
Tuesday, November 14, 2023

The Great Awakening ┕━━━━╗✹╔━━━━┙ ➠ QFS Quantum Financial System > Only gold-backed currencies


The Great Awakening



<ที่มา: QFS Quantum Financial System >

Only gold-backed currencies with a digital gold certificate can be transferred through QFS.

The gold certificate means the serial number of gold that is reserved to guarantee currency.

This other-world technology used to separate gold used to backup coins.

It shall not be stolen/Hagger

This is why it's called a currency with a gold backup they mean that piece of gold in the vault in the back

This powerful quantum computing system will assign digital numbers to every normal currency of every country around the world, i.e. Euro/Yen, in bank accounts across the globe.


When you send money, you can clearly see where a certain amount of money is going, who is the sender, with the login information, and which accounts received the money.

*Explanation: When Quantum Financial System Comes Into Action, The Role Of Central Banks Will End

Major changes are likely to occur in banking operations (decrease in banking operations)

“The news you needed today... For the world you live in tomorrow”

Consistency is more believable

Everything about redemption in one place »»»»»» »»»


12 NQvember 2Q23

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