
Tuesday, October 4, 2022



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Did you miss Saturday’s Galactic Activation Webinar? It was a Great one!

Dear Colleen and Miles, Ismael's information was so pure. Thank you for all the people you interview. Have Ismael back, please. JaneW

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We at PAO are honored to welcome a new and very special guest to our Webinar.

Ismael Perez is an awakened starseed who retains memories of a war waged in our galaxy eons ago. For many years he has been receiving galactic and cosmic intelligence. Inevitably, Ismael’s messages remind us of those Sheldan received from the Galactic Federation.

As one of many cosmic ambassadors incarnated in the here and now, his mission is to help restore Gaia to her rightful place in the galactic community. He is the author of a recent book, Our Cosmic Origin, which took him ten years to write.

Ismael answers many of our urgent questions about Gaia's PAST, PRESENT and, especially, our FUTURE.

Subjects to be discussed:

• About Ismael
How he became a cosmic ambassador
• Our Cosmic Past
Earth's History and Our Human Origins
Where we come from and why we are still in 3D
• Our Cosmic Present
A cosmic take on our chaotic world
Exploring solutions for improving our existing system
• Our Cosmic Future
An explanation of how and when we will evolve
to a higher level of consciousness

To order your Galactic Activation Webinar Q&A-54 Archive: Click Here

Price: $13.95 U.S

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Everything is about to Change

Source: Nicholas Veniamin

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Ismael Perez & Catherine Edwards #8: Where are We Now & Avoiding Fear WITH MEDITATION AT END

Source: Catherine Edwards

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Our Star Family - On Making Friends with Our Extended Family

Source: Nicky Hamid

My Source: GoldenAgeofGaia


On Making Friends with Our Extended Family

Have you tried having our star brothers and sisters come to visit you, inviting them into your life? Glynne and I have had frequent visitors just like having a friend in for tea sometimes. They do not come “physically”.

They are quite willing to come, if they are invited, and as telepathic friends, and light frequency Presences at this time.

Why not build your relationship to them and become familiar with each other. When you think about it, knowing and feeling them telepathically will mean that you will recognize them in your heart when the time comes to shake their hands or give them a hug.

Believe what you feel and it becomes Knowing with your growing confidence in yourself. Some think that they can only feel the energy and are not able as yet to recognize individuals.

Contact (communication and Presence) is about the meeting of frequencies.

Raise yours and drop the need to protect yourself from them and they will ‘come’. Their ‘mandate is to be invited and to promote love based communication. It is difficult to recognize individuals because it is not about individuals.

If you can imagine, their consciousness is one of Unity (like ours is becoming) and so why would it be important to them to be identified as individuals, and maybe they find it difficult to experience why it should be so important to us.

We have experience extreme separation and though our “star” friends know this and honor us for it, they cannot know the fullness of the experience we know.

I know none of my visitors by name nor does that matter to me, but I recognize (feel) the Presence and the signature of a couple of very “close friends” very easily now. We are developing a knowing relationship and they Grace my life.

And so it is all about you and your exploration and comfort and knowing in feeling.

Isn’t this what it is all about in life on this amazing planet anyway with regards to others?

Why would it be any different amongst the stars.

Shine On Beloved Family

I So Love You

PS And why not start a Journal and have a conversation with them just before you go to sleep.

If you trust and do not doubt yourself you will be surprise and delighted at what can ensue.

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