
Monday, July 25, 2022

Help Us Save the PAO


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Dear Starseeds and Lightworkers:

PAO welcomes this opportunity to thank each one of you for your enduring support of our interplanetary project over these many years. We are honored to have brought you inspiration and enlightenment through the good days and the not-so-good ones. But what you may not realize is that you have been our beacons as well, galvanizing us with every newsletter and Webinar to light the next steps through this world’s growing darkness.

All we want is to continue to bring you inspiration, fresh invigorating air for mind and soul, each day and month. Sadly, that is no longer inevitable/to be taken for granted.


PAO is hanging by a thread. As we enter an era of growing shortages, supply and distribution issues – challenges facing us all – we at PAO are finding it increasingly difficult to pay the bills that can keep your inspiration coming. With each week, digital communication platforms and related expenses are ballooning. Add to this the unknowns and uncertainty of the coming autumn, and to what extent alternative sites such as ours may be censored.

Ironically, these are the times when, more and more, we are all in need of the thoughtful, paradigm-shattering insights, wisdom and cheer that PAO’s network and guests provide. By gathering together each month during our Webinar, we can amplify the light in hearts, minds and souls. PAO’s candle, multiplied by each one of our listeners, can become a searchlight across the sky.

And together, that searchlight will transform earthly darkness into universal Light.

Webinars and donations are PAO’s financial lifeline.

Please contribute whatever and whenever you can to keep PAO beaming truth your way:

Peace and Blessings,

PAO Team

You can register for upcoming Live Activational Webinars or download last month's archive here:

PAO's activational materials
(Webinar archives, books, and downloadable dvds) are available here:

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