
Monday, May 15, 2023

TUESDAY ~ MILES AND COLLEEN on Kornelia Stephanie Show


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TUESDAY ~ MILES AND COLLEEN on Kornelia Stephanie Show

Miles and I are excited to be interviewed by Kornelia Stephanie on Tuesday, May 16 at 1pm Pacific time. You can catch the live interview at this link:

Let's Make PAO Great Again!

With your help we can. Now that we are learning how social media platforms work, I'll ask that you click on the show and like and subscribe. This will help get our podcasts to more people. In advance we thank you for helping.

Selamat Ja!


Welcome to PAO's Live Galactic Activation Webinar for May


It’s been several months since Jared Rand joined our circle. Many of you have asked for him: now, he's back, bringing his wide-ranging worldview and incisive comments to shine Light on the dark and roiling global agenda that surrounds us.

Just as our spirits begin to relax into some kind of ‘normal’ after the reign of pandemic terror, we are noticing the upsurge of dire and dogged voices warning about climate change. Can this be the newest ‘Covid’? Is global warming a clear and present danger, or is this yet another psychological terror attack against us? Jared will clear away the webs of uncertainty, and put our situation in context with his usual clarity.

In the meantime, the rocketing cost of living haunts our days and shatters any plans for the future. We yearn for the long-promised abundance program to manifest. How much longer must we wait for debt forgiveness? Jared is keen to tell us.

WANTED More Live Webinar Attendees

And, realizing our need to know, Jared will give us a detailed progress report on the Celestial Chambers project.

It is a rare treat to have Jared back. We welcome him in anticipation of the information and wise counsel, common sense and kindly comfort he consistently provides.

We invite you to join us, to bask in the glow and flow of our Galactic Activation Webinar this month.

Subjects to be discussed:

• Jared Brings Us Up to Date on His Mission’s Current Focus
• A Revised Globalist Agenda
Shifting from Pandemic to Climate Modification
• Reassessing Abundance
Releasing the Shackles of Debt Slavery
• Celestial Chambers
Progress Report
• The Challenge of Accelerated Chaos in Our World
Humanity’s Rapidly Awakening

Jaredj Rand Bio

After the Webinar we will answer your questions live. Within 48 hours after the live Webinar we will send you a link to a video recording.

Please note new time:

Sunday, May 21, 2:00 to 3:30 p.m. PDT

Please note: If you are unable to attend on Sunday, May 21, you can still register. Within 48 hours, we will send you a link to the Webinar posted (privately) on Rumble. (After posting, the Webinar will be available for 1 week.)

Seats are Limited... Register Now!

To make payment and register: Click Here

Cost: $20.00 U.S.



Source: John Smallman

Love is the only Reality, the only possible Reality.


Humanity’s collective arousing into the actuality of your awakening is accelerating most beautifully, and great delight awaits you all very, very, soon. Ignore and totally discount the drama with which the various media are distracting you, you are all precisely where you are supposed to be, and doing or being precisely what pre-incarnationally you planned to do to mightily assist in the collective awakening process. All is flowing perfectly towards a most magnificent moment of fruition. The Love that you each are, your individual but united energy fields are inundating the energy fields of those who are starting to come to an awareness of their essential need to awaken, and also of those who remain deeply asleep. The time for sleeping is past, and your loving intentions are most effectively nudging and stirring all those who are still in a state of almost total amnesia about their true nature and their life’s purpose as humans in form. Without all of you most willingly undertaking the tasks you so courageously and lovingly chose to embark upon prior to your present incarnations, the progress towards awakening would have been far slower. Thank you all from the depth of my heart, the One Heart of Mother/Father/God, the Heart of All Creation.

There is just ONE infinite Heart, the Heart of Life, of Love, and of each differentiated and individuated being, inseparably United with The One, All That Is in eternal and infinite bliss. Who you each truly are is presently and very temporarily hidden from you solely because, just a moment ago – eons ago – you freely chose to construct and enter into an environment of form where your abilities were, by your own choice, severely limited. This choice was made in order to experience an unreal state – separation from Source – while you imagined yourselves to be autonomous beings, alone and abandoned in an environment where your very existence was constantly threatened, and where you would eventually cease to even be alive because your existence would be terminated by the death of your physical human forms. And yes, your human forms will cease to exist, but, when that happens, you can always choose to create a new one, or return Home and cease playing the game of independence and separation. You are always and eternally FREE to choose the limitations of form or the infinite possibilities that your natural non-physical being enjoys in every moment of its existence in the Presence of and at One with God.

