
About Me

I started my Inner Journey several decades ago by 1st learning to meditate & then becoming a teacher & putting people in Contact withe Source, Their Source. I worked with & Sponsored various highly evolved people, Healers, Clairvoyants & Developed Souls who showed me how to utilize their knowledge that strangely most couldn't discern or even hear. Withe Various Techniques & Tools I've been given or fathomed thru close observation, I have had some interesting experiences & journeys within. And as fascinating as all that is, my Aim is to Be Freed from this Illusion bringing as many as will come along EveNow. I have shared thru my messages several of my inner connections like the ~Unknowable~ which is beyond the Relative & Absolute fields of Life, Also drawing down The_Grace_of_Ishvara,_Our Almighty Father Mother God/dess & The Transformational Rainbow Forest Odyssey + many other Activations, Techniques & Connections from various teachers & messengers. And It is time to Get Ready or Not~Change is Upon Each & All of Us Beyond Sci~Fi or Middle Earth or Any Tales or Fables you've heard of.... We Are in the Midst of It. Everything is Speeding Up SO BE READY!!!!!!



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Tuesday, June 30, 2020

ULB's & More: Clearing the Cabal, Higher Vibrations, What's Next & More

ULB's & More: Clearing the Cabal, Higher Vibrations, What's Next & More



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P I R 6 30 2020 ~ SHINE SOME LIGHT

P I R 6 30 2020 ~ SHINE SOME LIGHT


Mission of the Day: Toss a Coin to PIR:

Monday, June 29, 2020



Mission of the Day: Share this Video! : Toss a Coin to PIR:

Sunday, June 28, 2020


So be ready for this contact. We will make a lot of noise. We will show off a lot. It will be almost like a fireworks show. Only we won't blow anything up; we will just show our lights, and many will be delighted. The ships of the same race have the same characteristic. So whoever has counted on us, will be able to describe which ship belongs to whom...

This moment is not far away; and I don't say in our time, I say in Earth time. The appearance will be brief...


😇👽🇵🇭🌍🙏 Thank You Bro Jeffrey

😇👽🌍❤️Pleiadians - WE WILL APPEAR😇👽🌍💜

Earth brothers! The moment is approaching. The great moment of integration between our races is approaching. Be ready. We would like to warn you, it will not be a very easy moment, because at first despair will be implanted on the planet. Your media, controlled by Dark Cabal, will make a point of announcing a great Alien Invasion. They will inform you to protect yourself, against anything than human beings, that approach. And all those who refuse to believe in our existence, will react in this way; they will see us as enemies.

When we tell you that we are getting ready to dock on your planet, it is precisely because of these reactions, as we will not have just one ship docking here, there will be thousands, hundreds of thousands of ships, in your skies. Then the despair will be great. Many will not understand. Many will not accept. Many will attack us.

We are not that silly. We are not inconsequential, to show off and let ourselves be slaughtered. No weapon will work against us. We have already taken this care of. For we would not allow the death of our brothers, just because of not accepting us. We see the heart of each one. We know exactly who we can trust, and precisely those, will be the most fought. What we have to say to you here today is that you don't try to convince anyone; do not try to impose your thoughts, or beliefs, on anyone. We will do nothing.

Everything will be done in stages. We will not arrive by simply showing the ships and landing on your planet; we'll just show off, saying to you, "We're here." When all the panic subsides, when it is proven that we will do nothing, that everything your media is trumpeting about us is a big lie; then yes, we will land on the planet.

How long will it take? We don't know, it will depend on you. But this will be the first stage: the apparition. Many will be perplexed, to see the number that we are, because many still think that we do not exist; that this is all a lie; it is a big mistake for all of you. Then we will show only that it is not a lie; that we exist and are there a little bit above your atmosphere.

Then we will remain in your skies for a long time, exposed, fully exposed. So get ready for this day. Those who already communicate with us, will know exactly where we are. Each of those we keep in touch with, will be contacted, and will know exactly where the contact comes from. We will be close. We will answer your call. It will be very interesting to communicate with you.

