
Monday, November 8, 2021

The type of love we will have after the ascension


We Are The Almighty'Sons & Daughters as is Our Love thru Grace & Our Intention to Live & Share Our Loveach Time We Choose To..

In The Higher Dimensions there is No Choice SO Rise Up Lovingly


The type of love we will have after the ascension

Archangel Michael:

This love banishes all negativity. In the field of this love, negativity can’t enter. It transforms the space of negativity, rather than the space shutting down when negativity arises, as with ordinary love. This is why I call it “transformative.”

Everything begins, persists, and disappears in this form of love.

In the space of it, we wouldn’t tolerate the inequitable distribution of wealth, homelessness, or a lack of medical care.

Divine Mother:

“Ascension is a complete redefinition of what it means to be human. It is the complete surrender and abolition, elimination of the old Third Dimension, because love does not exist in that environment, not the love that I speak of this night.”

“Not the love that I speak of this night.”

Be aware that it’s very difficult to put such a thing as higher-dimensional … let me call it, “transformative” … love into words. If you’re expecting someone to describe it in the way we describe ordinary things, well, I’m not sure how they’d do that.

Mike Quinsey said:

“Eternal life comes through the Supreme Creator and is accompanied by the most exotic form of love that you cannot imagine.”

Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild:


Divine Mother:

“Think of it as a rule of thumb that the percentage, the element, the experience of my love is but a small percentage or quotient of my essence.”

“My being is bigger than you can fathom, dear one. … It is simply larger than any of you can imagine, particularly at this point.”

Author: Steve Beckow

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