Deep within everyone of you is the intense and infinitely powerful knowing that you are indeed always in the Presence of the One, because no other state is possible. But, in form as humans experiencing the limitations of that state, you have chosen to remain unaware of your true nature. Doing that is part of the adventure or ordeal of undergoing the unreal state of separation. So, yes you know that separation is unreal, has not and never could happen, nevertheless, you have constructed a seemingly extremely real environment of unreality, and within it you experience fear – actually TERROR – and the inevitable pain and suffering to which separation from your all loving Source would lead you.

The terror, of course, was of the idol you invented and called god or some other seemingly appropriate name, an unreal being modeled on the idea of an older, wiser, and far more powerful human type of being to whom you owed total allegiance, and who would judge, condemn, and punish you most viciously if you did not do his bidding and honor him totally. You then started wars to defend him from others who had envisaged a different god whom they honored and defended instead of yours. The madness of this unreal response to life is inconceivable, and yet you embraced it for eons. Now you are finally allowing yourselves to recognize the insanity of this way of living, as more and more of you become aware that there is only Love, and that all that is alive is enveloped in and embraced by this, the only Reality, without even the least possibility of a micro-moment of separation from It.


Those of you now choosing to set the intent to be only loving whatever arises in your lives – and the numbers of you doing this are growing exponentially every day – are finding yourselves increasingly at peace within yourselves as you disengage from the gossip, drama, corruption, and lack of ethical behaviors on which the news media attempt to get you to focus your undivided attention – all of it unreal! That endeavor used to work, but now, as all the media are telling the same story, and others are bringing forth the hidden information about this propaganda that has for a long time been used to control and subdue you, vast numbers of you have come to realize how those you have trusted for so long have been relentlessly misleading and misinforming you in order to control you and give themselves inordinate power over you.

You are now in the process of reclaiming your personal sovereignty, of refusing to bow down to authoritarian attempts to regulate your personal daily lives “for your own good and the good of society!” The deceit has been revealed, and unquestioning endorsement of authoritarian control of your individual freedom will never again succeed. You know that you were created as eternally free divine beings, and that that state has never and can never change. Total personal freedom is your divine right, given to you at the moment of your creation as differentiated aspects of the One with Whom you are united both now, and in every moment of your most glorious and eternal existence.

Love is the only Reality, the only possible Reality, and you are all, without any exceptions whatsoever – including of course those who have been misleading and deceiving you – enveloped most joyfully in that state. Truly you do know and recognize yourselves, without any possibility for doubt, as perpetually at One in the all-embracing Presence of Mother/Father/God.

Mother/Father/God, Source, Love IS Reality, is your eternal and unchanging Home. It is where you reside eternally in infinite and endless peace and joy. Many of you are beginning to encounter a sense of Reality, of your inseparable Oneness with God, more and more frequently as you regularly choose to spend quiet time alone with yourselves by just being. And as the roof-brain chatter subsides or even ceases for a few moments, you begin to feel different, somewhat serene in the quietness of that beingness, and a knowing comes to you that in truth you are never alone, that you really are One with Mother/Father/God. This knowing is why you feel serene, and you know that what you are experiencing is the reality of Love enveloping and embracing you. That knowing will remain with with you when you return to engage with your normal daily human lives, and you will find yourselves much more easily accepting and dealing with your human lives as they unfold for you in every moment.

Spending quiet time alone daily is an absolutely essential requirement for you, because during that time you have the full power of Mother/Father/God embracing and fortifying you as you again set the intent to be only loving whatever may arise for you during the day. You incarnated holding this purpose within you, and you are fulfilling it most beautifully. Do not judge yourselves negatively for the times when you forget to do this. You knew before you incarnated that this was bound to occur, and so you forgave yourselves in advance!

You are all most wonderful beings, perfect divine children of God, splendidly dealing with your lives in form just as you planned. Therefore I offer you the most hearty congratulations on your ongoing accomplishments as you assist so many – far more than you can possibly envision – on their path to awakening.

Your loving brother, Jesus.

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The Intuitive Nutritionista: How to Eat Intuitively

Source: Janet Doerr ~ Beyond 50 Radio

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Evolved Souls on Earth

Source: Marilyn Raffaelle

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Dear readers, welcome to our message.

The underlying reality of oneness automatically prompts most individuals to try and make things better, to change the bad pictures into good ones. This does not mean that you who understand about three dimensional illusion should “walk by on the other side” but means that you must be aware of the universal pull to align with appearances. It will help you stay centered if you give less or no attention to today’s constant bombardment from the media and refrain from engaging in polarized political or religious discussions.