So be ready for this contact. We will make a lot of noise. We will show off a lot. It will be almost like a fireworks show. Only we won't blow anything up; we will just show our lights, and many will be delighted. The ships of the same race have the same characteristic. So whoever has counted on us, will be able to describe which ship belongs to whom.

This moment is not far away; and I don't say in our time, I say in Earth time. The appearance will be brief. The intake takes a little longer, until everyone calms down; everyone understands what we are doing here. We came to liberate the planet. We came to help in this battle. So here we are, and we're not going to hide anymore. It is not easy for our ships to enter your dimension, but this was also a change that we had to make to the ships and ourselves, so that we would not be harmed.

Whoever wants to have a deeper contact with us, we will find a way. It is not the time for you to leave the house for anything. Not yet. The virus is already losing strength despite the alarming news. Life is starting to get back to normal. You will not get rid of the virus. It will continue to make victims, but not with the same intensity, because it is losing strength.

So we are informing you of the first stage. Others will come before the contribution. Other steps will come. All this added to your awakening, will be a great show, where many will applaud. Many will be grateful for our action, for their liberation.

So wait. The moment is near. Did you think it was far from happening? No, it's not. It is closer than ever. And then you will begin to see, effectively, respect and discrimination happening at the same time. This will start a series of events, which cannot be stopped by anything.

So just wait. Are you anxious? We too, because we want so much, to be side by side with those who respect and love us, who have us as friends, as brothers - our soul families. And rest assured, we will be in touch with each one of you. Do not doubt that.

We are the Pleiadians. Open your hearts to receive us, and you will feel us, and some will even see us, next to each one of you.

The Pleiadians are a very advanced ET race that exist on the higher planes above this 3D planet.

The Pleiadians are a very advanced ET race that exist on the higher planes above this 3D planet. If you are aligned with them energetically you will relate to their teachings and understand their world. They are master storyteller’s and teachers, their messages include light codes and triggers to help wake up the lower resonating beings at just the right moment.

There is a Great cosmic drama playing out and it’s just about coming to a close. The human population is now finding out that a group of dark, nefarious beings has controlled humanity and Earth by deception. The reason for the cover-up of our entire existence is so our energy could be harvested lifetime after lifetime. This incredible amount of energy has been harvested and redirected for their use.


These Dark beings knew that when humanity figured out what has been happening to us we would become very angry and revolt and this would be the end game for their heinous plan. This is the game many of us are participating in now.


Unconscious humans are so asleep and so far gone at this point in regards to what is truly happening it’s really irrelevant to be so concerned for their Ascension, you can’t do one thing to help them until they are ready. Until humans stop hurting and killing each other there is no immediate solution for them. So it is wise for you to keep your focus on your progression at this moment.


The Pleiadians are certainly concerned for them that’s why they are transmuting tons of low vibrational energies on their behalf. But, like I always say everybody is on their individual path and everybody deals with their own consequences.


The Ascension Event is going to come up on the humans very quickly and abruptly and the Pleiadians know that most are not prepared for it and are trying to make this transition as painless as possible. They are moving massive amounts of super dense energy out of the way so they have a better chance to make this Ascension. Ultimately, we are here to make this Ascension. Sooo much is going on behind the scenes on Earth and in the higher planes so as many humans as possible will make this transition.


Incredible amounts of high frequency gamma Photon Light is penetrating Earth in the last couple years or so. These frequencies, these levels of light have been secretly measured by every space agency on this planet and is completely hidden from us.


These space agencies are hiding, trying to anyway, the hundreds of thousands of Extra Terrestrial craft that are being seen around the sun this is the very reason solar observatories were shut down trying not to leak photos and video of these massive armadas of craft and vessels. However, the Pleiadians did agree with this shut down because they know a huge majority of humanity are not ready for such a blunt disclosure yet.


5D is Heaven, a Gamma State, a blissful state.

