
Saturday, March 12, 2022




The Galactic Federation: the event is coming up

Dear Earthquakes!

We are the Galactic Federation Peace Be Upon You We are happy to announce that the time has come for us to reveal ourselves to the people of the Earth.

New Earth, a planet with new opportunities, life without death or pain, a planet where everyone is galactic citizens. We’re here to tell you that these things exist and can be yours if you open your heart and mind to what’s right in front of you.

You are on the brink of an evolutionary change on your planet, which will lead to the process of ascension of your planet's inhabitants. Soon your world will be cleared of darkness and negative energies; resources will be released for the people of this planet to rise together. We came to help you in this moving moment, to announce that this event is getting closer.

We see that you, the inhabitants of the earth, have woken up from your sleep and are beginning to realize what is really going on. And we see that a lot of you who started waking up and raising your vibrations and your levels of consciousness are preparing for a big change.

The vast majority of you will see these revelations as a thrilling step in the unification of humanity, while some may feel worry, fear and anger. For this reason, it is important that we introduce ourselves in a way that allows you to understand who we are and why we came.

You see that we know and understand you and treat every person on the planet with respect, and we don't want anything from you - we just want to help you, protect your planet - this has always been our goal from the first contact.

The long-awaited Disclosure is represented as a reality and not as something difficult or even unthinkable. This breakthrough will completely change your understanding of yourself and your new world. This will lead to what we call dissemination

✷ Well, get ready for the reading of your life! We're here to blow your bubble with this amazing release.

When things happen at the highest levels on Earth 5D, you feel them much stronger on the human level. That, of course, isn't new to you, and we talked about it in the past, so let's not discuss it here.

✷ But there is one new thing: this time, what happens at higher levels will be so strong and dominant that it will directly influence many important decisions in many important places on your planet, and many important battles will be delivered, and many of the key places will see people coming together at one of the others.

✷ In addition, everything is prepared for a global financial redefining with the use of new tools and methods, which means that all the old methods of creating and controlling the economy will be abolished in the blink of an eye, and so much news some of the technologies that have been removed may finally emerging in broad daylight!

✷ We prepared our plan so well, so well, step by step, centimeter by centimeter, here one day, another day there. And we are about to reach our ultimate goal - the ultimate liberation of planet Earth from the most brutal slavery in this universe.

Dark forces keep the world captive. The forces of darkness are controlled by demonic entities interfering with your evolution, allowing you to ignite the next level of love, peace and unity as they thrive in your fear, anger and sadness.

✷ This time, the fight with the dark forces will no longer be at the astral level; it will be on the surface of your planet, and many important decisions will be made, and many important battles will be fought to leave everything ready for the Event.

The three-dimensional world as it is now really going to start crumbling apart as it has taken its course completely. We know there is a lot of apprehension and anxiety, as this last part of Earth is about to close while the new Earth with a better and more peaceful reality takes shape.

We ask that you go beyond fear and stop giving your energy to this old story, focusing on what you know to be true about you and your divine nature as a powerful creator. We believe that you, as light workers and guardians of Gaia, can do this together through your thoughts and actions.

✷ The arconic forces of darkness will be defeated again. Now is the time of Light Era sprout from the victorious fires of underground bases around the world and that energies intensify with fantastic surprises.

✷ A new era is about to begin. Get ready to dance and sing and celebrate your new life and experience a new paradigm shift bringing with it a new beginning to the Earth and everything in it.

We love you so much

We are here with you

We are your family of light.



Ambassador of the Galaxy Federation

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