The reason there are so many evolved souls on earth now is that the time has come for earth to evolve beyond the extreme density it has been in for too long. The presence of high resonating energy was needed to break through and dissolve the density of earth’s collective consciousness. You who are presently living the mystical life are those who chose to be on earth where your evolved state of consciousness would automatically add increasingly more of these higher energies.

An evolved consciousness in alignment with truth is capable of witnessing and experiencing third dimensional issues without adding sustaining energy to them. A state of consciousness that knows there is only ONE and that anything other than that ONE is an expression of duality, separation, and two powers is a powerful force for change because one with God is a majority. You who live from a consciousness of truth are Light Warriors even if you think you are doing nothing.

A state of consciousness once attained can never regress back to its previous state and will override the many forms of three dimensional hypnotism simply because it is the reality. Many have tried to go back to a previous time when things seemed easier but always present in the midst of their activities was consciousness saying “hello”. An example; Most of you have had opportunities to steal and perhaps even considered it at times, but you never followed through because honesty which is a facet of oneness, was your state of consciousness.

Some spiritually evolved individuals find it easy to love others but are unable to love themselves. Often when words said or actions taken in the past are seen through more evolved eyes, it brings about shame, guilt, self loathing, and the belief that they are unworthy of love or even of doing spiritual work.

Because of the density and pressures of living in a third dimensional world, most require a few years to consciously awaken into their attained state of consciousness. During these fragile earlier years most become hypnotized by the concepts and beliefs they were taught by parents and society leading them to do and say the very things now causing them guilt and shame.

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Self loathing is present in almost everyone and underlies the prescription and street drug epidemic, violence, lashing out at others, depression, etc. The bottom line of third dimensional energy is; “You will never be good enough.”. Because the state of consciousness of the majority remains three dimensional most simply accept this to be the truth about themselves.

If you experience self loathing, hatred, or guilt when looking back at earlier times in your life remember that the personal human, ego sense of self is a material concept of you. The person you ignorantly believed yourself to be in the past and even now is not the reality. Waking up to this fact is what evolution all about.

Many know this, but fall into the ego trap of needing a sense of punishment for past actions and so continue to think of themselves as “less than”. Forgive the self of the past that made less than loving choices just as you forgive others, make amends when appropriate, and begin to identify with your real Self rather than a false concept of you.

Often an incoming soul will choose to be born into a family with that can activate the energy they have chosen to clear, some belief that they have carried from lifetime to lifetime and are now prepared to move on from. The process often takes years because the particular energy must first be activated, lived, seen through, finally cleared. For example, a person may choose to incarnate into a family fully engaged in the strict religious beliefs of some particular religion in order to reactivate this same long carried energy in themselves. This is particularly true for many who have lived many lives and taken vows in convents, monasteries, ashrams, or rigid organized religions.

In meditation simply rest in a silent awareness of oneness. No need for petitions, imaginings of this and that, or constantly repeating mantras. These things are tools for those not yet used to sitting quietly. Mediation may begin with the contemplation of some truth or asking for more Light but eventually should move into resting in the awareness of being the fullness of Divine Consciousness. Gradually the deeper insights that come in meditation become your state of consciousness where they then manifest outwardly.

Serious students of truth struggle intensely to attain a higher state of consciousness. They practice what they know, meditate, seriously attempt to stay centered in truth at all times and yet continue to have experiences that cause them to redouble their efforts in the belief that they must be doing something wrong. It is important to understand that the transition from one state of consciousness to a higher comes by Grace and not through human effort.

Grace is the activity of the Divine within and when a person is spiritually ready for their next step, it happens. There may be lessons to learn, experiences to have, and clearings to take place before even the very evolved are ready for their next step. Cease struggling to attain some preconceived concept about ascension or a particular state of consciousness because to do so simply illustrates that you believe you are separate from that which you seek.

Miracles of transformation do occasionally happen where a person suddenly and without seeming effort shifts into a new and higher state of consciousness. This occasionally happens when the higher state of consciousness has already been attained but the person is totally unaware of it and when they finally open themselves to truth, the door swings open with a bang.

All seeking, begging, and praying for things simply adds energy to beliefs of separation that originally created and continue to perpetuate the world’s bondage to lack, limitation, suffering, pain, even death. Learn to go within, where everything needed is already fully present. Because…

“My oneness with God constitutes my oneness with all that God is.”

We are the Arcturian Group

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