
Friday, March 3, 2023

The month of March is full of mysterious possibilities, with numerous important celestial events occurring,


The month of March is full of mysterious possibilities, with numerous important celestial events occurring, bringing a much needed shift that offers a sense of renewal, rebirth and new beginnings. On March 3 (3:3) an energy portal opens, offering divine interventions, unexpected plot twists, positive energy, good fortune, and opportunities for major growth and transformation. This is a rare and powerful opportunity to shape your destiny by setting clear intentions and taking intentional action to manifest your goals and dreams. A portal is a window for transformation, a period of time when the energetic vibration of the Earth is higher than usual, therefore it's easier to make life-altering transitions. The energy on March 3rd is already magnified due to Venus, Jupiter and Chiron meeting in the sky, an extremely powerful energetic alignment that delivers long-awaited and much-needed change in our personal lives and closest relationships. This is a rare and highly charged alignment that could bring a major shift in our mindset, relationships and finances. Venus represents love, beauty, and harmony, Jupiter represents expansion, growth, and abundance, and Chiron is a small planetoid located in the outer solar system that is associated with healing. When planets align with Chiron, it is believed the energies are amplified, bringing a deeper awareness of our wounds, so we can remove emotional blockages, release old patterns, open up to new opportunities, emotionally heal and spiritually grow. March can be a powerful time for new beginnings, as it marks the transition from one season to the next. The start of a new month is a chance to reflect on the past and let go of anything that is no longer serving. If you would like to read more please click here Thank you Alex Myles

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