
Monday, July 25, 2022

Did you miss July's Galactic Activation Webinar?


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Did you miss Sunday’s Galactic Activation Webinar?


Dr. Joseph McNamara shares his vast knowledge of the extraordinary healing effect of Tachyon energy and chambers. Tachyon energy harmonizes and enlivens the energy matrix that shapes all matter and, in particular, our mental, emotional, etheric and physical bodies. All of which, of course, has far-reaching effects upon our physical health and well-being.

As an added bonus, Dr. Joe introduced us to the exciting new Light Mandala technology.

Dr. Joe answers our questions and gives us his personal perspective on the multiple limitless levels of spiritual healing and the thrilling future that awaits us.

Subjects to be discussed:
• Dr. Joe Shares His Mission’s Current Focus
• Tachyon Energy Chambers And Light Mandala Laser Technology
• Power of Meditation to Activate Soul Healing
• Importance of Nutrition to Help Healing
• Questing for Fifth Dimensional Consciousness

To order your Galactic Activation Webinar Q&A-52 Archive:Click Here

Price: $13.95 U.S.

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