
Sunday, May 14, 2023

Pleiadian Message: IT WILL BE A WONDERFUL WORLD! * This is the real message! Read this carefully !


This is the real message! Read this carefully ! Share it if you are able .
A message from higher civilizations to humans about health.
We are from higher civilizations and we are particularly focused on human life on Earth. We are ready to share our treatment technologies with you.
We are Pleiadian and we love all of you and we send LOVE to all who read this now!
We’re ready to share with you the technology and wisdom of treatment. We have been helping you for a long time and you can imagine, we are your guardian angels.
On Earth, already at this moment, the best scientists have created, in cooperation with representatives of alien civilizations, a treatment bed.
This is a top secret project. A small group of people know about this. And you won't find commercials about him.
That scalar wave bed can cure all your diseases. All of them with no exception ! It can completely renew your DNA, restore any of your organs, and more. Might even transfer the body to another body
We wish this technology could reach all people. But it requires a raised in people's consciousness. Because right now this healing technology may be unsafe in your society because it can be used for evil purposes.
Help yourself to stand up for YOU EARTH AND PEOPLE AROUND YOU This is how you will accelerate the Earth's transition to higher vibrations. And then humanity will get more technology.
The world is going to change beyond recognition, or rather YOU, will change. There won't be such things on earth now. Fashion,thinking,even appearance will change,you will be able to choose how you want to look,you will be completely healthy,you will be rejuvenated,the system of teaching will change,you all will be there for each other,there will be unity,there will be no fear,there will not be discord for that you will speak to each other. You will feel more animals and plants You will understand how they feel. You will feel more connected to mother earth
A GOLDEN ERA awaits you!
And if you think it will happen sometime, not soon, you are wrong.
The Earth and every human being is in this process NOW.
Look around and you'll notice how much things have changed, look at your interactions with other people, look at the distractions you enjoy but now you don't care anymore. Look at yourself as you were just a few years or even months ago. Can u see the difference There are many, many things you may notice going on. It's the growth of each person PERSONAL. All humans are included, all humans are sent signs, experiences, lessons and so on.
So try to listen to your inner self! Connect with the HIGHER Self and you will become one! Let your heart be your guide! Say a prayer! Meditate !
Here we are going to share what helps your bodies. Everything is on your cellular level. It's all about your blood pH. Must watch and consciously raise your pH levels. Oxidative stress is bad for you
How to raise your blood pH:
• Alkaline Water
• Antioxidants such as: Vitamin C and Glutathione
• Essential oils
• Homeopathic preparations
• Citrus
• Sea Salt
• Be unpaid
• Low wave laser
• Vinegar
• Be in the running water
• Long ultraviolet rays
• Gamma Rays
• Use Himalayan pink salt, which contains 84 micronutrients
• Sunlight
• Non-processed products
• Greens, vegetables with leaves
• Spirulina and so on
• Fresh air
• Wind
• Oceans
• Exercise
• Work or stand on the ground, for grounding
• Baking soda
• Eat low energy products
• Sea salt bath
• Rest in the sun
• Embrace yourselves
• Don’t forget crystals during meditation every day.
Be healthy and happy
With love and light

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