
Thursday, February 3, 2022

Walnut Consciousness


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Over the past several years PAO has produced 10 Best of Sheldan Nidle Webinar Bundles

As you listen to the Best of Sheldan's Webinars, you will realize the scope and intelligence of his knowledge, and the accuracy with which he foresaw what was to come. These Webinars bear witness to the Galactic Federation’s profound influence on our lives. They testify, moreover, to the force of our "Great Awakening", which will change universal life forever and light our path towards a full consciousness beyond our wildest imaginings.

All 10 of these astounding collections are now available on our website!

Three single Webinar archives would normally cost you $41.85.

For $24.95 you will receive a bundle of 3 Webinars - a 40% savings.

To choose and order your Best of Webinar bundles: Click Here


For fun... Squirrels are amazing!

Backyard Squirrel Maze ~ The Walnut Heist

Source: Mark Rober

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A Quick note to say Thank You for helping us meet our rock bottom goal for January. Yes, we remain afloat for another month. ZaZuMa!

Donate 114


Source: Gigi Young


One of the questions that I get quite often is: what is the point of this ‘starseed business’ why bother? These concepts are so abstract how does it fit into our daily lives. How does considering ET consciousness or star guides help me take out the garbage or organize my office?

The answer is, it doesn’t. It doesn’t directly help you with the mundane aspects of our lives and it isn’t supposed to. The reality is that we have become entangled too deeply in the material world to the point that in order to feel safe we need our spiritual aspects to directly fit into the rules of the material plane. This is ridiculous. Our spirit, and subtle bodies, have their own laws and complimentary presence in our lives. They are not matter but over time lead into the creation of matter. We must honour the reality of our subtle bodies for what they have to offer us, for what they create in our lives individually. This allows us to live as a whole being rather than half of one, or, rather, a being entrenched so deeply in material sickness that they only have access to half of themselves.

This means that we must come to recognize that spiritual phenomenon doesn’t make sense, it is not about it making sense and it never has been. Spirit will always serve Man as the Mystery, and that Mystery will shape us into the highest version of ourselves. Spiritual presence and the work that surrounds it is about transformation – human grace. It is not about knowing, it is not about control, it is not about “what can this concept do for me.” The human spirit is bigger it leads by mind only at the very last stage and by the heart and higher self in its raw form.

Now, what in particular can happen when we begin to tune in cosmically? When we begin to consider that patterns of other spheres, of other life. Life that takes on a different archetypal relationship with our sun than our own? We learn about ourselves in a deeper capacity then we could ever imagine. We learn about our consciousness more removed from the limitations of the singular forms of life we have here. We see how the universe moves in other shades of light and that helps us understand ourselves much deeper. Just as when we go to another country we are inspired and appreciative, or even disgusted, at the new strange things we see.It is these larger experiences that actually allow us to define our whole, our idea about our Earth.

Further, this level of consciousness, by its high and fast vibration alone, lifts and activates the population. Cosmic ability is a finer tuning of ones intuitive capacity, these efforts go into the collective and contribute to the healing and awakening of the planet. Finally, cosmic intuition is really the ability to remember who we are. To get a large scale sense of our lives on this planet, and within other spheres, over time. This timeless state is imperative to releasing deep wounds that time divides and confuses through the cosmic perspective we finally getting a real sense of our soul!

For even more insight watch:

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