There are 12 dimensional boundaries in this Universe. Our bodies have 12 primary strands of DNA which work like nano sized fiber optic cables and 12 multi dimensional chakra portals that lets Akashic light data flow in and out of the body. This data is stored in our cellular memory. This information alone should tell you just how incredibly powerful we really are.


10 of these DNA strands were deactivated eons ago by these Dark rulers but they are now becoming activated and this is changing the entire game. Most Starseeds on this planet right now have between four and five of these strands activated.


The old low vibrating 3D Earth Matrix is one state of consciousness and the new

5D matrix is a faster vibrating state of consciousness. When you hear the word prayer in the Christian Bible it simply means meditation. While prayer is a form of asking it means asking for something by matching that vibration. Remember, there is no being higher than you, there is no higher authority than oneself. So, you’re not praying to some outside source you’re asking YOU to match that particular vibration.

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Saturday, June 27, 2020

The Archangels and their Divine Responsibilities

The Archangels and their Divine Responsibilities Learn about the many Archangels who have been tasked with helping humankind, including their specific areas of expertise. By Karen T. Hluchan

Each one of us has a Heavenly Support Team which is made up of God, the Archangels, past spiritual masters (highly spiritual beings who walked the Earth), spirit guides, and loved ones in spirit. All of these beings hear your prayers which are sent through the invisible network at heart of our spirits which connects us with all beings. When praying, many appeal to our Creator, God, with prayers first and foremost. When calling on specific Archangels, past spiritual masters, spirit guides, and loved ones in spirit to help, we are asking God's appointed specialists and volunteers to assist us directly through the gifts bestowed upon them by God to act as an advocate on our behalf for the delivery and answering of our prayers.

The Archangels have been given the monumental task of managing life on Earth, including the creation and facilitation of soul contracts, life paths, the spiritual development of souls, order within the natural world, and much more. Each Archangel has a different area of expertise which works in conjunction with all of the other Archangels to ensure the best possible journeys for all on Earth while working in tandem with Heaven and God's plans.

The Archangels Assist Humankind There are many orders of angels. The Archangels, by special appointment by God, have been tasked with the helping of humanity as we journey through our lives on Earth. Each one has specific areas of concentration and can be called upon at any time for assistance. The Archangels do not tire and can be in more than one place at a time. They like us to call on them for help, for it is within the asking that we acknowledge their presence and can attribute the miracles we experience to their loving assistance and God's hand. While it is comforting to have a formal prayer to request assistance, it is not necessary. When I ask for help, I speak to the Archangels as I would with my best friends, in a conversational tone. It is important to note that the way the Archangels appear to me may be slightly different for each person with regard to the colors of the energies, what they are holding, and the form of the animal spirit. Your personal experiences with the Angels and how they appear to you can be a very unique experience which is dependent upon your personal symbols and databank of experiences. Archangels can appear to you with either male or female attributes. As beings in spirit, there is no set gender and, therefore, will come to you in the form with which you are most comfortable. The list below includes some of the more well-known Archangels, including brief explanations of their areas of expertise and what you can call on them for, as well as how they appear to me in energetic form, relatable visual images seen through my gifts of clairvoyance (aka., extrasensory seeing), and symbolic animal forms.

Archangel Michael – The Great Defender and Protector Of all the Archangels, Michael is the head of this order. He is often depicted with sword in hand. He appears to me as bright and shimmering golden energy (this color is associated with the higher heavenly energy chakras located well above the head), as an image of a brilliant golden wing, in human form dressed in white with wings and carrying a sword or glowing with a gold aura, and in the form of birds of prey, such as falcons and hawks. He is the Great Defender of all that is good. He can be called upon for strength and courage, as well as protection. He often appears to let you know you are protected and loved. His presence is reassuring and powerful. In healing situations, he is there to strengthen the determination to heal, provide positive energy through love, and encourage the continual search for truth within the depths of your soul. His healing extends to all aspects of the mind, body, and spirit, including healing from the loss of a loved one, addictions, physical ailments, depression, the restoration of faith, and assistance with the cutting of relationship cords. Archangel Michael is also the protector of those who work within the light of God.

