
Monday, November 28, 2022

PAO Newsletter 11-28-22~Enjoy


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Here is an excerpt from Gori's Journal - Enjoy!

In this excerpt ... Gori describes how much he enjoys dancing.

Yeman took me onto the ballroom floor and began to teach me some steps that reminded me of the Sem'ang tribal dances. I caught on quickly and was able to start leading in less than ten minutes of instruction. I spent the rest of the party dancing with the wives of various dignitaries after Attuk or Yeman had introduced me to them. By the end of the evening, I was the life of the party. I had not had so much fun in quite a long time! Part of my fun had involved teaching the band various Cern-Lam songs, and playing dance instructor to the honored guests. It was nearly morning before the party ended.

We decided to convert Gori’s journal into an e-book and are delighted to be able to share it with our PAO community.

How many of us ever have the chance to read a book about space that is not science fiction?

We invite you to enjoy this unique journal. It is a treasure that cannot be hidden any longer!

To order your copy: Click here

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Moving from 3D to 5D: A 3 Step User’s Guide

Source: Jennifer Crokaert


We have been programmed to doubt ourselves, and that is never clearer than on the spiritual path. Am I doing ok? Am I worthy? What do I need to heal next? How am I such an awful person? Why am I not more….? Why don’t I experience what … experiences? Am I meditating right? Is anyone even out there….?

Our 3D minds are amazing instruments when the help us create plans and follow through on our 5D visions and dreams. That is when the horse is pulling the cart. When the mind is planning, organising, fearing, replanning in an endless cycle that recreates what you already are, have and do… That’s the cart pulling the horse.

So, in order to move from the 3D to the 5D, we have to learn a completely new operating system. What worked in 3D will sabotage you in 5D: it’s like using a hammer to fix an electonic device. They aren’t compatible.

The 3D functions on image, power, security… that last one is the worst. Security keeps us in our hamster wheels, never looking up as we run exhaustedly through our daily To Do list. Sleep. Repeat.

The 5D is lead by the soul. The soul never shouts, it whispers; that’s why it’s so hard to hear, but it’s not impossible. It has some very clear signs it uses to guide us.


Social programming squashes out our creativity. Twelve years sitting in silence in classroom rows wearing gray clothes will do that: by design. Because it blocks our connection to our soul, our creativity, it deprogrammes us out of the 5D. When we are creative, we follow our intuition, we explore, we express, we expand. Those are all 5D traits, not 3D traits

By exploring any creative endeavour for the experience of it, we ground ourselves more firmly in the 5D. We expand into our authentic selves. But be aware! The moment we’re trying to ‘perfect’ or ‘beat’ someone, we are lowering the expression from 5D to 3D. Creativity can be about improvement and refining our skills, but as an expression of us, not to prove something to the outside world, or our inner critic.

Now, all that being said, it’s infinitely better to muck around in creativity than to wait until we healed all our shortcomings! Get out there! Let’s become more US!


Excitement and joy

Follow the ‘feel good’. This will run against everything you have been trained to do, specifically because the entire system has been set up to keep us in slavery. Understanding that one fact can give us a little more courage when considering making choices that seem to go against 3D rational.

In the previous post, the Divine Mother said we have to be willing to lose our reputations, the false identity or character we played to get by in the world. We are invited to be truthful about who we are, what we value, how we want to live. There is an energy to that integrity and authenticity that holds moral power. Not power over others, but power to honour ourselves, to free ourselves, to make our own choices. I’m not saying that’s easy, I struggle with it, but I also try. And that matters, turning up, trying…


Our universe is alive. It is intelligent. It is constantly communicating with us.

I remember feeling paralysed from action for two weeks in my twenties because I experienced a massive insight that showed me how my actions impacts on Everything else. Everything is interrelated. There are no coincidences.

Synchronicity is the universe speaking back to you. We act. The Universe responds. We can’t force a response, or act with the desire to get a response. We are asked to act because it is our truth, and then to trust.

