
Monday, November 8, 2021

Powerful FORCES are Entering our planet this month


Powerful FORCES are Entering our planet this month Supporting All our Awakened Communities throughout Earth.

The Sacred Vortexes. . . Sites and Portals are holding Vibrational Mirrors of a HIGHER Consciousness Frequency.

They will continue to Hold these Reflections as they Build in Momentum and Birth throughout the planet.

These Frequencies will Evolve into a Sacred Crescendo of Brilliant LIGHT Consciousness at the time of the SPLIT. . . at the Juncture of NEW YEAR.

We BEcome ONE Within the LIGHT Consciousness of God SOURCE at that Moment.

We take our unique places within the Sacred Redefinition of Earth’s Magnetic LIGHT as these SHIFTS within the SPLIT occur.

These Alternate Reality. . . Multi-Dimensional Frequencies Forge Open a Blessed Environment. . . an Alternative Experience for us to Enliven our SELVES.

Remember WE Are NOT Separate from these Spaces of LIGHT. . . which are Re-Emerging.

WE have NEVER been Separate. This is a Returning. . . Reunion to Sacred Components of our HIGHER SELVES.

We can call our Galactic Families forward at any time for ENERGETIC Adjustments as We go through a series of intense Realignments over these next months.

Within Sacred LOVE of ONE and in Service

Pars Kutay

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