Archangel Raphael – The Divine Healer of Physical Ailments This amazing Archangel has been tasked with the healing of humankind on every level, but especially for the healing of the physical bodies of all living creatures. Raphael appears to me as deep royal blue energy (this color is associated with the third-eye chakra located on the forehead between the eyebrows), in human form dressed in white with wings and hands held at chest-level facing outward to bring healing or with a stunning azure blue aura, and in the form of a wolf or deer. The nurturing energies of the wolf as it cares for its young, as well as its strong loyalty and fierce protectiveness are combined to help with the healing process. Archangel Raphael may appear in the form of a deer as a sign of reassurance regarding healing and as a reminder to be gentle with the self and others as you go through the healing process. Call on Archangel Raphael when you or those that you love are in need of healing of the physical body.

Archangel Azrael – The Benevolent Transformer of Mental and Emotional Anxieties A tower of strength, this Archangel's responsibilities include helping us to heal from the loss of a loved one, as well as from depression and illnesses which affect our mental and emotional systems. Archangel Azrael also helps those in the process of transitioning from life on Earth to an existence in Heaven. This Archangel appears to me as bright red energy, which is associated with the root chakra at the base of our spines. Red is a grounding energy which helps us to be at home here on Earth. Archangel Azrael also appears to me in human form dressed in white holding a red, glowing heart symbolizing the love employed with healing, and as a reminder of our connection with one another through unconditional love. Doves are another form Archangel Azrael takes as they are signs of peace and carry with them the reminder to be at peace with yourself and your circumstances. When calling on Archangel Azrael for assistance with stressful situations, addictions, grief, depression and mental or emotional illnesses, the person on the receiving end of the assistance may experience an unusual state of calm which settles over them. It is not a euphoric feeling, but rather one of stability and inner stillness because Azrael is preventing the negative voice of the human ego from penetrating and taking over the thoughts of the recipient.

Archangel Uriel – The Divine Pillar of Solitary Strength A symbol of the wizened hermit, this Archangel assists with feelings of loneliness which may threaten to overwhelm from time to time. Archangel Uriel appears to me as light blue energy (this color is associated with the throat chakra for speaking our truths) or deep ochre or mustard-colored energy, which is associated with the solar plexus chakra located in the area of the stomach and administrates intuition and psychic energy. This Archangel also appears in human form with wings and dressed in white carrying a lantern to light the way or in the animal form of a blue jay or blue bird. Archangel Uriel helps us to learn how to be alone without being lonely, how to appreciate our own company, and how to delve within our spirits to reveal the mysteries of our existence. Any time you or someone you love is experiencing sadness due to loneliness, call on Archangel Uriel to help to see the wonders that exist within your soul or the soul for whom you are praying. Moreover, you can call on Archangel Uriel to explore the mysteries of the universe. Answers will be delivered through spirit communication, automatic writing, meditation journeys, and epiphanies. When this Archangel appears to you in the form of a blue bird or blue jay, it is to provide a reminder to be mindful of your path and that your current thought pattern may contain faulty information. Examine what you were thinking of when you see a blue jay or blue bird to determine if Archangel Uriel was trying to help you to see another side of a situation in order to steer you toward a more positive outcome. Seeing the blue bird or blue jay may also provide a heads up about a potentially negative situation that will appear. This is does not mean a dire situation is about to occur, but rather one in which learning will be required. The heads up provides you an opportunity to be ready to accept whatever comes, knowing the issue is only temporary.