I once decided to move city, leave my job and everyone I knew, because I wanted to study a particular branch of counselling: psychosynthesis. As I was giving my notice to my boss, my phone rang with a job offer in the building where the course was taught, all through word of mouth: synchronicity. Now it wasn’t a great job and I decided to leave the course after finishing the first year, because I had got what I needed. But it was the clearest proof I had that the universe sees me. It’s got me. Even if it’s not always as well timed as it was on that occasion!

I know all of this is old hat to most of you reading, and perhaps I’m writing this for myself as much as for anyone else, because my life is going through tectonic shifts at the moment. Almost everything in my life that was stable is gone; there’s no where to focus. I feel like Dorothy going through the whirlwind, hanging on to Toto. I write this to remind myself of the basics, when life shifts. Let me know below if your life is taking those massive shifts as well – we can tumble together!

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Committed to Love 24/7

Source: Nicky Hamid

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What is 5D (the 5th Dimension)?

I have not come across anyone who has defined “5D” adequately though it is bandied about by so many. I am not innocent of this but when I use it I am NOT pointing to a place. I am pointing to a State of Being where PURE LOVE is the constant background of all experience and fear, grief and attachments are not at all present.

It is NOT an identity, a badge we wear or define that sets us apart from anyone else.

It is a state of BEING in which LOVE and LIGHT is behind, above, beyond, within and without Everything.

Can You be Totally Committed to LOVE?

There are no half measures you either commit yourself to becoming LOVE 24/7 or you don't yet. And there is no judgement of less or inferior here for we are all points of Light within the Mind of God (Source).And if you have jumped then you have accepted that you are multidimensional and that what you see about you with one eye is the breaking up and disintegration of the human version of 3D. (Note: I say "version" and not "removal" or "disappearance").And you cannot take your baggage with you. Fear does not exist in LOVE Beingness (5D). And thus the shit has hit the fan for everyone. No one is immune not you nor I.

So you are being given the choice, daily, no hourly, no every second, every choose Love or continue to play with a 1001 distractions that bind you to the old version of 3D.

(Note: I say "version" and not "removal" or "disappearance" ).

Becoming Rich in the Possibilities of Life

If it is true that you are dropping all the identities that have defined you (as separated self) and limited your knowing of who you are, it is likely that you are also finding that there is no name, or group, or role or any other aspect of personality that strictly defines you. And if you are finding more and more place in the ‘no-thing-ness”, the void, the space between, the Divine neutrality of you, then you will be discovering that you can be anything you like.You are in fact Infinite Possibility, unlimited things you can imagine, Infinite opportunities to Know and an Infinity of experiences and aspects of Self.You Now become rich with Possibilities and without the preconceived notions of what you “should” be, everything is fresh, new and with an increasing depth and dimensions that were always possible and can be experienced because nothing is closed to you any more.

You Become the Change You Have Always Sought

And the magic is that as this happens for you others can no longer put you in a “box” and be in your Presence, or even ‘see’ you. because you no longer present anything to cling on to. You may even notice that people will look through you as if you are not even there, because you no longer exist in the reality that they are holding at that time. And so to stay in their company, as it were, a new version of them (5D and higher) has to turn up.

WE have no more time for ‘shams” because WE make no room for them in our living frequency space. And yet WE Love each and every one without any need for them to be other than they see themselves, because as We are All Infinite Possibility, they too are making their own unique and fantastically imagined journey back to Self.

I So Love You


Are You Cursed? with Jan Engels-Smith

Source: Regina Meredith

No doubt there have been times in your life when you’ve felt cursed, nothing is going right. Perhaps there is even a theme of roadblocks to attaining certain experiences or things in life. According to Jan Engel-Smith, these challenges are often the effect of curses playing out. What is a curse? It can be malevolent, backed with intense intention, or it can be something as ubiquitous as adages that play out in families or society such as “Money doesn’t grow on trees” that can lead to lack, feelings of insufficiency or anxiety. Curses were also common in past lives where ritual may have been involved to deepen the lasting effect. In today’s divided world, some of our judgmental and darker thoughts may be carrying much more weight than we are aware of, but, while the energy of curses and spells doesn’t go away, it CAN be undone or transformed. Enjoy!

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