
Thursday, February 3, 2022

The Atomic Accelerator/Ascension Chair A Tool for Creating a Chalice of Light~


The Atomic Accelerator/Ascension Chair A Tool for Creating a Chalice of Light~ ❤

Greetings, beloveds, this is Adama with Master Saint Germain. I would like to talk to you about the atomic accelerator that many of you already know as the Ascension chair used on the inner planes for several purposes. There are many of you who have studied the teachings of the former dispensations with Saint Germain, where this concept has been mentioned several times, but may not be fully understood. Allow us to give you now a greater understanding of this wondrous tool, beloved ones, so that you can use it to assist yourselves and others on your pathway to Ascension.

As I speak, the energy of Master Saint Germain is here with me, and it is both of us collectively now speaking to you, unifying our energies as one. In the light realms, there is such a unity of consciousness that we can blend our energies and thoughts easily; we enjoy this very much.

The atomic accelerator, or the Ascension chair, is a gift to the Earth and to humanity from the heart of beloved Master Saint Germain. It is a tool to assist the raising of vibration of a candidate for Ascension. It contains the frequencies of the pure white Light of the Ascension Flame. It can also be used to raise one's vibration gradually and gently. When the dial is turned on full force, it will literally lift someone into the vibration of the electronic body for full, instant and permanent Ascension into the light realm, and fifth dimensional consciousness.

In the past and now, many candidates on the inner planes, when ready for their earthly graduation, have received their full and majestic Ascension ceremony in the Light Realm, honored and supported by a large gathering of masters and beings from many dimensions, by sitting on one of these chairs. When the button is turned on full force, all energies remaining in the records of the candidate less than pure Light and pure Love are dissolved in the intensity of the Ascension frequency. The candidate is instantly transformed and reconnected with the fullness of their Divine Essence, with all spiritual gifts and attributes restored.

This is the true and permanent ceremony of divine union, beloveds! This is the great alchemical marriage with Self that so many of you are longing for. Although this is not the only way one can make their Ascension—there are indeed several other options—this is the one most commonly used now.

In order for one to receive this gift, one must definitely be spiritually ready at all levels, or the results could be disastrous. You can trust that none of us would ever offer to do this with anyone who has not yet attained the full level of initiations required to receive such a blessing. There are a few of these chairs on this planet kept in various spiritual, fifth dimensional retreats of the Great White Brotherhood. We have one in Telos and Saint Germain has one at his retreat at Jackson Peak in Wyoming. There is also one in the Himalayas and in a few other retreats.

( To Be continued from The Seven Sacred Flames by Aurelia) ❤

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