, as shown in studies like the ones below.
YouTube: Mantra and Transcendental Meditation Explained by Maharishi
Health Spa in Seelisberg, Switzerland
Vedas as the Instruction Manual of the Universe
Watch the 1968 film of Maharishi at Lake Louise, Canada
Maharishi Light Technology with Gems
Natural Security Agency - Invincibility to Every Nation through Creative Intelligence
Academy of Arts for Enlightenment
Vedaland - Vedic Theme Park and Community in India
Maharishi Vedic Vibration Technology_- Vedic Sounds for alleviating pain and suffering
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