At the beginning of this week, I wrote about the Stargate portal opening, with the full activation of the Aquamarine Crystal Pyramid and the Space Ark it holds. Today, 23 March 2025, will be remembered in the New Golden Age, as the moment of no return, for the old humanity, and the full activation of the 7th Root Race of man. I was taken to the same place again, and indeed this time, the whole had been activated, with the entire pyramid crystalline energy grids, now amplified by full connection to Sirius, and especially Sirius B, and the 7th Central Sun of Illumination, plus the massive Sun discs, which now are being released, from this Central Sun. This is a total game changer, such as this planet and the whole Universe has never witnessed before! I was taken back to the Dendera Temple and the Astrological chart which is on the ceiling of what archeologists believe is an observatory, but indeed it is a cosmic initiation room and was used by the high Priesthood of the People from the Stars, for their highest initiations, for those who the High Priest Astronomers and Astrologers. Their main seat was in Harran, in what is now Turkey as the two sites link underground. I was looking at this star map, for it is far more than an astrological chart, it is a stargate in itself, combined with the Mayan Calendar, the one hidden underneath Machu Pichu and another one is the Temple of the Stars, which is hidden in South Island New Zealand. All of these were created to be fully activated now, as the Stargate was activated this week. Then I was shown the first of all this solar system plus all the astrological planets, stars, constellations, galaxies, and many more than astrologers are even aware of currently on earth, but which the highly advanced civilization which were on Earth were when these calendars were created, fully aware of and even more than these. Now, every single one of these heavenly bodies, were now moving into a new home, and this then created a massive Torus energy field. It was Golden and it was so vast, that the human mind cannot even comprehend this, but the soul knows! As this was happening, the whole universal bodies changed places and I was shown a total rebirth: I was shown that all human astrological charts, and the ancient ones, like the Mayan, now all became nil and void. Out of this Torus, new astrological birthing came, and totally so, and with it a total new area of existence, new Mayan, Egyptian etc. emerged, which was so filled with light, symbols, I have never seen before, and what I can only describe as glyphs! Every one of these was lit up and seemed like a massive star map now held within the Stargate we just entered, and this then became the new navigational map for the 7th Root Race of Man, and the New Golden Age! Words fail me here! What this means is that the old has now become totally redundant, and has now been replaced, like a totally new hard drive, and those souls who choose to ascend now, will are stepping, and have stepped into a totally new creation! And so it is! We have reached the stage of no return, and have stepped into the New Earth. |