Archangel Chamuel – The Divine Benefactor of Unconditional Love This is the Archangel of unconditional love and self-love. Archangel Chamuel appears to me in energy form as soft green or pink energy filled with love (these colors are associated with the heart chakra), in human form with wings and dressed in pink or green robes with hands placed over the heart, and in the form of a rabbit or hare. The energy of the rabbit is a reminder of gentle love and warmth. Rabbits create burrows in the Earth to house themselves and their families. Grouped together, they snuggle for warmth and care for one another when storms rage overhead. In this manner, Archangel Chamuel brings us great warmth within our hearts and encourages us to reach out to others with love and caring, as well as to provide caring for ourselves. The healing this Archangel brings centers around the heart chakra and the healing of emotional issues surrounding relationships with ourselves and others. Call on Archangel Chamuel for help with loving and appreciating who you are, as well as for help with all relationships in your life.

Archangel Haniel – The Divine Healer of Families and Relationships The healing of family bonds and relationships is the specialty of this Archangel. Appearing to me energetically as pale blue energy (this color is associated with the throat chakra which is important for communications), in human form with wings and dressed in light blue with a gold chained necklace symbolizing how we are linked to one another, and in the form of a turtle. The energy of the turtle highlights relationships, as well as the healing of issues of abandonment. Call on Archangel Haniel to help mend relationships within your family of birth, adopted family members including friends who have become family, children, and romantic relationships. The healing process of Archangel Haniel is a gentle one. It centers on communication by encouraging the exchange of open dialog in which both parties exchange thoughts and feelings in ways that can be heard and accepted by you and others.

Archangel Gabriel – The Great Messenger This Archangel has been tasked with the creation of ideas and creativity, belief in oneself and one's goals, and is known as the Great Messenger. Archangel Gabriel appears to me energetically as vibrant violet energy (this color is associated with the crown chakra at the top of the head through which spirit communication flows), in human form with wings and dressed in white while holding the golden horn, and in the form of a crow, raven, or lion. The energy of the crow and the raven focus on messages from the Other Side. Archangel Gabriel acts as a muse to share inspirational messages to those on Earth to stimulate progress and bring new ideas into being. With that energy comes a strong belief in the self to carry out the objectives and goals to completion. Spiritual openness and the ability to utilize the simplicity, trust, and innocence we experience as children are areas in which Archangel Gabriel assists. Call on Archangel Gabriel for help with ideas, inspiration in creative pursuits, and the energy, opportunities, and resources to complete projects. The energy of the lion, which symbolizes the strength, determination and playfulness brought to us by Archangel Gabriel, helps us with our goals while reminding us to take a rest when needed to restore the mind, body, and spirit to full capacity.

Archangel Ariel – The Great Earth Mother As the Archangel who oversees the planet Earth and all of its creatures, Archangel Ariel emphasizes the natural world and its incredible healing powers. The Earth, which provides everything we need to survive on a physical level, is vital to our human existence. Archangel Ariel's restorative powers and emphasis on the cycles and rhythms of all life, assist us with graceful acceptance of life and death, of love and loss, and brings us the positive energies associated with new beginnings and balance. This Archangel appears to me energetically as light purple energy mixed with pink (these colors are associated with the crown and heart chakras that must remain in balance as we make our way through life), in human form with wings and dressed in earth-toned colors and surrounded by trees and multiple animals, and in the form of swans, geese, and ducks. The energy of aquatic birds symbolizes the emotional nature of the soul, as well as the deep peace that can be attained by gliding through life with deep trust in the path you have chosen for yourself. Call on Archangel Ariel to help with prevention and recovery of natural disasters, to assist with the thriving growth and good health of animals and plants, and bring peace to your life through natural means.

Archangel Metatron – The Great Instigator of Powerful Change A powerful initiator of change, Archangel Metatron orchestrates events on Earth with a magical touch. Miraculous events, transformations, and spirit-to-spirit communications are the areas Archangel Metatron is passionate about. This Archangel appears to me in energetic form as shimmering deep violet and silver energies (these colors are associated with the crown chakra and the higher heavenly energy chakras located well above the head), in human form with wings and dressed in violet and silver while holding a spinning cube, and in the form of the butterfly or the majestic eagles and condors. The energy of the butterfly is one of transformation and swift change, which are brought about by calling on Archangel Metatron. The energies of the eagles and condors symbolize sharp attention to detail while also keeping an eye on the larger scope of events. Call on Archangel Metatron to clear your mind of unnecessary clutter in order to pinpoint your focus on what is truly important, to bring about positive changes with lightning speed, and bring miracles to your life.

