
Monday, November 28, 2022

Everything COMES to us NOW! All WE Need to Do is to have FAITH in our SELVES


Everything COMES to us NOW!
All WE Need to Do is to have FAITH in our SELVES and in the Laws of GOD-SOURCE.
WE will BE Shown a Way Out of any unfortunate situation. . .
and WE will BEcome more and more Capable of Mastering difficulties that this TIME Presents us with.
WE NOW Receive the Direct Support from The DIVINE SOURCE – The SOURCE of ALL BEing.
The DIVINE SOURCE interferes when WE Are powerless. . . The DIVINE SOURCE Protects us when WE Need Protection. . .
and it is The DIVINE SOURCE that Shows us the Way When the PATH is No longer visible to us.
WE Allow our INNER Guidance. . . Allow our INNER Movement in the Right Direction.
Through The DIVINE SOURCE. . . WE identify Stop Signs just as Clearly as WE identify pointers towards the CLEAR PATH.
Our Lives BEcomes Simple and Beautiful.
The ONLY Secret to a Fulfilled LIFE lies in our intimate Connection and Communication with The DIVINE SOURCE – with GOD-SOURCE.
The Closer WE Are to DIVINE SOURCE. . . the Farther Away Are Problems and Difficulties.
WE NO Longer worry unnecessarily when WE Know that at a certain point DIVINE SOURCE Takes Over. . .
and WE NO Longer hold on to our fears when WE Are Carried by the Certainty of The DIVINE SOURCE Protection.
Current outer events demand of us to REVIVE our Inner Connection with The DIVINE SOURCE. . . to ACTIVATE it – and to KEEP trying until WE Are Able to Establish a Vivid Communication.
On the outside. . . everything seems upside down. . . turned 180 degrees. . . so that there are NO more focal points for our Psyche.
On the outside. . . WE can NO longer find our grip BEcause the reversal creates confusion and chaos.
It is our HEART and our SOUL that Need to BE put to use if WE want to find our way through the thicket of various kinds of radiation, opinions and manipulations.
ONLY our Heart can TRULY See! Thus. . . it is TIME to FREE our Hearts from Everything that bothers it.
DIVINE SOURCE is the Center of ALL LIFE.
Is DIVINE SOURCE the Center of your LIFE. . . too?
Photo: Sacred Geometry Appearing in the Sky - New Electromagnetism in the Field Now Happening in Pairs just like the Center of our Galaxy the Pull & Push Energies. . . via Eric Hathors

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