
Tuesday, October 4, 2022

GESARA PERMANENT GOLDEN AGE PART 7 Q said, "Much will be disclosed this week.


Q said, "Much will be disclosed this week. Treason doesn't pay well in the end."
On Oct. 3, there were reports that some US banks were not allowing customers to withdraw cash from their accts.
In India banks are closed for till Nov. 3.
Charlie Ward, head of the Global Redemption Committee said, "We are seeing the complete collapse of the US Dollar, the Euro, Blackrock and Vanguard have both declared bankruptcy. Banks are collapsing, NWO and WEF are collapsing."
The Khazarian Mafia-owned US Inc. failed to make its Sept. 30 payment deadline, so its Federal Reserve Board called a secret emergency meeting on Oct. 3 am. See
See "Shoot to kill orders issued for Khazarian Mafia bosses at
See Biden Admin. NSA official arrested by FBI after huge discovery at
Credit Suisse and Deutsche Bank are tanking at
See Trump sues CNN for $475M for defamation at
EA Military is shutting down FEMA.
The Rockefeller DS plan to take over USSF via infiltration was stopped.
Back channels from Russia, China and EA removed head of the USSF and put Air Force Gen. Anthony Cotton to lead Statcom, which oversees US nuclear arsenals.
As the New commanders in USSF take Their place, the failed DS ops inside the Pentagon has the DS panicing as it's becoming imminently obvious there will be an EA Military coup within the current DS military coup.
Red Oct. is a very important month leading into Nov. on Fire.
All that is happening is being recorded with USSF real Ops from Cheyenne Mtn. military base.
Trump is filing lawsuits against most msm over the next weeks.
Eugene Yu, CEO of Konnech Inc. has been arrested by the LA County District Atty. with assistance from the Meridian Township Police Dept. on suspicion of theft of election workers identifying info. District Atty. investigators found that in contradiction to the contract, info. was stored on servers in the Peoples's Republic of China. This is big!
Elon Musk just closed the Twitter deal and took it over.
NYT on Oct. 4 said, "US National debt topped $31 trillion for the first time."

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