
Friday, March 3, 2023

Dissolves into Emptiness’ When you awaken, you will see that there have never been anyone who needed to awaken.


Dissolves into Emptiness’
When you awaken, you will see that there have never been anyone who needed to awaken. What was imagined had cease to exist and along with it, everything just dissolves into emptiness. This emptiness is not nihilistic concept. It is opposite of all the concepts. It is opposite of mind. So, how can it be said to be empty? This emptiness has never appeared to mind and it cannot as long as mind remains.
However, because there is no entity called mind, it is all emptiness. Time and space do not imply here. Something which is beyond mind cannot be actualized by the mind. The quest is to still the mind. It is wrong to fabricate the emptiness with concepts.
Now, think about this; whatever we have been seeing, hearing and thinking are within the sphere of mind only. Mind itself is space and time. Mind itself is the universe. All of these again doesn’t comprise of self-realization. Self realization means, to come to the point beyond time and space that there is no one (no entity) to get self-realization.
~ Deepen
February 4, 2023
Saturday, 9:08 am Via Dear Deepen Sun 💙

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