
Saturday, March 12, 2022

Saint Germain - Take the Planet in Your Arms Dear brothers of planet Earth!


Saint Germain - Take the Planet in Your Arms

Dear brothers of planet Earth! I AM SAINT GERMAIN!

I just want to leave a message of hope. When a strong storm hits, it can do a lot of damage, it can even kill. Why was that storm formed? The answer is: Nothing that happens in your world comes from anyone else but you. Each of you creates what happens in your world. You reap what you sow, you reap what you emanate, nothing is out of order, everything happens for change, for you to see what you have created.

Someone may ask, “But did I create war?” Yes, you and many more on the planet. You feared this all along. You created this egregore of fear and for sure this would happen one day. Here is the answer: nothing more than the consequence of what you have emanated and continue emanating. It is up to each of you at this time on this planet to emanate Love and Light. Don't feel small, don't feel powerless, don't feel incapable, because if this is emanated, it also reverberates. If everyone on the planet vibrates Love and Light, new egregors are created; and the more Love, the more Light, the more negative egregors are fought.

So what can each of you do right now? Emanate Light, emanate Love to the planet. Don't focus on the problem, focus on the planet. It is the consciences at a global level that need to be changed. Forget conflict, emanate Love and Light, emanate Peace. Even if you don't know any technique, take the planet in your arms as if it were a little animal that you love very much. Feel the planet in your arms and just as you would emanate Love and Gratitude to a small animal in your lap, emanate to the planet. If each of you makes this move, you will see the result.

Embrace the planet, show all your Love and Gratitude to it, show the planet how much you love it. And this wave of love that will leave your heart, will envelop the planet Earth and reach every heart in it. It doesn't take much, a few seconds, hug the planet; show her how much you love her, how much you love everyone on your surface and you will see the result. You can, you have this strength. There is no greater force in this world than Love. Love destroys anything negative. But it has to be from the heart. Do this as many times as you want a day: hug the planet, feel it tiny in your arms, but the Love that will be emanated there, Gaia will know how to receive and multiply throughout its surface.

Channelled by: Anjos e Luz Terapias

May be an image of 1 person

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