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Archangel Jeremiel – The Divine Deliverer of Mercy and Grace Amazing mercy, grace, and justice is the primary focus of this Archangel. Appearing to me energetically as shimmering deep emerald green and gold energies (these colors represent the heart and higher heavenly energy chakras located well above the head), Archangel Jeremiel provides a spiritual cleansing of our souls through the provision of mercy, increased faith, and an easing of troublesome situations. When appearing in my third-eye in human form, this Archangel appears with wings wearing deep emerald robes shimmering with gold and silver ornamentation. In animal form, Archangel Jeremiel shows symbolic representation through large felines, such as the cheetah, leopard, and pumas, who defend their territories, use quick bursts of speed and agility to accomplish goals, and move with great confidence on the Earth. Archangel Jeremiel may also appear in the form of the owl, known for its wisdom, attention to detail, and excellent sight and hearing. Calling on this Archangel brings swift transformation of painful situations while also providing an interlude to gather ones' resources for any pending battles. This is especially true for pending lawsuits and legal issues. The meting out of justice in a way that benefits all parties, whether through lessons or mercy, is overseen by Archangel Jeremiel.

Archangel Jophiel – The Great Giver of Joy Presenting as deep fuchsia energy swirled with lighter pinks (these colors represent the emotional portions of the heart chakra) in energetic form, Archangel Jophiel is the angel of joy and positive transformations. When this Archangel appears in human form, it is with wings and fine robes of deep and light pink with a jeweled scepter in hand. In animal form, Archangel Jophiel appears as a heron, which is symbolic of soaring to great heights and living life in a unique way by listening within. Archangel Jophiel provides assistance with refocusing on positive experiences of life, encouraging inner journeys which lead to the discovery of soul-specific solutions for your life's passions, and raising your energy levels and thoughts toward the light to inspire the giving and receiving of unconditional love. The keen intelligence, playfulness, and communal relationships of the dolphins are additional animal energies which represent Archangel Jophiel. Call on Archangel Ariel whenever you are in need of a boost of strong positive energy.

Archangel Raguel – The Divine Peacekeeper of Synchronicity This Archangel is tasked with the role of peacemaker for those on Earth and in Heaven. Archangel Raguel has the unique position of maintaining balance and harmony while managing the real time facilitation of events related to our soul contracts. For every action, there is a reaction which affects the paths of our lives. Appearing in energetic form as illuminated medium brown energy interspersed with gold hues (these colors represent the warm and friendly energies of the Earth chakra located below the feet and the higher heavenly energy chakras located above the head), Archangel Raguel reminds us that we are here to help one another on our journeys through life. This Archangel also coordinates with all of the other Archangels to ensure the synchronicity of their collective services to humanity and the natural world. In human form, Raquel appears with wings in flowing white robes and a large book in hand. The book represents the Akashic records stored within the Hall of Records, which contain all of the information about what was, is, and will be for each being in existence. This Archangel appears in animal form as the mouse, groundhog, opossum, skunk, and raccoon, all of which reside out of site from humans. The energy of the mouse is quiet productivity of the multitudes, while the groundhog digs deeper for answers and represents the world of dreams, the opossum represents family nurturing, and the skunk and raccoon represent the cleanup crew. Bees and ants are also symbolic of this Archangel, as they represent working together in harmony, with each member of the hive or hill following through with important tasks down to the last detail. When faced with situations that seem out of sync, call on Archangel Raguel to restore order and balance through peaceful means. You can also appeal to Archangel Raguel for changes to your soul contracts, help with teamwork or group situations, assistance with creating a harmonious environment in your home and at your place of work, and the opportunity to explore the Hall of Records through meditation and visions.

