
Tuesday, November 14, 2023

What haunts Nikola Tesla?


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Welcome to PAO's Live Galactic Activation Webinar for November


At last! Vidya Frazier, one of our favorites, returns as PAO’s November Live Webinar guest. (We like to think of her as our ‘galactic therapist’.) And, after an absence of almost two years, Vidya has much to tell us.

Vidya believes that we were meant to be here, now. It is our job – our destiny – to deal with whatever comes, to help uplift our planet and ourselves.

The struggle of negotiating the wilderness of modern existence, of managing relentless stress and finding balance in our lives, has reached an all-time high.
Vidya – alert, awake and aware – brings both tough love and comfort a-plenty.

Haven’t yet met Vidya? Let us introduce her (in excerpts from a recent interview)! They’ll give you a taste of what’s to come in our next Live Webinar.

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Please join us. Get recharged, and help spread new energy and Light into this troubled world and beyond!

Subjects to be discussed:

• Our Weakened Connection to Source
Maintaining a Sense of Equilibrium or Inner Calm
• Your Old Identity is Disappearing
You are More Powerful than You Know
• The Magic of Gratitude
A Potent Way to Raise Your Vibration
• Coping with Our Transition from 3D to 5D
We are Living in Two Realities
• Realizing What You’re Offering to the World
Helping to Usher in a New Age

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After the Webinar we will answer your questions live. Within 48 hours after the live Webinar we will send you a link to a video recording.

Sunday, November 26, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PST

Please note: If you are unable to attend on Sunday, November 26, you can still register. Within 48 hours, we will send you a link to the Webinar posted (privately) on Rumble. (After posting, the Webinar will be available for 1 week.)

Seats are Limited... Register Now!

To make payment and register: Click Here

Cost: $20.00 U.S.



What haunts Nikola Tesla?

Source: TTN_Amazing_World

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Source: Nicky Hamid


Someone has asked me “What is a fractal?

So here goes a take on fractals, not accurate by any means but I hope it will give you a flavor.

Fractals are at one level patterns of the unfolding of the natural world. Everything we see is based on some level of a fractal pattern (eg. sacred geometry) and fractals patterns are simple numbers, expressed in geometry and repeated over and over (iterated) as forms in our world.

So the smallest particle and largest Universe are based on the same repeating sequences of numbers and points.

They are bound together through energetic oscillation frequencies, and though each ‘separate’ particle or Universe is never exactly the same, there is a continuity of pattern that allows us to recognize it as belonging to Universes or to particles.

So even clouds that appear amorphous and random have a distinct feeling and pattern about them which makes them a part of the cloud fractal. We could call it “cloudness”. And it is distinctly different from eg “treeness”. And there is not one tree or cloud that is identical.

Yet they are each based on the infinite unfolding (repetition) of their fractal and we can easily recognise each tree as ‘a tree’ and each cloud as ‘a cloud’ and yet always detect the difference between individuals in each fractal class.

And fractals can unfold to infinity in smallness, or infinity in largeness.

And so any portion of a fractal is uniquely different and yet expresses a common thread that you intuitively recognise and is as clear as day in your perceiving of it.

Awesome isn’t it.

I am a unique consciousness fractal of the One Expression, a point of Light in the Mind of GOD.

And my body is a unique fractal expression of the One Human Body Template.

And my human consciousness is a unique fractal expression of the One Human Collective Consciousness.

So an end to any idea of separation.

I So Love You


Counting My Blessings

Source: Seph Schlueter

A PAO Family Member sent this inspiring song to share. Enjoy and take time to count your blessings.

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