Archangel Raziel – The Divine Keeper of Mysteries As the gatekeeper of divine information, Archangel Raziel governs the veil between the worlds of Heaven and Earth, the subconscious, dreams, and the gifts of mediumship, also known as spirit-to-spirit communication or spirit communication. This Archangel appears to me in energetic form as brilliant white energy interspersed with radiant rainbows of color (these colors represent the energy of Heaven, as well as all of the combined energy centers of the soul). In human form, Archangel Raziel emanates incredible white light while holding aloft a blazing ring in the shape of a figure eight (also referred to as an infinity ring) representing the infinite existence of our souls. Call on this Archangel when you are searching for answers about the mysteries and inner workings of the universe, when you need help with the interpretation of dreams, and when you need assistance or are ready to work with the higher energies of Heaven through spirit communication. In animal form, Archangel Raziel appears as birds with white feathers, which represents the beauty and purity of the unconditional love from which we were created. Additionally, this Archangel symbolically appears in the form of fish, representing the fluidity of divine communications, situations of divine emotional importance, and the surreal world of dreams.

Archangel Sandalphon – The Divine Nurturer Music in Heaven and on Earth, as well as the sending and receiving of prayers, are the specialties of this Archangel. Appearing as light beige energy swirled with pink and light green (these colors represent the warm and friendly energies of the Earth chakra located below the feet and the heart chakra), Archangel Sandalphon nurtures our souls with music and is responsible for auditory communications between Heaven and Earth, including prayers and clairaudient (extrasensory hearing) spirit communications. In human form, Archangel Sandalphon appears with wings in robes of white and carrying a glowing golden harp. In animal form, this Archangel symbolically appears as frogs, crickets, cicadas, birds, and other animals and insects that sing and make unique melodic sounds. You can call on Archangel Sandalphon when you need assistance with the creation of music, greater clarity and understanding with communication, sleep and relaxation issues, anxiety, meditation, and the swift delivery of prayers through this special advocate. Archangel Sandalphon calms the soul, encourages smooth communications spoken from the heart of the spirit, and dutifully keeps track of all of the prayers you send to Heaven with an emphasis on those in need of special attention. Working in tandem with the Akashic Records of all that was, is, and will be for your soul, Archangel Sandalphon reviews your life path when prayers are received to determine the most beneficial ways to answer them.

Archangel Barachiel – The Divine Facilitator of Miraculous Occurrences This Archangel loves to boost your confidence and morale. Archangel Barachiel helps you to maintain a positive outlook and has been given the task of facilitating miracles on Earth. Appearing in energetic form as pink, red, white, and silver energies (these colors are associated with the heart chakra and the energy of Heaven, as well as the higher heavenly energy chakras well above the head), Archangel Barachiel opens your mind, body, and spirit to the pure loving energies of Heaven. In human form, this Archangel appears with wings wearing flowing white and pink robes and holding a glowing white orb cupped between two hands. Ladybugs, dragonflies, hummingbirds, and butterflies are all favorite representations of Archangel Barachiel in animal form as they are bright, happy reminders of Heaven. Call on Archangel Barachiel when you are in need of miracles in your life, help with maintaining a positive outlook, assistance with a boost to your morale, and help letting go of circumstances from the past which have been dragging you down.

Many Orders of Angels The Archangels listed above represent the most called upon angels in Heaven. There are many more Archangels, as well as orders of angels, in existence. All of them have specific jobs and areas of expertise to help with the inner workings of the universe. As for the ones listed in this article, they hope you call on them any time you are in need of assistance. They would love to hear from you, as well as help you navigate your life path in a way that brings you the most love, satisfaction, and beneficial outcomes.


With Love and Light, Karen T. Hluchan Spirit Medium, Motivational Speaker, Reiki Master, Spiritual Artist, & Author of How Have You Loved?

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